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[Recruitment Post] To the North


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Now that the lore has been amended to stand on its own legs, as well as the currently ongoing eventline, RP has been extremely enjoyable and successful, and we are now finally working on proper recruitment.


This is no CA/MA/FA dispensary, do not expect to be handed anything. The recruitment post serves as a way to partake in the flavor of RP that the coven provides, that being heavy into dark fantasy & grimdark, delving into the Witch and Frost-Undead aesthetics.


Do not join if you are uncomfortable with anything considered dark / horror / cannibalism.

Keep in mind there is NO siren RP, romance, tea sipping RP or anything along those lines. Do not come in with the idea that you're going to be an ice mistress that seduces and stabs men. We're cannibalistic murder witches that fully embrace the dark / undead aesthetic. There will be sacrifices, there will be cooking people's limbs for rituals, there will be endless conflict.


Discord is Diogen






[!] Strange disappearances began to take place throughout Aevos. Talks of their long lost family, abandoning all that they once possessed.




Amidst the mountains, wandered a poor, lone soul; that of a woman, oddly underlayered for such a harsh climate- fitting more a temperate climate than all. Her skin paled with the snow that accumulated around her form, her fingers hardly capable of curling anymore. Yet she persisted amidst the violent blizzard that enveloped her, her body threatening to fall upon every step.


She was consumed by grief, and grief alone.


Daughter . . .
Rang a whisper within her ears.


That very voice froze her form, eyes of grey rapidly examining her surroundings, devoid of any life, of any structure.


Do not hurt, my child.

Echoed that voice once more.


An odd warmth overtook her. A sense of comfort- one that pushed her to the end of her journey. A few more steps . . .







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omg dio teach me magik?? >_<

Heyo!   Question... What do I have to do  to become a frost witch?  would you...be willing to do rp?  Even if I am to be ur fletchling  and work mah way up  indeed I am  LOL I WANNA BE A FROST WITCH SO BAD..  it wa smy biggest goal on LotC like months ago.  I was so close.  Never happened.  50 is alot too damn.  How did you get so many? Wait we can talk afterr.  How long has ur crp been anyways.  I saw ur ooc on dah stream.  if ur stressed take a deep breath.   Hey how it going. U there?  i just wanted to check in.  aaa i feel bad sorry.  hi.  u alr

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P.S. get ready for every month for Dio to do a mass coven doomer ping in the discord and say it’s so over. It’s fine it isn’t over the next day he will be fine like nothing happened

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11 minutes ago, Turbo_Dog said:

P.S. get ready for every month for Dio to do a mass coven doomer ping in the discord and say it’s so over. It’s fine it isn’t over the next day he will be fine like nothing happened

Within Dio are two Presidents

It's Joever / We're Barack: Image Gallery (List View) | Know Your Meme

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2 hours ago, NLThomas said:

Within Dio are two Presidents

This guy gets it, chat

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