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[Vision] Entili Matoi


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This night, you do not dream as usual.


You watch yourself finish your cup of sake at the teashop. You chase your back around corners, between your intersecting ranks of soldiers. An earring finds you. A Wizard. A Philosopher. A Priest, who looks at you with veritable disgust. You listen, and listen to your listening. Most people are oblivious, but some see you with different eyes; a white-haired elf screams and screams, and a blind dwarven beggar grasps your knee, blubbering:


"Please! You must wake! You must live! You must go blind - you must stop seeing all! For the sake of the soil and in the name of the GOD!"

You see the coastline of Aevos. You can see a murdered Pontiff, the sorrow of the son of a Lich, a thousand soldiers marching into battle...
Sometimes you just watch yourself look out the window.
You hear the words, laughed by an elf shrouded in green robes, with skin so pale and gaunt that he looks half-dead:


"Entili matoi jesil irhaila mi..."

You see a coil, made of silver, reaching up into the heavens, with branches twisting and a circle forming around every living being. You watch those branches wither and fade with time, and you look to yours: Golden.


You murder a wizard by a voidal tear. You see your blood splatter across the floor, and gasp for breath at your slit throat. You slump to the floor, and watch yourself slump to the floor.
You do not prepare so much as wait whilst the world grows ripe for ending. 
You dream yourself dreaming, and you see, in your mind, a red eye, angered and haughty for your disturbing it. Your mind reels - you feel soiled, dirtied. Your body heaves for a disgusted feeling.

A robin finds you, and the vision ends.

Edited by MALUKOR
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