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Song of Pamphilos on The Bridge

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"Dear friends, be men now. Put courage into your hearts, and act honorable in the sight of your comrades in battle.

When men act with honor, more are saved than are killed, but when they take flight, there is neither glory nor refuge."


-The Son of Halkyone, when addressing The Great Horde.





The day before them was already long, for the song of battle had been sung by lads and broddas alike, but long before then, had the son of Halkyone already gathered his spear and shield, to sharpen and polish respectively. In the time he had been spending there, around the Hyptos villa, it was Fair Haelun'or which had sung the call to war, and already had they mustered lines and lines of beautiful citizen soldiers, in panoplies of sacred silver. Indeed, this was to be a campaigning season, much like the last, which had seen victories in the east and the west. It was clear to him, the son of beautiful Iphigenia, what must next be done, for in the end, it would be by his wile and spike that once more, would he secure the togetherness of the great Pure Peoples.


Depiction of The Silver Shields, Larihei's own personal warband, before the silver exodus from the father's kingdom.




And indeed, togetherness would come! Though it took feasts, and song, and dance, and a direct battle-challenge against the biggest brudda there at the time, the Anax of Sulianpoli, that tanned sailor had managed to once more secure a noble alliance, for it was the words of wine and honey, that of glory and battle alongside the FIRST of the pure peoples to form the blessed Horde. That which had brought about so much power in the times before. For indeed, who was it that first came to the aid of the Pure Peoples, if not the brothers of the Holy Land, Krugmenistan itself! Upon laying low the champion of the broddas flat, all were eager to hear of the war to come, and the battle to be had. Those few who dissented to the idea, silenced when challenged by that wrestling mali'thilln! And so, the position was set, for when Larihei's servants came before the kruggers, they had already sought to see The Horde united for another great campaign. After all, they had known. It WAS the armies of Haelun'or, of silver and bronze, which had brought them the sought-after destruction of Elysium. It was Pamphilos who had brought them together, for that first great horde.




Depiction of Lady Luthriel, most loyal to Larihei, in the maiden's most traditional panoply




Indeed, how can it be unknown? That the might of the pure peoples is unmatched. In that time before, great Haelun'or had been betrayed. The shadowy sorority, the blasted Cabal which had sought to usurp the government, had sought to hand off the sacred cihi to the usurper princess, and her following of Fennitians and dragonmen. When all other nations gathered in support behind the usurper, it was by the effort of the Son of Halkyone, and the most noble patriots, who gathered the bronze masks of their patriotic ancestors, and formed that ladly band. By their own merit, they secured eternity, and great privilege by the tip of pointed spike. That by their deeds, they had shown the nobility and the purity of the silvered race, and as such, they built the Horde, partnered together, Blood Pharaoh, Sohaer, and Knög of the North. It was this rise of power, which stood valiantly before all who opposed. That one girly-voiced dwarf-king which sought to write his name on eternity, and those greedy cursed Valah of the realms of Men. They all faced the force which now stood behin the High-walled cihi, and which had brought victories in the west, and the east, and secured the fate of the eternal cihi, blesssed Balian, and of cursed Elysium.


"Who are you to wrangle with kings and princesses, you alone?"

Words of Ivarielle to Pamphilos,

shortly before he arrived with the whole horde



"Not a word of retreat. You'll never persuade me. It's not my nature to shrink from battle, cringe in fear with the fighting strength still steady in my chest.

I shrink from mounting our chariot-- no retreat --on foot as I am, I'll meet them Mali-to-Mali. Larihei would never let me flinch!"

-Pamphilos The Patriot when being told to flee the occupied Silver City




Larihei of Victory giving her Blessing to Pamphilos on the Bridge, as he held it utterly




In this age, to not let the past repeat itself, just as had been prescribed by the son of Halkyone, the council of the high-walled cihi had begun to ready the troops further, a great expansion of the forces of Sillumiran had been made. For after all, it was by the grace of Larihei and the loyalty of her Silver Shields, that she had taken the first silver cihi by tip of bronze spear.  the Horde had been turned upon by a past ally. The men of Norland had sought to secure a victory by standing besides the Mali of The Vale, and yet in their arrogance, they had forgotten who had been their most ancient allies. The kruggers. The northern warrior-raiders stood besides the mali this day. They will fall besides them as well.


Soon, the Lads of The Band, and the kruggers had begun to march forth to the place decided for battle. The bridge which crossed the River Hesthor from south to north. There, the archers of the wildwood would surely be ensconced. It was there they would make their stand, against the Pure Host. As the warriors of Krugmenistan rattled their spears and the Silvered of Haelun'or marched orderly, the lads stood side by side, their trained and exercised motions kept them next to one another as they too made way for the field of battle. The orders came from the battle's grand commander. Wise words. That we shall not partake in an archery engagement, as is instinct when two forces from rival elven citystates meet. Instead, we shall storm the bridge, and break apart their positions.


Yet, as the lines of Mali'thilln readied, their shields and their bows to take position on the banks of the river, and goblinoid and urukhiim skirmishers ducked from cover to cover, it was clear the engagement could swing either way with such an open field of fire upon the invaders! But the lads, glanced between one another, and they knew the true value of staying to the mission.


Atemu-ta and Adorellan An'asul, the two lads closest to him gripped their own javelins hard as they took position by the edge of the bridge, yet, courage in his heart, it was boisterous Pamphilos who burst from the lines and charged onto the bridge! Arrows whizzed, each impact from the wood elven longbows rang against his heavy shield, glancing off from its convex form, or embedding deep into the bronzesheeted shield. Pamphilos, holding firm the spear of Victory, which crackled with the electric energy of Larihei's own victories, was a tempting target. For as long as it lasted, he had drawn the fire of most of the enemy archers, so before the commander called the charge, the defenders of Malin had already begun to break under fire.


Atemu-ta, and Adorellan continued forth, with their own javelins and darts to backup the son of Halkyone, using his shield as a wall from which to fire upon. With this support, Pamphilos on the bridge was able to march forwards under heavy fire!! Even to the point a defender came forth to meet him, only to be shot and struck back to his defensive line by the biting strike of the Spear of Victory! Which construction cut through his armour as if it was not there. It was at this sign of bravery and duty, that the grand commanders had recalled the initial plan, and reformed the ranks of fighters behind the bridge.  It was at the blast of the warhorn did the next truth reveal itself.



Pamphilos, first on the bridge, and first over the bridge, leading Grubnakh’s Charge!



At the sound of the charge, and the rocking rumble of the feet of the warriors against the bridge, did Pamphilos launch into battle! Leaping DEEP into the enemy's formation! It was this disruption which showed the backs of the viking shield defenders to the advancing soldiers. And after their shield walls met, the defenders began a fighting retreat. And yet, still leading the chase, it was those three lads... Atemu striking down a defender with his khopesh, and the An'asul's blade catching that of the gladeguard, and yet did that spear of victory fly forwards! With the weight of Larihei's purity behind them, did the warriors of the whole host defeat and drive back the defenders! reduced to skirmishers in the woods, was it clear.


With the glorious charge completed, and the warriors having stripped the fallen of their weapons and panoplies, it was clear the fate to come. Great Glory!





"When the mali leaps in the breach that way no one can blame or disobey him, no Mali'thilln, not when he spurs the troops and gives commands.. That is Larihei's way." -Sillumir Warrior to the Son of Halkyone


"You, the bravest of all Mali'thilln--and one with the spine to battle Krug face-to-face!" -Krugs child to the Son


"To be first over the bridge, the first to strike, and the last to leave. That is the sign of a loyal soldier, of a son of Larihei who embraces a worthy duty. What you did, was above and beyond the call. Hero of war." -Sillumiran to the Son

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"May the rest of the lads meet the prerequisites to rejoin our lads in the front, come the next battle. I too would like some of this immortal kleos pamphilos is taking!" - a silvery extremist says, recalling the take out by the Hyptos Villa in the silver city

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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