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The Coconut Trials

Sir Trooper

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The Coconut Trials



The sun shone brightly over The Commonwealth of Petra, creating a serene atmosphere. However, Captain Pharon Adiler was preoccupied with a curious thought - could a swallow transport a coconut? Seeking answers, Pharon sought out the help of Andre, who he found inside the Riverguard keep. After a brief discussion regarding air speed velocity and other related topics, they concluded that experiments were necessary to uncover the truth.


Pharon attempted the experiment the following month but found it nearly impossible to get swallows to cooperate. He eventually returned to Andre for assistance.


After further discussion, they agreed to use persuasive tactics to make the birds listen. So as one does, The Captain kidnapped an entire family of swallows and tied all of them up except for one. This particular swallow, named "The Lifter," was presented with a decision: abandon its family and gain freedom, or comply with Pharon.


The swallow made the correct decision and cooperated, but it took Pharon three attempts to secure it to the coconut. During the experiment, several people came to observe, including Konstantin von Theonus, Artel von Theonus, and Pelym-Vagil Rivers. The three of them then closely observed the experiment.


The onlookers were either puzzled or deeply intrigued as the crucial moment arrived. Pharon endeavored to make the bird take off, and it turned out to be a simple feat. However, as the bird began to fly, the weight of the coconut swiftly brought it to a halt.


Pharon was very upset when he realized all his efforts had gone to waste. However, being an elf of his word, he released all of the swallows.


And with that, it would seem Pharon had an answer to the age-old question of whether a swallow can carry a coconut. But, that may not be the case. Further experiments may need to be conducted to complete The Coconut Trials.




Edited by Sir Trooper
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