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Freedom Ridge Colony


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Freedom Ridge Colony

Who we are and what we stand for

The world is awash with people wanting to harm, cheat, enslave, scam and kill each other. In the Wilderness, no-one is safe but that is just about the only area you can make money as a new player or someone down on their luck. We think it is about time there was a Wilderness colony that was focused on helping new folk get on their feet, and giving weary travellers/explorers a place to rest their head and restock. Located in an area abundant with caves for exploring/mining, forests for logging and evil enemies to fight in relative safety from being surrounded; Freedom Ridge Colony is the perfect place to make yourself enough cash to start a store, a guild, or any other thing you desire.

What our guild offers

We can offer you many things depending on your role. You can buy a small home within the colony for as cheap as 200 minas - getting higher priced for the bigger, fancier homes. If you are new to the land or just down on your luck, you can buy a very small room and then save up using the money-making surroundings enough to buy a bigger home within the colony. If you are absolutely desperately poor or brand new - we can give you a free room that is very small and contains only a bed, workbench and little chest. This BELONGS to you and no-one can take it off you. You can stay in the free room forever if you wish, but most move on to bigger and better things inside the colony or out.

There are also career advancement opportunities available - work as a guard, miner, farmer or gatherer and advance in rank over time or for valorous/helpful deeds. With these come benefits such as money off housing, free items, free house expansion permits and more depending on rank. Whether you want to stay with us for a day or a year it is up to you - and there will always be something for you here.

A guild? I thought this was a colony?

A guild is an organisation of people who have shared goals or beliefs. A colony is a group of people setting up a new home far away from where they came from with the express interest of populating that area with people and structures. We are both of these.

We believe that every man or woman, of any race, should be able to have somewhere safe to live within the Wilderness, have affordable housing and a way to make themselves a decent wage. We aim to offer all of that.

There are hundreds of guilds - what makes YOURS different?

We aren't based on ranks or privaledges or power trips. We aren't bent on world domination or achieving the most wealthy, sought-after financial goals. We just want to have a community of friends where we can enjoy spending time together exploring, creating or just messing around - and if we can all make a few minas while we're at it then all the better.

~~Rules, Duties and Punishment~~


No murdering/attacking of other people within the colony, except when in defense of life or property - for example killing robbers.

No profane language or racism - just because someone is a different race than you does not make them less than you. In a lot of Aegis, race divides people. Not here. People who swear at others and racists need not apply.

No damaging property that does not belong to you. Public property and that of others should be safe from damage by any means. If you are found to be damaging property you will be cautioned or ejected from the colony depending on the severity and intent of the damage.

No theft - theft of any type is automatic dissmissal from the guild.

All structures must be kept within the building style of the rest of the colony. You may only break this rule by applying for, being accepted for, and then purchasing a Unique Architecture Permit. This can be sold by any Guild Official.


Militia - All guild members are expected to take up arms and repel invaders should the colony come under attack. Remember, if the guards are killed then the attackers will destroy/steal anything you own. A chest of swords is kept in the Colony Centre, these are to be used for (and only for) defense of the colony. Should a guard ask for your assistance, give it. You may not be a skilled fighter - but in the narrow walkways of Freedom Ridge, 5 men can hold of 50 long enough for reinforcements to arrive.


Punishment largely depends on the crime comitted. It can range from a fine for smaller offences (architecture code violations) to death penalty for crimes such as murder. If you murder another colony member by accident, you must pay them 2000 minas compensation and 500 minas to the Guild in fines. If you commit intentional murder, you will be killed by guards and then banned from the Guild. You may buy your re-entry for 5000 minas. If you do not pay the 5000 minas for re-entry, and attempt to re-enter the Colony you will be killed on sight by guards.

Mainly though, Guild Officials are reasonable people and punishments are rare.

Guild Officials

Estellan - Guild Master/Colony Master

Luke Smith - Chief Engineer

Stryker - Head of the Guard

Feel free to send any of these a messenger pidgeon or message by courier at any time.

Positions for Hire

We are hiring the following:

Guards - your duty is to defend the colony against attack, and to assist in Guild matters such as policing. Initially, your pay consists of free housing but later on with seniority comes cash payments and discounts.

Foragers/Gatherers - your duty is to go out and collect what the colony needs; be that wool, wood, iron, redstone or any other material. You can collect it in the wild or buy it from your own pocket. As long as you get it we don't care how. We will then buy the materials from you.

Merchants - Take goods to cities for us to sell. You get a commission. Be warned - if you just take the goods and run we will hire assassins and other folk to pursue you across the world. They will be paid to destroy anything you build, sabotage your dreams and just generally murder you. Don't do it. Over time, you will be trusted with bigger contracts meaning more money for you.

Miners - You go out into the world and collect ores such as iron, gold, redstone, diamond etc. We will then buy the ore off you.

Explorers - Your duty is to explore the area around the colony regularly, and then report to Guild Officials. Notify them of any new appearances (a new building being built et cetera) in the nearby area. Also notify officials if you find resources such as mines, caves with ores in or any other such interesting finds. If you come across people wandering around near the Colony, approach them and ask them their business. Should they attack you, just run. DO NOT run straight back to the colony, but lose them first. Then report to a guild official, and we will deal with the situation. You are paid at first with a free room, but you can gain a wage over time, or cash rewards for significant finds.

Colony Land

Guild land within the colony can be attained in two ways. Firstly, it can be gifted from a Guild Official. This is usually as a reward for extreme valour, helpfulness or duty towards the guild. It is a great honour and a sign of appreciation. It is also common for employees of the guild, aswell as guild members to own small plots of land during their employment. They do not "own" it but it is rented to them for free for the duration of their service.

Secondly, colony land can be bought for the following prices:

Very small room: 200 minas



Small room: 300 minas

Medium room: 400 minas



VIP room: 500 minas (medium sized room in a desireable location)

Small Store: 400 minas



Large Store: 600 minas



You can come along and view any land before you buy it.

Finding the colony

Due to the out of the way nature of the colony, it is imperative you can read a map. We will send you map co-ordinates to find us. If you cannot read a map, you can hire a guide you trust.

Approaching the Colony

We ask that when approaching the colony, you have your weapon sheathed. If groups of people are seen heading for the colony holding weapons, we will assume you are a raiding party and act accordingly. Where possible, we will send someone out to challenge you as to why you are here with weapons, but if we are short on guards at that moment they will wait near the colony, attacking should you approach. If you are ever attacked or killed by a Freedom Ridge guard, please contact Estellan who will deal with the situation.

Trade Agreements

We are always open to trade agreements with other trusted cities/towns/villages/colonies. We are swimming in building materials like stone, cobblestone, gravel and dirt aswell as almost all types of food but lack materials such as wool, dyes and leather. If you need building materials, you can pay us cash or trade for wool, dyes and leather. Up to you. Send a message to Estellan via forum or ingame if interested.

~~Note: The Difference between a Guild and Colony member~~

Colony Members: These are people who own colony land but are not part of the guild. For example, if an elf buys a room in the colony and lives there, but does not work for us or contribute in another way to the guild then he is a colony members. As such he is not obligated to Militia duties. However, this means he is also not entitled to Guild member benefits such as subsidised housing, protection and promotion.

Guild Members: These are either employees of the guild, honourary members or people who pay a fee for Guild Member benefits. These people all own colony land, are part of the guild and so as such are obligated to form part of the militia if attacked. However, they means they are entitled to subsidised housing, guild protection and promotion opportunities.

Affliated Members: These are people who fit into neither group, but still know the location of and access the colony. These include but are not limited to: Friends of the colony, merchants and hired professionals.

Build a Guild Hall in Freedom Ridge!

Freedom Ridge attracts a lot of new folk looking for a way to earn their way out of poverty. Most often they collect materials around the colony and sell them inside, but many look for guilds as a way to better themselves. However, most guilds are far away in capital cities. Until now. Two Guilds have already ordered Guild Halls to be built in Freedom Ridge as either a HQ or recruiting office. We sell these, depending on size, at a price of anything from 250 minas to 1500 minas. Bear in mind the grander halls attract the most recruits by their nature, but sometimes a 250 minas recruiting stall is all you need. If interested, contact a Guild Official.

NEWS: A new jewel for the crown!!

Our Chief Engineer himself is working on a new jewel of our colony. We have tasked him with creating "the most magnificent Guild-Hall possible based on a military-style guild". In his predictions, it will be a quarter to a half the size of the colony in actual area and will contain:

Reception area - With the best architectural marvels in the colony situated in your reception area, any potential recruit who walks past will be in awe. Wow your friends and enemies!

Captain's Quarters - Complete with luxury fittings such as carpets, paintings, a secret passworded safe and a private glass box where he can view training in progress in the training hall

Training Hall - Where soldiers of the owning guild can learn to fight or better themselves in the art of war

Meeting Hall - A place for battle plans to be made, victory songs to be sang and for general gatherings

Barracks - With fully fitted rooms for up to 25 soldiers, no man in this outpost will ever be without comfort

Armory - With workbenches, forges and enough passworded chests to store a whole army's gear this will be a vital cog in your well-tuned guild killing machine

Officer Barracks - With 5 luxury officer rooms, larger and better equipped than barracks rooms you can be assured your officers will appreciate the comfort and privacy while formulating battle plans and training regimens

Keep - A central fall-back area should the unlikely event occur that the colony and then your Guild-Hall be over-run by the enemy. Make a final stand behind these solid defenses, designed to give the defenders maximum chance of victory. Very narrow corridors make fighting a skill game rather than a numbers game, and multiple booby-traps will suprise attacking foes!!

Diplomacy Suite - Invite other guild leaders over for diplomatic talks in this suite, equipped with benches, tables and a fine, red wool carpet.

Dungeon - Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer....and behind bars!! With 3 rooms and space for 2 prisoners in each, you can keep 6 of your captive enemies for questioning or worse!

The final selling price for this is yet to be decided, but we will keep everyone updated with how it is going. Feel free to mail me and ask!

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There are various Employment opportunities at Freedom Ridge Colony. All of which can lead to advancement in rank, earning various perks and bonuses in addition to cash. All of our employees have free housing on site at the colony, but are free to go elsewhere if they choose. There are no minimum hours, but in order to be promoted you must show dedicated to your work. Showing up once a week is not dedication! We are currently only hiring Guards, but are planning to hire Explorers, Farmers, Builders and Miners very soon!


You will start at "Recruit" and will work your way up, gaining better perks and pay along the way.

The ranks are as follows:




Veteran Guard

Senior Guard

You can then branch into one of two trees. Command Tree and Expert Guard Tree. Some people don't want to lead others and want to stay as a dutiful fighter, and vice versa.

Command Tree:


Veteran Sergeant




Expert Guard Tree:


Champion Guardsman

Paladin Guardsman

Royal Guard

Veteran Royal Guard


Recruit - A free room in the barracks, access to minor farmland

Soldier - The opportunity to leave the colony and go exploring on recon missions to earn cash and item bonuses

Guard - A larger free room in the main colony, access to our main, "extensive" farmland which usually costs people 100 minas a day to access. You can also keep/sell what you pick as long as you replant it.

Veteran Guard - A daily wage, dependant on how long you work

Senior Guard - A larger daily wage

Command Tree Perks:

Sergeant - An even larger room, and command of militia

Veteran Sergeant - Command of 2 men

Captain - Command of 5 men and a fully free VIP room in the main colony

Commander - Command of all men on active duty

Chief - Full command of any colony occupant, armed or unarmed, and full ownership of all military property

Expert Guard Tree Perks:

Squire - Chance to earn bonsues from the Paladin you serve

Champion Guardsman - An increased wage, access to the main farmland

Paladin Guardsman - A personal squire to serve you

Royal Guard - Your own fully free VIP room, you can recruit any colony member to the militia in an attack, an increased wage and free iron armour provided by the colony

Veteran Royal Guard - You are a Guild Official, and can vote and make decisions - having the same rights as a founding member

Applying for a position

Please use the following template. Please also note you must apply for the minimum rank of that "tree". For example, you cannot apply to be a Veteran Guard, you must start at recruit and work your way up. This ensures any leader on our colony is dedicated and knowledgeable. FORUM MAIL YOUR APPLICATION TO STRYKER - IF YOU MAIL IT TO ESTELLAN IT WILL NOT BE REPLIED TO

Position applying for:

Previous experience (if any):

How long you have been playing minecraft:

How long you have been playing this server:

Useful/important skills:

Why you feel we should hire you:

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Hey guys, i'm the chief engineer at Freedom Ridge.


I just wanted to show you this picture of the Freedom Ridge Colony Centre in progress. The different districts will branch off of this room. You can see the VIP district to the left on the picture, and the mine in the center of the wall directly in the front of the picture. The two hallways next to the mine go down to our farm that is as big as this room!

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He's running Vanilla - and remember that was it when it was under early construction ;) The key was "in progress".

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Added screenshots of rooms and shops that are for sale

Also cleared up some information in main text

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Position applying for:Recruit Gaurd

Previous experience (if any):I was in past orc armys such as the rex but these armys have long been gone now

How long you have been playing minecraft:For around a year and a half now

How long you have been playing this server:since late June

Useful/important skills:I am a good tactian , I have alot of expreience with a bow and sword,I am also an orc so i apply fear to human enemys

Why you feel we should hire you:i am a good warrior i play on the server alot ,i am a good navigator.


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Position applying for:Recruit Gaurd

Previous experience (if any):I was in past orc armys such as the rex but these armys have long been gone now

How long you have been playing minecraft:For around a year and a half now

How long you have been playing this server:since late June

Useful/important skills:I am a good tactian , I have alot of expreience with a bow and sword,I am also an orc so i apply fear to human enemys

Why you feel we should hire you:i am a good warrior i play on the server alot ,i am a good navigator.


Accepted - Welcome aboard! I also got your message in the colony on the noticeboard, and message me when you get back on and we can talk about that room :)

Hmm.. I may be interested in buying a guild hall there...

Feel free to pop by anytime and view our current guildhalls to help make your decision. We custom make yours depending on what you need.

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Position applying for: Explorer

Previous experience (if any): None really, Walked around the wilderness for a bit

How long you have been playing minecraft: around 8 months

How long you have been playing this server: I started yesterday

Useful/important skills: None as of now

Why you feel we should hire you: I see alot of people applying for guard, Exploring doesn't really require any special skills and I can do that all day until I acquire experience and get better and better. I'm also looking to integrate a community and your colony looks really good for that.

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Position applying for: Explorer

Previous experience (if any): None really, Walked around the wilderness for a bit

How long you have been playing minecraft: around 8 months

How long you have been playing this server: I started yesterday

Useful/important skills: None as of now

Why you feel we should hire you: I see alot of people applying for guard, Exploring doesn't really require any special skills and I can do that all day until I acquire experience and get better and better. I'm also looking to integrate a community and your colony looks really good for that.

You are a mind reader. I just came on this thread now to advertise for an explorer! We'll only need you for a few days but after that I am sure we could find you a permanent position. I will mail you directions on how to find us.

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You are a mind reader. I just came on this thread now to advertise for an explorer! We'll only need you for a few days but after that I am sure we could find you a permanent position. I will mail you directions on how to find us.

Thank you kind sir :mrgreen:

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Can I join this guild when I get accepted?

I would like to be a guard that's if I can join and get accepted into the server.

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