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The Second Treaty of Kretzen, 173 SA

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The Second Treaty of Kretzen

In effect as of the Year of the Nyazoku, 173 SA (1174 Kamijikan)




The contents of this passage shall serve as the peace and non-aggression agreement between the Principality of Celia’nor and the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate. Both parties signing this pact declare adherence to its terms under oath of blood, honor and soul to our ancestors.


As such, the details of this treaty are listed below.


  • The Principality of Celia’nor and the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate agree to uphold the peace between their realms and their vassals and to resolve disputes between their lands amiably and honorably. Both states agree to not campaign against one another’s sovereignty or aggress upon eachother’s people in a pact of Non-Aggression.


  1. The tenet does not apply to defensive agreements made prior to this agreement. Fulfillment of prior defensive agreements will NOT be taken as breaking this treaty.


  • Both parties recognize one another’s sovereignty and border claims of incorporated and unincorporated lands with the Sea of Gotrek and left of the divide with Vlachia as being claimed by the Principality of Celia’nor whereas the majority of the Brightwald, the Sakura Mori and the Cursed Mori being claimed by the Koyo-Kuni Shugonate.


  • Both parties agree to the exchange of a tax-free barn for horse rearing for the Shugonate within the Principality of Celia’nor and for limited access to the Celian government to the Shugonate’s copper mines.


  • The duration of this treaty shall last 10 years where both parties will reconvene to discuss the renewal or development of the relations between both parties.


  • Shugo Kato agrees to accept a ward from Councilor A’eollaja Ibarellan for cultural exchange purposes. 


By the judgment of our ancestors, this document is adhered by and those after them under oath of blood, honor and spirit,


His Royal Majesty, The Prince of Fi'andria, Evarir of the North, Descendant of The Silver Phoenix, Enforcer of the Star’s Will, Prince of Celia'nor,  Illthrak Ibarellan of the Principality of Celia’nor


KATO OIJIN the Black Swordsman, Shugo of Koyo-Kuni, Legendary Sanbushi, Governor of Sakuragakure and Protector of the Farfolk and Descendants of Ai-Zho



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