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Woodland Tales [Ongoing Event Recap]


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An Automaton’s recap on the happenings within and around the Crothstad Woodlands



 A drawing of Farmer Thistle's Farm


Hello reader. I am Sir Bertwald Automaton I, a renowned writer of old times. I write this brief paper intending to show my gratitude to my saviors, and also documenting what I can about the events unfolding within or near The Crothstad Woodlands! Upon the publication of the paper, I hereby clear myself of any debt owed toward the dwarves. 


Speaking of dwarves, I intend to cover their expeditions first. The dwarves have been tirelessly working with a generational farmer of the forest to track down a creature that has been terrorizing the local woodlands. This creature moves much too fast to see, and even attempts with alchemical-treated goggles have had mixed results. Through the efforts of these dwarves, Farmer Thistle was able to defend his home and create a fortified position against the creature.


The dwarves have also saved me - Sir Bertwald Automaton I - from a large spider, securing rare silks in the process. It is the hope of these dwarves that with this silk and other materials, they will soon be able to lure in a bird companion that can supposedly track creatures with exceptional precision. Good luck dwarves!

I truthfully did not know much about what had occurred to the Haenseti in the forest local to them, though I did interview a few members of their city to gain an incite as to what was happening. 


Firstly, according to a Miss Tatiyana Vas Ruthern, The Brotherhood of Saint Karl has been investigating the Northern Woodlands and some structures within, such as old cabins. During these expeditions, they encountered colossal worms and wolves. When asked if she was ever afraid during these encounters, she stated that she was not. Furthermore, she said that any creature found within the woodlands would be treated to “A thousand pyres” and “as if they were heretics” - how scary. Finally, when questioned on whether her red dress potentially had a negative impact on Haenseti stealth and battlefield tactics, she rudely rode away on her horse.


Despite this, the soldiers of Haense seemed to have other ideas. When interviewed, Rickard and an anonymous Haenseti soldier were stated as saying that Tatiyana “had no discipline or respect”, and that she “needed to learn how to fight better”. 


Although there seem to be conflicting attitudes on the Haenseti side, I wish them good luck in their adventures.

The Oyashiman people live close to the Crothstad Woodlands, and so naturally I also had to interview them. The locals here spoke of Sakana Jo, a fisherman who they had been in contact with. Their efforts are focused on a dangerous and exhilarating water pathway. Following my brief conversation with these locals, I was serenaded with books and the offers of repairs, how kind!


I will now conclude this brief paper, and I hope that you have enjoyed dearest reader! Should you have questions about what has been occurring, please do not hesitate to stop by Farmer Thistle’s farm within the Urguani Forest! I will also be there, should any adoring fans wish to meet me!



This is just a short recap post about some regional events that have been occurring within the Crothstad Woodlands from a biased event character's point of view. There is an event site within if anyone would like to interact or ask any questions in character.


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