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Corvid Curiosity


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Corvid Curiosity




There sat, all alone, a creature with orange hair, sitting on a dock with legs dangling over the end, back to the planks, and gaze to the sky. The creature inhaled and exhaled, watching clouds lazily drift by in the sky, interrupted only occasionally by sparse migratory flocks of various types of birds sailing across the sky. Every now and then a cloud might be shaped interestingly, or a single snowflake would fall to land on the creature’s forehead. It was always the forehead.


Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale- CAW! One of the birds dove out of the sky from the East, down towards the land, and disappearing behind the trees. The creature on the dock sat up, turning around towards the forest, looking for any sign of the beast. Though they could see no sign of the bird, the sounds made it apparent it was still near enough. Hopping up from the dock and patting the dirt and dust off their clothing the orange haired creature started to walk towards the edge of the forest.


After a few minutes of careful travel the orange haired creature arrived at the edge of a clearing surrounded by fallen jagged trees. In the center of the clearing was a great raven sitting atop a mound of fur. As the immense raven dipped its head it would peck at the mass and tear some flesh away. On closer inspection the furry mound was the body of a Norlandic giant beaver, the bird atop it was easily two men tall and its wings were far wider. Occasionally lightning would arc from the body of the tremendous corvid as it flapped its wings to maintain balance. The obscured orange haired creature observed in rapt fascination for what seemed like hours, taking note of every detail, when suddenly the massive raven gave another thunderous caw.


Massive wings beat the air surrounding them into submission as the enormous bird quickly launched into flight. Spears of lightning arced off the body of the bird, singing nearby trees on contact and started little fires in piles of dead leaves which were soon mercifully put out by the gust caused by the wings. With a final caw the raven flew North, becoming gradually smaller until its mighty size could no longer be distinguished against the other birds of the sky.


All the while the orange haired creature watched, until finally the raven could no longer be seen. Moving to inspect the corpse of the giant beaver, it was clear it died suddenly and violently. It seemed the giant raven made full use of its size and strength, foregoing the scavenging tactics its smaller versions often employed and instead created its own meals. What was left of the beaver would surely attract the other forest creatures of the Norlandic countryside to its feast, and so the orange haired creature departed just as quickly as the raven had.


Thoughts of the close corvid encounter still fresh on the mind, the orange haired creature returned to the Norlandic capital with haste. Filling a pack with enough provisions for a possibly lengthy journey and bringing along anything else that might be of use, they soon set off again out the Eastern gate of the city, and heading along the lake Northwards into the stark snowy desert. Though the orange haired creature wouldn’t be alone, being accompanied by a blonde haired creature as well. All that was left behind to signify they had left was a single note on the wall of the orange one’s bedroom, doodled in orange crayon, upside down and backwards as always.

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