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[✗] [Housemagery Addition] Larger Living Dolls!


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Larger Living Dolls


Larger living dolls, as the title suggests, is the addition of Housemages being able to make living dolls that are larger in stature than what is considered a normal size. These living dolls can get up to a maximum 2 blocks in width and height, compared to the normal size limit of a living doll, which is 1 block in width and height maximum. The usual rules of housemaged beings apply. These dolls cannot participate in combat. If combat ensues, the doll will either run away, or if it does not have a way of moving, shut down and will appear to be "asleep" until the combat is over. That being said, these dolls can still have any range of personalities, including acting unfriendly if their makers so please. But these dolls can never actively harm somebody. Living dolls can be made out of any material as long as it cannot decompose. Things like bones, metal, and stones, and other non decomposable items are all fine. If the living doll happens to be made out of materials where plants can grow (i.e. a jar with dirt in it) then plants may grow in or on the doll, though this doll may not control the plants whatsoever. If the doll has any sort of special plants growing on it (i.e. blissfoil) harvesting the plant off the living doll will render the plant useless. All larger living dolls must have a spellmark somewhere on their body. Destroying this spellmark causes the magic to stop working, the larger living doll becoming a mundane item again. All larger living dolls must be ST signed.



-Cannot participate in CRP. If the living doll is unable to escape CRP, it will enter a coma-like state and will not be able to be awoken till CRP is over.

-Can be at a maximum, 2 blocks in both width and height.

-Cannot be made out of any decomposable materials.(i.e. flesh.) Bones and anything that cannot decompose are fine.

-If the living doll has what is required to grow plants, it may have plants growing on it. The living doll cannot control the plants.

-Any plants with special properties(i.e. blissfoil) that happen to grow on the living doll, if harvested, will have lost it's special properties, rendering it an average plant.

-Must have a spellmark somewhere on it's body

-Adequate RP must happen in order to make a larger living doll.


Casting and Learning


At T4, Larger living dolls is automatically learned. Casting the spell itself requires 2 T4 Housemages. The casting itself is rather freeform, though it must be quality RP. No half-assed RP. Both the Housemages must be willingly casting and establish beforehand that they are to make a larger living doll. There is one 'Main' Housemage caster and another 'Support' Housemage caster. The main caster will imbue the doll with all the magic they can muster, leaving them exhausted for 30 OOC minutes. The supporting Housemage will lend some of their mana to the main caster. This will leave them exhausted for 15 OOC minutes. During this period where the Housemages are exhausted, they cannot preform any other spells, and are quite weak and out of energy. Unable to function properly in combat. After they successfully make a larger living doll, the main Housemage will not be able to participate in the making of a larger living doll for 3 OOC days. Meanwhile supporting Housemage will not be able to participate in the making of a larger living doll for 1 OOC day. 



-Two T4 Housemages are required to make a larger living doll.

-The spell for larger living dolls is automatically learned at T4.

-The main housemage, after making a larger living doll, cannot participate in making another for 3 OOC days.

-The supporting housemage, after making a larger living doll, cannot participate in making another for 1 OOC day.

-The main housemage cannot preform any spells, and is generally weak and exhausted, for 30 OOC minutes after making a larger living doll.

-The supporting housemage cannot preform any spells, and is generally weak and exhausted, for 15 OOC minutes after making a larger living doll.

-Both housemages must be willing to make the doll, and have agreed on making one beforehand.





OOC Purpose


I have always loved living dolls. They provide interesting roleplay, and the possibilities for a living doll are seemingly endless. Except for size. Making housemaged dolls able to be larger which would open up a whole new world of possibilites of what Housemages could make. With this new addition, I hope to be able to spice up Housemage roleplay and even everyday life roleplay, by having larger housemaged dolls simply existing.




Bardmancer, for writing the original Housemagery lore.

Me, for writing this.


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says it can't be done in housemagery lore, though I'd love to see this! gl with it!

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10 minutes ago, Markisstreaming said:

says it can't be done in housemagery lore

partially why i made this lol, so there could be a chance it now can be done in housemagery lore

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2 minutes ago, VoidTermnia said:

partially why i made this lol, so there could be a chance it now can be done in housemagery lore

well, that's risky. you're going against one of the most important redlines, I believe it states something in lore like 'no big living dolls, not even with MArts' again, gl, but this is very unlikely to be passed.

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9 minutes ago, Markisstreaming said:

well, that's risky. you're going against one of the most important redlines, I believe it states something in lore like 'no big living dolls, not even with MArts' again, gl, but this is very unlikely to be passed.

yeah, im well aware this has a small chance of passing, but hey, if you never try, you always fail. 

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Housemage rites would be funny 

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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