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[Event] Call to the Righteous

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[!] Scattered around Braevos were small pieces of parchment, nailed to various boards and handed out to a variety of cities. These letters were stamped with the mark of a Goose upon the top, written in a simple scrawling of ink. 










For the world itself plunges into a haze of chaos, obscured by the meddling of the Seven Skies and the Nether. Those of Flame, Rot and Light will burn the lands that descendants sit upon for their crusade against one another, where none who stand between shall be able to live in mindless bliss.


As the world crumbles, the offer of truth and choice is one that all that stand on the continent of Aevos can understand. To know of what happens and to choose its outcome, to defy the ‘fate’ of those that squabble, akin to children.


The lands are full of those that are selfish, aimed at helping themselves, their lovers and their families. Yet these same would rain the fires of the Nether against the entire world, if the choice of such was granted. 


For now, the descendants are able to grant their true champions to undertake the decisions that will lead and be the charge of the voice of all. 


I seek that of Four, unfettered of the Void, Divines and others. To pay homage to  that of the Four that the blood of all descends from. That of Urguan, Malin, Horen and Krug. For when these four are assembled, they shall seek where the land grips into the sea, where the arches of the world rest upon the water.


Yet, if one cannot seek Four. One of true purpose can place their heart upon the line, yet they will become an instrument of the world. They shall know of no love, no brotherhood, they shall only know the vigilance that follows the burden of all. 


Know that the voice of the many is unheard, when the shouts of the few overwhelm the crowd.


Gerald Elgan, Justicar of the Knights of the Golden Geese.



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The piece of parchment was held to the sun by Iolas, someone who dreamed of being a hero and bringing forth friendship between the descendents. One sentence in particular caught his eye with concern. 

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A righteous paladin reads the missive.


"... unfettered of the ... Divines"


A righteous paladin puts down the missive as he was, in fact, fettered by the Divines.


"... nevermind."

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Gallio Grandaxe read through the piece of parchment, before letting out a deep sigh. 

"Ah suppose onleh time will tell what that means." He says before walking back to the forge, continuing to repair his armor.

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*Would grab the letter from one of his goblins, sitting in his throne surrounded by skulls of his enemies* "Mi wonder whub diz ahm... Dey want mi to work wit da otherz? Mi could do dat... UG! GOBBO! WHO WROTE DIZ LETTUR AGH HOW DO MI REZPOND TO DEM?"

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An aging human glanced to the letter that'd slipped into his window by chance. The Mark of the Pertinaxi burned on his chest, worsening by the year; as much as he might have adored the idea of a life in retirement, it would surely grind him down before he could reach such an age. "Ah ... perhaps I can wring together a group."

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