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On the murder of Scrisa Anarion


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Meira Kervallen-Elmwood would seem confused and says "I t'ought I saw t'em in Lurin t'ough? Scrisa won teh foight against you bad, bad meanies! I refuse t' t'ink t'ey died, t'ey standin' 'round Lurin!" She'd tend to some flowers and pick some of the best, blossomed flowers as a gift for Scrisa's victory of living then says "I go t' get t'ese t' Scrisa! Bad meanies cannae stop from it!" She'd fix her young child dress as she stood up and began skipping off.

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*a bed ridden mali inspect the news that had been laying around the keep. squiting at the page nursing a cup of herbal tea.* "Ugh... truely now of all times."

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Maybe it's not my place, but isn't it going to be a very tricky situation down the road if a war ends up being instigated over the murder of a character who doesn't PK? Like how do you even meaningfully RP tensions worsening when people can just point to the revived character and say that she's wholly unharmed? Very silly stuff.





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