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Echoes of Tranquility [Character Shelving]


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Anduin Glanaeri leaned out the window of his room, drawing in a deep breath of the crisp, morning air. The sunlight streamed through the glass, casting a warm glow across the room. He couldn't help but smile, feeling the gentle breeze play with his hair as he surveyed the peaceful scenery outside.

His heart felt light, a melody of contentment humming within him as he savored the simple joy of this moment. Life stretched out before him, a canvas waiting to be painted with new experiences and adventures.

Gone were the days of constant turmoil and strife, replaced now by a sense of calm that settled deep within his soul. The weight of his past worries seemed to dissipate with each passing day, leaving him with little need for the battles that once consumed his every thought.

Instead, his time was filled with laughter and companionship, spent in the company of his beloved siblings and friends. Together, they shared moments of joy and camaraderie, weaving memories that would last a lifetime.

As Anduin watched the world go by from his window, he couldn't help but marvel at the fleeting beauty of life. It was a precious gift, one that he now cherished more than ever before.

With a soft sigh, he summoned his aura, the magic dancing gracefully across his fingertips like a symphony of light and color. It was a simple trick, but it filled him with a sense of wonder and delight, reminding him of the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

Retreating from the window, Anduin settled onto his bed, the soft embrace of the blankets cocooning him in comfort. His belongings, once so precious and necessary, now seemed insignificant in comparison to the peace and happiness he had found.

With only his clothing and guitar by his side, Anduin felt lighter than he had in years. He had everything he needed right here, in this moment, surrounded by love and laughter.

And so, he embraced each day with a smile, finding joy in the simplest of pleasures and laughter in the smallest of moments. This was his life now, one filled with love and happiness, and he wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow across the room, Anduin closed his eyes, a contented smile playing at his lips. This was where he belonged, here in this moment, at peace with himself and the world around him.

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"Sera! I got the cinnapuffs recipe from Anduin!" An excited Uriella would call out to her same age niece, Serathielle whilst holding a recipe book. "Maybe cooking is just another form of magic, just less distructive on-" She gets interrupted as the fire she uses for it almost burns the kitchen, a very big amateur in cooking. "I take that back, heh."




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