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The Oasis Crafters


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How We Came To Be

Long, long ago, when Aegis was created, man did not know how to build. People lived in trees, or caves, and never could come up with any sort of structure themselves. Then came the Great Hotep Ra, who was the first man to ever build. He started off with a small shack, and as he practiced, he became greater at what he did. He built huge houses, lavish mansions, fearsome forts, and extravagant castles. Hotep Ra designed many castles for Kings and Queens, that have long been destroyed.

Soon people learned how to build from him, and structures popped up all over Aegis. Different people built with different styles, such as the Human, Orc, Dwarf, and Elf races all have different styles of creation. Most people believe it was the races that developed the style, but Hotep Ra thought it was the style that developed the races.

Since then, the art of creation is dwindling in our lands. Two men, Justin Longfellow and Alurid Dunn set out to fix that. They established The Oasis Crafters, a guild set around the art of building. They based the guild out of their homes in New Oasis, The Verge, and so it grew.

Rank System

In The Oasis Crafters, we have numerous ranks and divisions that you must work for. You can rank up in your division by earning build points. One small job, or anything considered a one person job, is a build point. Build points for any large scale jobs will be measured by hours ((Real life time)). Each hour of work is considered one build point.

Ranks from Highest to Lowest

Founder - The two people that started the guild

Dean - Founders choose these

Respected - Requires 40 build points

Fledgling - Requires 15 build points

Apprentice - Starting rank

Undecided Apprentice- This person browses through all the categories to find the one they like

There are also eight categories for you to choose a position in. In that category you will go up in the ranks listed above. We have a category to suit each person, even if your not much of a builder!


Defensive Building - These people build defensive structures such as walls and traps.

Home Building - Exactly that, a person who builds homes whether big or small.

Castle Buildiing - These people's main expertise is building castles and forts

Material Removal - Consider them the demolition squad. Whether getting rid of a house or clearing land, we go to them for it.

Landscaping - Sure, that house is amazing, but the land around it is so flat and boring. Thats where these people come in.

Interior Design - Some people are great at building houses, but never know what to put inside them. These are the people we have furnish all our buildings.

Farming - We have a group of people that not only farm for the guild, but specialize in building farms!

Miscellaneous - This includes Guards, Due Collectors, Accountants, Couriers, and Hunters.

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If your members need homes in the Verge please contact me ((Leland22)). I can sell them houses for only 1000 minas!

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@jtringl ((If possible, could you copy the application to this thread to make accepting more efficient?))

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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