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[Amendment] Sand Blast Countermeasures


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Sand blast has little counterplay and is typically not fun for any parties involved in combat. This amendment does not make the base power of the spell weaker but weakens the all-encompassing nature of the spell as a complete and instant disable.




Sand Blasts - A simple application of earth evocation to evoke sand for combative purposes, typically being the first spell taught to budding Earth Evocationists. It may be performed in [2] emotes [1 connect + 1 cast]. Should it be directed towards a target’s face, they will be temporarily blinded for up to [2] emotes afterwards, making it excellent for a quick escape or distraction.



- Sand Blasts have a maximum range of twenty meters, travelling at arrow-speed at most. 

- Sand Blasts have no force and are simply a small ball or blast of loose, granulated sand. They may not cut, burn, or bruise targets.

- Blindness is not total blindness, and merely causes one’s eyes pain, forcing them to clench them shut. This does not cause permanent damage to the eyes, such as scratching them. 






Sand Blasts - A simple application of earth evocation to evoke sand for combative purposes, typically being the first spell taught to budding Earth Evocationists. It may be performed in [2] emotes [1 connect + 1 cast]. Should it be directed towards a target’s face, they will be temporarily blinded for up to [2] emotes afterwards, making it excellent for a quick escape or distraction.


- Sand Blasts have a maximum range of twenty meters, travelling at arrow-speed at most. 

- Sand Blasts have no force and are simply a small ball or blast of loose, granulated sand. They may not cut, burn, or bruise targets.

- Blindness is not total blindness, and merely causes one’s eyes pain, forcing them to clench them shut. This does not cause permanent damage to the eyes, such as scratching them. 

- If the target indicates that they are protecting their face from an oncoming Sand Blast in their emote, using their hand, arm, or some other accessory, the blind effect will be avoided. This emote must have been done in preparation, not after the casting emote.  Doing such a thing would not inhibit concentration in any way nor prevent the enemy from attacking simultaneously, within reason.

- Targets which wear a mask or goggles which cover the eyes are immune to the blinding effect of Sand Blasts. A helmet does not count unless it covers the face completely, including the eyes.



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So the redline #2 is a common sense effect. Likewise it can't blind creatures using different methods of sights etc. The new redline #1 I do like- Albeit there is little tell that the next spell is sand blast due to the 1 cast emote after connection. tbh I like it, clarifications are always a plus in my book and the 1'st counter measure is very fair, altho Sand Blast was a S+ Tier spell prior, it kinda keeps that spot post 'nerf' from this amendment. 

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44 minutes ago, Samler said:

So the redline #2 is a common sense effect. Likewise it can't blind creatures using different methods of sights etc. The new redline #1 I do like- Albeit there is little tell that the next spell is sand blast due to the 1 cast emote after connection. tbh I like it, clarifications are always a plus in my book and the 1'st counter measure is very fair, altho Sand Blast was a S+ Tier spell prior, it kinda keeps that spot post 'nerf' from this amendment. 


For the second redline I just wanted to clarify the line at which blinding is no longer possible so it isn't argued every single time.

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Arguably both of those things should already be possible, so it's like a 'don't powergame' redline.


I'm personally in favor of dropping the spells range back down, since it was originally hampered by being relatively close range. 

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1 hour ago, ClassyDryad said:

Arguably both of those things should already be possible, so it's like a 'don't powergame' redline.


I'm personally in favor of dropping the spells range back down, since it was originally hampered by being relatively close range. 


The problem is the spell reads 'Should it be directed towards a target’s face, they will be temporarily blinded for up to [2] emotes afterwards' meaning that as written this spell always works. Obviously you can't apply it to the largest leaps of logic (such as things whose eyes couldn't possibly be sand-blinded or Seers who don't require their eyes to see) but with many spells seeming to have their spell-effect resolved 'instantaneously' and lacking counterplay, an instant-disable spell like this is really tough and needs much more clarification than is in the lore.

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Amendments/Additions implemented into main lore post. Thank you for your submission. Moving to correct subforum to prevent redundancy and clutter.

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