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A Waldenian Wedding

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A Recount of the Nuptials of Lord Erwin and Lady Siegmunda



3rd of the First Seed, 1977


Written by



The Principality of Reinmar and the March of Velen have long been Waldenien cousins, sharing a common culture, language, and history. Recently, the March of Velen expressed a desire to strengthen their ties with Reinmar through marriage. As a result, Erwin Barclay, the eldest son of Alfred I, and Siegmunda von Reuss, the daughter of Siegmund I, were to be wed.


The wedding was a modest affair, attended only by immediate family members from both sides. The bride was traditionally escorted down the aisle by her father, the Margrave, and the ceremony took place in the Tempel der Waldenisches Martyrer, officiated by Father Matthias.


The wedding ceremony concluded with a buss exchanged by the couple, followed by applause from the small gathering. This was accompanied by the customary exchange of a dowry between the Waldenic families. 




His Royal Highness, Alfred I,

GMSTSR ROKSG, Prince in Reinmar and of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Freimark and Kretzen, Baron of Madvon and Freising, Lord of Sankt Johannsburg, Freisburg, Wilheburg, Rozenfeld, Erwinsburg and Neuberg, High Chief of the Reinmaren


His Excellency, Siegmund I, 

RKTVOOBE, ROKSG, Margrave of Velen, Count of Cantal, Viscount of the Aschenwald, Baron Mons Velena, Alsace, and the Arentania, Lord of Kostritz, Patriarch of the House von Reuss, Elector of Velen, Protector of the Aschenwald peoples, Vice-Chancellor of Aaun


His Lordship, Erwin Barclay


Her Ladyship, Siegmunda of Velen


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Alfred, Erwin's father grins with pure elation as his, and Siegmund's plans finally come to fruition.

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Marlene of Merryweather, the brides mother, smiled warmly "one done... two to go"

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