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[✗] [World Lore] Rhunsteel


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Deep in the realm of Val’Garis lies the secret to an ancient steel, known only to Garumdir as he worked endlessly to perfect his craft. In the wars against Ixris, the recipe has laid dormant, no longer can Garumdir take the time needed to forge of this steel and carve masterworks. Until now, he has kept his craft a secret, but as he lends his powers of the Spark down to his devotees, he too lends the recipe to one of his most important crafts. While a lesser version than that of Garumdir’s, the Rhunsteel given to the Runesmiths of the mortal plane serves much the same purpose. Rhunsteel allows the craft to bear more runes and for a longer duration, critical to Garumdir’s operations within the Avant Sphere.





Rhunsteel does not have a raw form, as it is not carved from ores in the earth but rather made from a recipe of metals and the Spark created by Garumdir himself to ensure his runes were more capable in Val’Garis. To craft Rhunsteel there Runesmiths have developed a method of marrying black ferrum with Garumdir’s spark. 


First, the Runsmiths must heat their black ferrum to its melting point of 3000F in a Rhunforge fueled by charcoal. It would require roughly half an hour to melt down the ferrum to the point where it can be poured into a cast or mould. The process is quite similar to that of Black Ferrum, as that is what the smiths are crafting.

Rhunsteel requires the Spark to be hammered within each fold of the metal. As such, the Runesmiths must once more place the ferrum under the fire and thus, each draw upon their own forge-fires from Val’Garis. As the smith flares hot, they must strike each blow filled with the Spark into the metal, folding as they go. This would be a great and lengthy process that would severely diminish the heat of the smiths’ forge-fires for a time - barely burning. As the smith shapes his steel, veins of the glow from runes would begin to creep throughout, forming the distinct pattern of Rhunsteel. 


-The creation of Runesteel requires [1] T5 Runesmith and [2] other Runesmiths of any tier.

-Rhunsteel can only be created at a Rhunforge.

-The exhaustion required to forge Rhunsteel prevents a Rhunsmith from lighting their stamp for [3] OOC days.

-Due to the heavy exhaustion required to make Rhunsteel, all individual projects made from it must be able to fit within a 2 meter x 2 meter area.

-One may learn the recipe to forge Rhunsteel through partaking in it, reading of it (from an author whom knows it), or observing it directly as a Runesmith. Someone who is not a Runesmith may not possess the knowledge on how to create Rhunsteel, nor could they teach it to others. 

-Rhunsteel and Rhunsteel items require an ST signature.

-Any runes with the effect of the Rhunsteel must be carved into the Rhunsteel, no other part of the object

-All objects that benefit from the Runnic abilities of Rhunsteel must be at least 85% Rhunsteel





Rhunsteel is characterized by its distinct patterning within the matte steel of black ferrum. The veins of spark make themselves known within the darkness of steel, and glow softly with the forge-fires of its smith. But Garumdir is a practical being, he does not innovate purely for aesthetics. The spark held within Rhunsteel enables it to handle the power of more runes carved within. An object made of Rhunsteel may hold the power of Gorumdir’s spark for longer and in greater capacity than any other material.



-The spark’s glow is constant and idle and matches the color of the Garumdir’s stamp of the leading Runesmith in its creation.

-This glow would not be enough to see anything through darkness that would not normally be able to be seen.

-This glow cannot blind anyone.

-Objects made of Rhunsteel may contain up to [4] individual runes carved within as opposed to the normal two.

-Runes activated from an object made of Rhunsteel last for [1] additional emote.


Purpose (OOC)


This is a piece meant to accompany my current write of Runesmithing that enables some extra RP to be generated with multiple person smithing. If that Runesmithing lore does not pass then do not pass this one. It allows Runesmiths to have more of a reason to conduct group crafting RP surrounding Runesmithing and also uses the name Rhunsteel which I just think is a cool name that should be attached to a piece of lore on this server.





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