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The Green Dream


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Spirit of the Jungle

(Lesser of Freygoth)


"Dargizub blûg ir gazh rar, agh traumuk lab kranklûkz agh kranklûbz gazh gîthurz-ogh."


Amidst the thick foliage of a primeval jungle, Zag stood side by side with an elder of his bloodline. The air hung heavy with the thick humidity, carrying with it scents of exotic flora and the distant roars of untamed beasts. Towering stalks with sprawling canopies created a verdant tapestry overhead, dappling the ground with sporadic beams of warm sunlight.

The elder, a figure battered by the coming of the times, navigated the jungle floor with a deliberate grace, as if intimately acquainted with the ancient rhythms of this wild, untamed realm. Vibrant colours of flora and fauna painted the canvas that surrounded them, a stark contrast to the arid landscapes of The Iron-Horde. The ground, it was soft beneath their feet, covered in thick layers of decaying vegetation that hinted subtly at the cycle of life and death in this untamed wilderness.

Beneath the murk at their feet, something seemed to stirred as, in the distance, a creature emerged - a creation bearing a gorilla's torso and a crocodile's maw. It regarded the pairing with an inscrutable expression, as if assessing the purpose of their presence.
"Lûk'ob krul  grish, gor'ob krul bot. Lat zaugthrak'u'izish gazh turu, zatal za lat khahn nau gazh auru. Krampza, agh izg golm izub naahk ihn lab mazauk'u zkaat."


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Zag'Yar bargains with Zagbal, and manages to establish a pact. The two rekindle the green-dream that was, for a time, thought lost.


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The remnants of ancient Beleth are scattered like forgotten memories across the expanse of these fabled dunes. Here and there, dotted indiscriminately amongst the grain, gnarled and petrified trees stand as solemn monuments to an era long passed. The skeletal remains of what were once vibrant and lush plants now form ghostly outlines against the harsh desert sky. A keen observer might notice patches of stubborn greenery, clinging to life against the odds. These pockets of life are like emerald oases in a sea of endless sand, clinging onto the memory of the lush jungle that once thrived here. The writhing sands have covered the jungle's floor, leaving behind only traces of what once teemed with life. Fossilized remains of plants, long extinct, are now embedded into the arid landscape, whispering a silent tale of what once was. The wind whispers through the skeletal branches, carrying echoes of an age lost to the world. It is a haunting reminder of the cycle of life and death, where nature, once abundant, now stands as a testament to the relentless marring of time.

In the heart of this desolate wasteland, an oasis emerges like a mirage against the barren landscape. This strange site mirrors the ancient jades and giants that once thrived in this very place, a reincarnation of the past in the midst of the present ruin. Tall, verdant trees with lush foliage stretch towards the sky, casting a cool shade over the sanctuary. The air is filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the soothing melody of unseen birds. Patches of vibrant, green grass carpet the ground, contrasting sharply with the surrounding arid sands. Crystal-clear water flows gently through the site, forming meandering streams and serene ponds. The water reflects the azure sky above, creating a mesmerizing tableau of natural beauty amidst the desolation. Colorful butterflies flit from one flower to another, adding splashes of vibrant hues to the bleak backdrop of the sanctum.

One lone shaman knelt before a mass of stone and moss, his erudite figure casting a long silhouette against the backdrop of greenery. His form was unwavering in its purchased-foothold, and the rhythmic cadence of his whispered prayers merged with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant murmur of the waters. The stalwart idol, a formidable representation of the Jungle Spirit, stood as both guardian and guide, its features carved with the utmost precision. Moss and vines clung to the stone, weaving a living curtain that seemed to connect the idol to the flourishing oasis around it. The spirit, invoked by the shaman's prayers, resonated with the pulse of the freshly rejuvenated land.

This site, with its vibrant flora and rejuvenating waters, acted as a haven touched by both the forgotten past and the coming future. The contrast of life amidst desolation symbolized a deeper connection between the son's of Krug and the primal forces of the jungle.

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