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[!] Bones had rallied to Uncle O’s outpost with the rest of the Rah’muns, taking up a cannon in the boar they drove to breach the city. After successfully breaching the city wall with cannonballs, Bones narrowly avoided being clobbered by one of the many demons which held the city, raising his shield to protect himself. With one swing of his war axe, it was reduced to ash. 


Inside the city, Bones moved to the front line as he saw a large wave of armored foes, readying his mace. Right as he moved to attack, a wave of malflame appeared behind him and his comrades, burning him as he fell to the ground. All this pain did was enrage him. He felt the desire to spill his enemies blood. He moved forth and felled several armored Kozun demons, before staying back to protect his Pharaoh as the demon king Draz-Kalthazar became more active. As the battle went on, he saw a bottle of auric oil dismantle one of the anchors holding the ritual in place. Having one on his person as well, he and the Pharaoh moved towards the ritual. Before they could strike, Draz-Kalthazar struck the Pharaoh, sending him flying across the battlefield. Enraged that he could not stop this, Bones threw his bottle on the anchor, watching its evil magic fade into nothingness.



He ran to his sister, Panya, to retrieve another bottle, only to see the last anchor diminished as well. Two Rah’mun priests, Nebkhet-Sha and Akeketah, screamed mighty prayers to Lord Oti, King of Moonlight, and Amauent, lady of vitality and Heka, exhorting their aid to strike the demon king with spiritual judgment. Akeketah’s spell manifested into her hand as an ethereal crescent moon, the Priestess commanding it to arc across the sky and strike true against the demons flesh. Oti’s Heka caused the sun to strike against Kalthazar, his skin furiously singed by the spell. The demon king then struck against the Rah’mun priests, tossing Akeketah into Nebkhet, now endangering the rest of the Rah’mun assault. 



Two Rah’mun priest-magicians casting spells at Draz-Kulthazar


Bones witnessed these events with horror which motivated him to decisive action.  He knew what to do. To protect his family, his city, and his Pharaoh, Bones would slay this blight on the land. Pouring the oil on his spear, he ran forth at the demon king. Yelling with all the fury and vigor he had in him, Bones called out; “FUR RAH’TUMA!!!” As he skewered Draz Kalthazar clean through his chest, ending the demon king's existence.  Watching him melt away into nothing but ash. Templars, heroes, warriors, and divines all tried to end the Isfetian King, but only Bone’s strike truly ended the beast. Bones was then hailed as a champion of Kalthet, the great spirit of Wit and Strategy in war, and canonized in the long history of Rah’mun machimoi heroes. 


[!] A missive is distributed across Aevos and especially the country of Koyuni, placed by unknown couriers presumably under the influence of the Rah’mun morale. The missive is sealed with a golden ankh cross which is surrounded by a set of hieroglyphs that are shaped like a cowhead and lioness head. The following is seen upon opening the missive


Leh-iy to the denizens of Aevos. 


I am Pharaoh Atemu-Ta, voice of Ka’tau and leader of the Rah’mun peoples. I write to you with good news that should settle the troubled Ib of all pure peoples across Aevos. 


There is much darkness across this world in light of recent events. The draconic Isfetians and their cursed father arise from the north, Iket - known as Gashadokuro - claims domain over the blossoms of Koyuni, and the Harrower threatens the safety of all descendants.


In light of these horrific Isfetian evils, hopelessness becomes a common response to those of us who value safety, truth, and purity for our nations. But the Gods of Ka’tau are raising mighty champions to meet the occasion we find ourselves in. Bones, a goblin child who recently became a member of Rah’mun civilization, is responsible for the felling of the Isfetian monarch known as Draz-Kalthazar. Kalthazar assisted Iket in overtaking Sakagakura with hordes of demons and other manner of Isfetians, and then held the territory under a tyrannical rule for many moons. Under the guidance of Kalthet and Tetu, two mighty Rah’mun gods of battle, Bones defied the odds and landed the killing blow on the demonic king, single-handedly ending his influence over the mortal world and sending his men into retreat.


The extraordinary fact is Bones’s age - they are little more than a child by normal standards, and yet their soul is a mighty testament to the power of the Gods. Bones’s victory over this ancient evil proves that our people are uniquely positioned to restore the spiritual law of Ka’tau - order, truth, justice, harmony - over the whole of creation once more.


All who follow the path of Ka’tau and venerate our Gods can also take up the banner of their causes and wield divine gifts towards righteous ends. Every Isfetian at every reach of Aevos will eventually know the wrathful sting of Ka’tau upon their souls delivered by the champions of the Gods. May Champion Bones’s name be sung throughout the realms and his achievements be immortalized in Rah’mun history. Iket, his foul Hexicanum will fall next to the wrath of the Gods. May the forces of purity march with spears held high and Khopeshes at the ready.


May Isfet be doomed to defeat. Heketa Kalthet, Heketa Hesthor, Heketa, Heketa the Shugo and men of Koyuni, Heketa victory.




Pharaoh Atemu-Ta.




Kalthet and her newest champion, Bones of the Rah'mun.


Edited by Boknice275
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"A new champion has risen, HEKETA KALTHET!" The Warrior-Priest of Shab Nebkhet-Sha cried out as he read the missive posted to Rah'tuma's notice board.

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Akeketah Luceran read over the missive with a proud smile, a tear streaming down her cheek. She did not cry of sadness, but she cried of proudness for her newly adopted goblin child. The mother was gifted with yet another child destined for greatness. "Bones - I have truly been blessed  with your arrival. I am proud to call you my son," she says aloud to the young child and pulling him into a hug. "All my children shall prosper in the lands of Ka'tau! Heketa Ka'tau! Heketah Oti! Heketa Amaunet! Glory to Rah'tuma!" With that, she went out and hung a banner of green, silver, and white - the colors of the Luceran family.


I LOVE MY GOBLIN CHILDDDD (the other are alright too).

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It was just after the Hyspia Social Season's Debut event. Panya quickly ran home to change out of her dress and put on her armor. Stashing away her countless items and suit up. The panic of the Rah'tumans  to get weapons, armor, and shields. 

And at the last moment, a few bottles of Auric oil.

. . . 


Despite the efforts of Panya, and her multiple attempts to pull her new brother backwards. Bones continued to rip out of her grasp, at one point in the fight she realized that she may be holding him back.

So she let go.

Upon splitting up with her brother, she continued to keep her eye on him. As one of the Anchors had been taken out with the Auric oil of Bones, she was quick to climb down and lay on her stomach to crawl to the end of the roof. In which, she went on to hand him the Auric oil. 

As she was laying down, her defenses off her mother for just a moment, Akeketah was thrown into her godfather. An attack was attempted, but Panya had no luck. Her blades simply sliding off of Draz.


Within just seconds of her running to her family, she tilts her head to the side to her a yell coming from the direction of her brother. 


A Yell that echoed throughout the lands, her eye grew wide to see such a small, 3'0 feet Goblin. At the mere age of ten, be able to skewer someone so strong. Within moments, she runs off the roof to hug and congratulate Bones.

Even a month later, at the Hyspia Social Season, She continues to brag about her brothers accomplishments. Someone she had went up to, and offered a home. Someone she thought would need training and patience, proving himself within a mere matter of days. It was almost unbelievable.


A missive from Panya herself would be written below . . 


I Believe that Bones, will go on to be better than all of Rah'tuma. (Especially Jah-tep.)

 The potential is there, The courage is there, everything that a Hero might need. It is there. A fine representative for Rah'tuma, is what Bones is. As long as I am alive, as long as we are all alive. Bones will have people to rely on, and people that care for him. Before, family was such a sensitive topic for him. Now it is something that has driven him to perform acts so heroic, at such a young age. Half of us cannot even fathom doing such a thing. 

On a different note, and please forgive me for this dearest Pharaoh Atemu.

"F**  YOU, STUPID DRAZ B****!!" 

To all of Aevos.



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Walter would be handed the missive by his automaton, skimming through it before seeing a familiar name: "Bones". His eyes widened with an impressed expression donning his face "Wait a second, I know that gobbo!" His exclaim was followed up by a nod of respect.

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