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[ART RAFFLE & EVENT] The Great Norlandic Arts Faire

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The Great Norlandic Arts Faire

Join us, people of Solheim, at the Great Norlandic Arts Faire held by the Norlandic branch of the Bard’s College! It will be hosted at the Gylldene Fairgrounds.

[!] A map is attached to the missive



OOC Time:

Friday, May 31st, 6pm EST

There will be many bards and tradespeople alike selling their wares and celebrating the arts! Come shop and partake in the festivities- be it the scavenger hunt, axolotl naming contest, or the art raffle! A preview of events is detailed below.


Art Raffle

Buy your tickets for the art raffle at the Faire, or buy them anytime before the end of the raffle (Sunday, June 30th, 6pm EST).

(OOC in Green)



Rules for the raffle:


-One winner will be drawn for each raffle at random, via name. Ticket amount correlates with chance, and does not guarantee a win.

-(OOC) Saun's raffle prize will be a custom halfbody with simple background, find his TOS and examples here: https://saun-399.crd.co/#halfbody

-(OOC) Nagisa's raffle prize will be a custom colored headshot. Find her TOS and examples here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IIUNU1KfEmRlWonix0Iu2a6jBtLqZbpPlVhOYlVGjO4/edit

-Amount of tickets bought by each player will be made public unless requested otherwise.

-Tickets can be bought at the Norland event, and onwards until the 30th June. (OOC: Contact Saun_399 or ichigomaster98).


Scavenger Hunt

Not interested in shopping? Spend some time doing the Faire’s scavenger hunt! Figure out the riddles, find all the objects and win a magnificent (and secret) prize


Anybody can win, so long as all objects are found and recorded in the correct order by the end of the Faire. Happy hunting!


Axolotl Naming Contest

Once you’ve perused all the stalls and spent a fair amount of mina on the raffle… why not try and win some of it back in our axolotl naming contest? There are three pink axolotls and one, rare, golden axolotl.


If you suggest a name for a pink axolotl and it gets chosen, you win 50 mina. If you suggest a name for the one and only golden axolotl and it gets chosen, you win the grand prize of 150 mina! The winner will be announced at the end of the Faire, but winners can be contacted afterwards to receive their prize.


Interested in a Stall?

Stalls are free, but in limited supply! If you have any wares you would like to sell, please contact Farian Malto-Gylldene to secure a spot. (IGN: PestyWarlock - Discord: pestywarlock)



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The Head Researcher of Mana Laws for the Bard's College prepares to name one of the many-axe-dragons.

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A familiar bard-student elfess clapped her hands eagerly at the sight of the missive, seafoam eyes intensely glowing at the mention of naming the axolotls, "I WILL NAME ONE OF THEM IF IT'S THE LAST THING I'LL DO!"

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Aerrund pockets a few flyers. "Ah gonna pin 'em ontae de Noticeboard in Urguan."

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Farian Malto-Gylldene, owner of the Gylldene Fairgrounds, prepares his horse, "We'll be doing quite a lot of traveling in the next few days, Varen..." With a satchel full of fliers, he sets off to the various nations in preparation to spread the word.

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I am very cool artist going to be doing raffle yes


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Luthien had taken a stall and will start selling unique baked goods!

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Orin gathered up his best face-paint for the event, it was finally time to have some fun.

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