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A Guide to: Celia’nor

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A Guide to:
The Principality of Celia’nor




The Idea of Celia’nor (Ancient Elven: ‘Starland’) has existed for 127 years now and the physical state for 109 years. Yet despite this, many outsiders still wonder what exactly Celia’nor is. Thus we present to you; All you need to know about Celia’nor.

ilMaehr’sae Ilkun’ehya



Race: Celia’nor is a state of High Elves (Mali’aheral). They are the dominant and defining race of the realm, yet others are welcome too.


Origins: Celia’nor was formed from the civil war in Haelun’or. Despite winning all battles on land and eventually taking over the Silver Island through a scheme, the victorious forces of their founder IVARIELLE IBARELLAN had to retreat, due to their inability to secure supplies for the Silver Island. They went on a great march west, where they eventually founded their own realm: Celia’nor, with Ivarielle as their first Princess.


Culture: The two pillars of Celian culture are ‘knowledge’ (Maehr’sae) and ‘steel’ (Ilkun) hence the motto of the realm: ilMaehr’sae Ilkun’ehya; with knowledge and steel. Steel refers to their militarism, displayed in the strong presence of their army, the Celia’diraar within the realm. Knowledge to their scholarly nature, seen in the many sorcerers, scientists, engineers and the like amongst their people.


Religion: While faith is far less prominent in the life of the Celians, especially in comparison to those of canonist creed, Talyniism is more of a philosophical thought on religion. The Creator-God is more revered and respected, yet seen as broken. However he is not seen as someone actively interacted within prayer, despite prayer still being a part of their school of faith. Due to their monotheism, Talyniists are often frowened upon by wood elves. The Creator-God is however more so understood as a general cosmic presence that is neutral in nature - something all have part in, while most of the Aenguldaemons are seen as malevolent and evil.


Government: Celia’norians see Democracy as a failed concept of delusional ‘thill. The only way to build a strong government is a ruler who rules with absolute power.


Magic: When stepping in Celia’nor, one will notice that magic, especially voidal magic, is incredibly prominent amongst its population. With Dark Magic being shunned, the other likely encounters with mages are likely with house mages or a few rogue deific casters.





Lord Raziel Amethil,

Laurir of Celia’nor, Vintner-Captain, Patriach of the Amethil Talonnii


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