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From the Heartlandic Council to the People


Issued and averred by the office of






 The Duchy of Vohenheim
Representative Aurel von Theonus


The County of Warsovia
Representative Hedwig Maria Alstion


The County of Ves
Representative Demetrio Sigismondo


The County of Hohengarten
Representative Friedrich von Augusten


The Barony of Feldkirch
Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr


The Barony of Fir’steinn
Representative Aimo of Astor


The Legion of Saint Godwin
Representative Tiber


The Free Port of Chambery
Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach


The Lady-Mayor of Vallagne
Representative Amélie Auclair


First People’s Seat of the Petra
Representative Theodore Elwood


Second People’s Seat of the Petra
Representative Karol Walewski


Second People’s Seat of Aaun
Representative Brennus


The Principality of Merryweather
Representative Adelheid Halcourt


The Margravate of Velen
Representative Siegmund von Reuss


The County of Anairgrid
Representative Wilford Reinhold


The Barony of Rosius
Representative Unstated

The Barony of Gotfridcher
Representative Unstated

The Lord-Mayor of Whitespire
Representative Mithius Dalma

First People’s Seat of Aaun
Representative Alexander Darkwood



- Opening Statements -
Presented by: Grand Speaker, Atticus Reinhold




Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Right, let me see- As always, it's an honor and a pleasure to see all of us gathered here today. Since we've done this once before, I won't have so long winded of an introduction- We'll head straight into the roll call, if all are ready. If you are sitting on the benches below, please state your full name, and the seat you are representing. This would be either your vassal title, or the name of the seat you were elected for publically.”

Nicolas von Wittenbach: “Nicolas Emmanuel von Wittenbach, Bourgmestre of the Free City of Chambery.”

Katrin Eryka Stafyr: “Katrin Eryka Stafyr, Barony of Feldkirch.”

Karol Aleksander Walewski: “Karol Walewski, Petran People's Second Seat.”  

Brennus: “Brennus, Aaun peoples seat.”

Hedwig of Warsovia: “Hedwig Maria Alstion, and representing my maiden house the County of Warsovia.”

Theodore Elwood: “Theodore Elwood, First Petran People's Seat.”

Aurel von Theonus: “Hallo! I'm Aurel. Here representing Marignan.”

Li Jun: “Li Jun of Astor, representing Barony of Fir'steinn.”

Amélie Auclair: “Amélie Auclair, Dame-Maire of Vallagne.”

Demetrio Sigismondo: “Oh- Varoche.”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Perfect- Before we get into the bills, I will briefly open the floor if any of our newly-added members have any questions about the proceedings- Or if our peer members have any questions after our last meeting.”
Katrin Eryka Stafyr: “Are they not sworn in- or something of that sort?”
Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Hm?  If you mean a ceremony for the elected officials, we actually don't currently have one. Though, I think that would be a fantastic idea.”




- The Garmont Code of Conduct -
Proposed by: Grand Speaker, Atticus Reinhold




Sir Atticus Reinhold: “If that was all for questions, I will now open the floor to any who wish to step forward and present a bill, or a proposal to the Assembly. And if none of you have one, I have one of my own.”
Karol Aleksander Walewski: “If you have one prepped and ready, we may as well hear it first either way.”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Very well, let me pass this around-”

He produces a stack of copies from somewhere in that desk, and does a quick loop around the Assembly hall to pass one out to everyone. Once he finishes, he takes the stand again. 

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “When working together on the reformation of the Garmont Assembly, Her Majesty Catherine I brought up to me the idea of a code of conduct that all members of the Assembly could abide by. I took it upon myself to pen this code, and I wish to move it through the due process of the Assembly before implementing it, so that all may have their say on its terms. When the Assembly is ready, the floor is opened for moderated debate- That means indicating yourself by raising your hand, or another gesture, when you wish to speak.”

Nicolas von Wittenbach raises his hand. 
Sir Atticus Reinhold: “The Chambery Representative is acknowledged to speak.”

Nicolas von Wittenbach: “I will first give my support for this bill, it is good to have a code for a healthy discourse, it should of course not discourage to give out our Opinions! And hope that should be clarified, this is not sanction of free speech. I do however have a question to why the punishment for 3 infraction is kept vague? Why not set an amount of time for suspension? Rather than undefined terms?”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “This is because it would be handled case-to-case. For example, the punishment for one shouting or speaking out of turn three times in a row, accumulating three infractions, would not be as severe as the punishment for- Let's say, inciting a physical fight. It's important to leave some things with a bit of room for compromise, so that we do not over or under-discipline”
Nicolas von Wittenbach nods, happy with the answer. 

Amelie Auclair raises her hand.
Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Lady-Mayor Auclair, you are acknowledged to speak.”

Amelie Auclair: “I merely meant to proffer, prior to seeing the bill voted upon - that I know in my heart, these measures are proposed for naught reason but to ensure civility in the proceedings of the Garmont, and that they will like as not, hardly see anyone herein present denied their truth & speech. It's like as not why it is kept so open case-by-case judgment, and should the circumstances of the Garmont's body ever change such that these edicts may prove either too limiting, or naught enough, I trust we will all be able to convene & see them amended - I give my full support in turn.”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Thank you, Amelie- It is truly appreciated.”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Unless there are any objections, we shall now move to voting. All in favor, raise your hand- All against, keep it lowered. All abstaining, please state such aloud.”

Friedrich raised his hand. “Excuse mein tardiness..” 

Karol Aleksander Walewski raised his hand at that. 

Hedwig of Warsovia raised her hand. 

Theodore Elwood raises his hand. 

Nicolas von Wittenbach raises his hand. 

Brennus lifts his hand slowly. 

Captain Tiber raised his hand. 

Katrin Eryka Stafyr raises her hand. 

Amelie Auclair would raise a hand in turn. 

Sir Aimo of Astor raises his hand.

Aurel von Theonus raised his hand.

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Eleven puts us far in the majority- And so this will pass into law, and shall apply to each Assembly from here forth, though I doubt we will have to make much use of it. Now- Are there any topics for discussion the Assembly would like to put on the table? If you have something you believe the Assembly should give its attention to, a recent event, a point of concern- You may voice it now. Otherwise, we may motion to end today's session.”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Right, then- Motion to adjourn?”

Sir Aimo of Astor: “Ye, I will first the motion.”

Karol Aleksander Walewski: “Seconded.”

Brennus: “Yes.”

Aurel von Theonus: “Sure.”

Friedrich: “Third-ed.”

Katrin Eryka Stafyr: “Fourded.”

Sir Atticus Reinhold: “Very well- The Assembly is dismissed! Thank you all for your presence today.”




 The Duchy of Vohenheim
Representative Aurel von Theonus



The County of Warsovia
Representative Hedwig Maria Alstion



The County of Ves
Representative Demetrio Sigismondo



The County of Hohengarten
Representative Friedrich von Augusten



The Barony of Feldkirch
Representative Katrin Eryka Stafyr



The Barony of Fir’steinn
Representative Aimo of Astor



The Legion of Saint Godwin
Representative Tiber



The Free Port of Chambery
Representative Nicolas von Wittenbach



The Lady-Mayor of Vallagne
Representative Amélie Auclair



First People’s Seat of the Petra
Representative Theodore Elwood



Second People’s Seat of the Petra
Representative Karol Walewski



Second People’s Seat of Aaun
Representative Brennus



With minimal debate and no alterations, the Garmont Assembly approved its own code of conduct and voted it into effect. The Garmont Code of Conduct will now apply to every future Garmont Assembly, and all who sit upon the Assembly it will be held to the standards of behavior listed within. 






Proposed and Issued to the Garmont Assembly in 1976.



INTRODUCTION: The Garmont Assembly is a place of fair speech, and of measured debate. It is intended to be a meeting where those representative of the Heartlands’ people may pass on their honest opinions, needs, and desired changes to the Council, and to the Sovereigns. In order to maintain the Garmont’s state as a fair assembly, it is essential all representatives are able to conduct themselves within certain standards. As it is within the abilities of the Grand Speaker to issue suspension of Assembly seats, as laid out in the Codex of Saint Godwin, this document outlines clear criteria for what justifies such suspensions.

AIM OF BILL: Introduced as an independent edict pertaining to the standards and rules of the Garmont Assembly.



Offenses of the Code of Conduct will be counted through infractions, which are issued and tracked by the Grand Speaker. The number of infractions dealt out is measured by the severity of the offense. If a representative reaches three infractions, their seat is viable to be temporarily suspended for a length of the Speaker’s choosing. If a representative gains an infraction, but then gains no further infractions over the course of two consecutive assemblies, they will lose the previously gained penalty. The Code of Conduct is issued as follows.

I.  Members of the Assembly will not resort to inappropriate shouting within the Assembly hall. A violation of this is grounds for one infraction.

II.  During moderated debate, members of the Assembly are expected to wait until they are called upon by the Speaker to voice their thoughts. Talking during another representative’s time within moderated debate is grounds for one infraction, though honest mistakes will be excused.

III.  When the Speaker issues a motion to the Assembly, and that motion is accepted and seconded by at least two other members of Assembly, ignoring the accepted motion is grounds for one infraction. For example, this would be continuing a debate after it was voted to be tabled for a later date. Honest mistakes will be excused.

IV.  Representatives within the Assembly are expected to remain cordial and respectful to their fellows within the Garmont hall, and debates are always to stay on the topic of legislation. Issuing a personal insult to other members of the Assembly, or to spectators, is grounds for two infractions.

V.  Due to their potential to be used as a means of intimidation, within an assembly where all are given the right to speak freely on their thoughts and opinions, demands to a duel may not be issued within or during the Garmont Assembly. If two representatives come into a dispute over matters of honor or opinion during the Assembly, and mutually agree outside of it that a duel would be the best way to resolve the dispute, they may conduct one. However, if the agreement is not mutual, duels over words spoken in Assembly are not permitted. Demanding one is grounds for two infractions. 

VI.  It is considered poor conduct to excessively berate or disparage a fellow Assembly member even after a session of the Garmont has concluded. All are subject to public opinion for their words spoken in Assembly, but the representatives themselves are held to a higher standard of conduct. If the Speaker is informed of harassment or intimidation occuring outside the Assembly from one representative to another, regarding ideas or opinions presented within, it is considered grounds for two infractions.

VII.  Threatening violence within the Assembly hall, whether to another representative or a spectator, is grounds for immediate suspension. Any acts of physical violence within the Assembly hall are also grounds for immediate suspension.

Introduced to the Garmont Assembly by  Sir Atticus Reinhold in 1976


His Excellency, Sir Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Count of Anairgrid, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids

Edited by Hom
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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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