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Chambery City Information Board presented by the Chamberian Tourism Office






A Little bit about Chamberian History..


The Free City of Chambery welcomes you to its beautifull shores along the Petran River Valley. Thanks to a generous Charter it was founded to be the home for the Nothern Geographical Society as a safe heaven for scholars & adventurers but it has since grown into a bussling city not just for scholars and adventurers but also for artists, chefs, Alchemists,craftsman and so many more peoples, becoming a cultural hub and a great place to have a short and well deserved vacation away from the daily troubles of your life. Chambery is a lively city nestled right into the picturesque Petran River valley, the City even with its size is still very connected with nature and every neighbourhood feels more like that of a village or a smal town rather than a crowded city. Its most striking features are its many little towers across the city, build out of necessity due to little space but also to grant the best views into the valley. But these are just a few of the many features and places that you can see in Chambery as this guide to the city will show you!


This little guide will give you a small overview over a few things that chambery has to offer, but always keep your ears open for any events or tours in Chambery!


The Northern Geographical Society:




The Nothern Geographical Society is set right at the Heart of Chambery with its flagship museum on the main square together with the Statue of their founder, Dame Celestine Herbert. The Nothern Geographical Society or in short NGS is now a centuries old Society of Historian, Scholars and adventuers who will explore around the world and write and show their findings in the Society Museums! It is very much recommended on your visit to take a look around the NGS Museum as well as their Library currently hosting a growing collecting of over  230 unique books, and if you enjoy the life of a scholar or adventurers, the NGS is always recruiting more members!






It is easy to spot all that Chambery has to offer overground but one of its lesser known features lies under it, The Caves of Chambery! To this day the extensive cave networks which is to be said to be a small part of the larger underdark cave system of the continent has not yet been fully explored. As it stands the NGS is still sending in several exploration teams to uncover all the secrets of these caves!


You however can already visit many of the now publicly opened parts of the caves which connect many of the overground buildings of the city and even some citizen still live in these caves today!






The Chateaux des Civis is the seat of the Chamberian Government but it is also place for events! as the Name implies, Civis meaning Citizen, the chateaux was specifically build for all the Citizen of Chambery and is publicly accessible around the clock! For this purpouse it is possible for anyone to rent the Chateaux main hall together with its beautifull gardens to host any events from banquets to weddings or carnivals!






The Skyline of Chambery has several towers in it, what is maybe less known is that several of them serve a public purpouse! These towers are publicly available spaces for peoples to use to harness their craft! At this time there are two of these towers, the tower of artistic inspiration which boosts everything that artists need to do their paintings or sculpting! And the Tower of Natural Philosophy which boosts a clinic, Astronomy lab, Alchemist lab and a map room! So if you need a quiet space to work on what you love, come on up into one of these towers.



Named after one of History greatest playwrites the theater is located right on the Main square of Chambery! It is a small but very functional Theater room which was designed for multiple purpouse. Its primary function of course is to server as a theater for various plays but also scholarly lectures, Town hall meetings or conferences can also be held in it one just needs to ask in advance to reserve it! In addition the theater is also the home of a small bards school and of a small Chambery based theater group which plans to hold several little plays there in the future.



What makes Chambery Chambery is not just its little towers, its valley views but its peoples with their craft and of course their businesses! On your visit make sure to visit each one of them as they are all specialized! From shops selling adventuring and scholars equipment, over to Wand shop or Alchemists! In addition Chambery boosts several Restaurants and bars selling most declious foods and savoury drinks! The White Lilly Bistro is highly recommend for any visitor as well as the Restaurant du Petit Savant to enjoy the most beautifull views from its tables.



Want to know when Events are happening in Chambery? or when peoples are around? Join our Discord server to stay up to date! https://discord.gg/fTS6CxEuJd


Any inquires or question can be directed to me! EtowTheSaltyCat((also on discord))


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William would read the tourist brochure on the balcony of one of the towers, overlooking the city square "If only the city could be so simply described in a brochure." he thought to himself before folding the brochure and simply gazing towards the vibrant shops below.

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Jaromir Is simply proud and read the brochure while making wine with Vincent.

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Adya takes a pause in setting up her shop to read the brochure, smiling under her veil. She folds it up, tucks it away, and goes back to expanding her shop.

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