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—<☼>—The Society Of Illuminus Obscura—<☼>—


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((How exactly do you stop the gods? Killing them? I am sort of confused.

As the Illum states, we do no necessarily 'kill' them, rather to usurp their throne and gain their power. To do this, the Illum states that the gods draw power from support, praise, and worship. What I am trying to do is a recreation of a mass exodus of religious peoples and those who follow it.

Basically, [not to put it offensively], it will be somewhat similar to Hitler Germany. We will create a 'Superior Race' of people, giving them power for the greater good. With power, they ascend to the thrones of godhood and can go no further, ending their sins that greed has created.

With greed, you can sate the greed, turning the world to everlasting peace.

Of course, we will not take this comparison to extremes as to what Hitler did himself, but it has similar aspects.

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((Sorry for writing a double post, but currently I am writing a religion. It uses 8 gods, but the gods have no real power over the people. Will you attack me if I do this?))

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Sadly, any belief that has power over people is a weakness to my character. The only gods that my character would respect, are the gods he has raised himself. We strive to create a superior race of people and eliminate the weak, letting the strong prosper.

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Awesome XD

Apparently, the server is full of good natured people.

I need greedy people >_<

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Huh, I might join. Om'echan is starting to get confusing and Catty left, so it no longer updates.

I'm going to mass-campaign after we get our town charter up and running...

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Minecraft Name –


Role-Playing Name -

Fredrick The Entertainer

Race -


In-Game Age -


Real Age -


Villain Application Link -

Mah Villain App~

Time on the Server –

Since Around October the 25th 2011

What contributions will you bring to the society

I think a preacher type character would help with the cults teachings etc. I think I am a good roleplayer aswell, So I hope to Roleplay with a couple of Villain Veterans..

Did you support our City Charter? –

Yes I did~


Why does your character share our views –

Fredrick lost his best friend recently, Well it was a bird but still. It was killed by one of those bloody natives. (Chuckles a tinybit). Well if there was the whole Aerial thing then why do we suffer, Could be it because of the gods greed,Why do we believe? Only for hope. Gods are only an instrument for hope.If they’re taken down, well Chaos would flourish (Laughs).This is only to make people Listen and learn not to follow those idiotic creations.

What do you wish to Accomplish -

I wish to accomplish Chaos, This place might not helpme with that though the gods. The gods are quite a weird thing. Only showing themselves once in whatever amount of ridiculous time. I wish to honestly take down the gods with the fellow people in this place. Well at least Aerial if anything. (Laughs)

Which of the five pentacles appeals most to you? –

The Obscured,Sounds the least violent but the most fun.

Character Viewpoint Essay: A city filled with pagans, plagued by heretics, are being persecuted byanother religion. A city of thugs, mercenaries, bandits, and lowlives stand in your path. What is your course of action?

Fredrick Laughs as he walks through the crowds. Filled with the stale smell of ale. Fredrick knows hecannot make a move, as he would be ripped to shreds in seconds. Fredrick ponders. He sits there and watches the stand. Watching the people get escorted to a block. Well a block that’s next to a man with a giant axe. Fredrick just stands there. “Pieces of a chess board, The pawns are getting removed. Hahaha..”He slowly walks away from the crowd

Character Viewpoint Essay: A heretic claims that the gods have blessed him with power.What are your views?

Fredrick laughs at the man. “Blessed? You have been blessed by arrogance. Thinking of magical powers now flow through ya blood, I guess that’s a no.” Fredrick chuckles as the man looks at him and says “Aerial is my saviour. She has given me healing powers beyond anyone in the world.” Fredrick sighs as the man looks proud. “Well, Would you be able to heal yourself If you got attacked by bandits?” The man responds “Yes, May I take my leave now. May Aerial bl…” Fredrick interrupts the man. “May Aerial bless me?Why do you think she kills us, betrays us and makes us hope on nothing? Because she doesn’t care about you. If she cared about the world, Would there be disasters, Famines, Tortures and Chaos. No. So please think about this. Your god has given you powers to kill and cause more pain, You “blessed” people are only to make chaos. It’s quite funny how naive’ you are. Well I am off. May Aerial corrupt your soul” Fredrick laughs as he walks away whistling. ---End of Out of Character--- Now, you must write a letter, staging your interest towardsthe Society. This must be In Character. When I havereceived it, the reply will be as a Reply upon the forums, whether by PM orPost. ---In Character---

*A raven lands nextto you with a piece of paper attached to its leg.*

Well Hello,

I sent the raven as you asked, And it took a bloody while to get it. But no need to talk about that. With that talk we had I want to meet with you again, your cause seems worthy. Well I am enlightened by you, your explanations on gods and life, were quite intriguing. So I this is in interest to join you. You may send this raven back with your message back to the elven camp where we talked. So I await your response.



*A piece of string is on the bottom of the note to tie itback to the bird* ---End of In Character---

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Quick note to Applicants: I'll be right with them once our town charter is up. Stay tuned for a bit... Need one more signature.

More concepts for Lowtown. I worked a bit more on the slums area and centre hub.

Updated Lowtown Square fountain:



Regular Slums Residency [Approx 900-1200 Minas] [Requires a bit more aesthetics for the atmosphere:



Outside of a Lowtown/Slums residency:


Another outside picture of a Lowtown residency located in the North Sprawl:


Lowtown Square:



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Minecraft Name - Darkdragon274

Role-Playing Name - Relgard

Race - High Elf

In-Game Age - 256

Real Age - 14

Villain Application Link - Here

Time on the Server - About 4 Months

Contributions You Bring to the Society - I Maintain a level head, respect for superiors, and a great skill in manipulating others.

Did you support out City Charter? - I am going to do so right after I post this.


Why does your character share our views - As a child, Relgard was captured by an Undead Cult who planned to train him as one of their own (More info on that in VA). He eventually escaped, and while he did not share their religious views, he gained a willingness to do whatever was necessary to complete his goals. Also gained were his fighting style, use of his cunning, and self-centered attitude. When he encountered the common, Aerial following religion, he noticed something: Warriors used the name as an alternative to strategy and tactics.

He saw that a war between an evil, cunning force and a larger, heroic one would result in little more than a long and bloody war. A perfect drama for the gods.

What do you wish to Accomplish - Relgard wants to put power in the hand of someone smart and efficient rather than blind and heroic. He considers himself a prime candidate.

Which of the five pentacles appeals most to you? - Obscuration. Relgard's favored method of disposing of enemies is subtly weakening them; be it by making new enemies for them or breaking alliances, before going in for a kill.

Character Viewpoint Essay: A city filled with pagans, plagued by heretics, are being persecuted by another religion. A city of thugs, mercenaries, bandits, and lowlives stand in your path. What is your course of action?

Relgard pulls his hood over his head, keeping his identity secret. An enemy fighting another enemy is always a good thing. Of course, he will have to have some hand in this; his ego demands it. Relgard will find a place to speak from, a place to be heard from. Readjusting his hood, he will begin to shout. To sympathize with the persecuted and stir up a riot.

Why fight your enemies when you can get other enemies to do it for you?

Character Viewpoint Essay: A heretic claims that the gods have blessed him with power. What are your views?

A madman like him will certainly be shouting for attention inside a city. The crowds will certainly suffice for a message. Relgard will loosen his sheathe, but not draw it. Not yet. He will approach the man, and question him. He will taunt him, pester him, bring him closer to rage. Then he will challenge him to combat, and certainly slay him.

As his body falls, Relgard will shout to the crowd "There is no wisdom in your gods. There is no power in your gods. There are only lies in them." Then, he will take one of his predetermined escape routes from the city.

---End of Out of Character---

Now, you must write a letter, staging your interest towards the Society. This must be In Character. When I have received it, the reply will be as a Reply upon the forums, whether by PM or Post.

---In Character---

Dear Usurpant.

Word has reached me that you are leading a group of the enlightened, a group of those who see past the gods' lies. I had once thought that my ideas were unique, that I was alone in a sea of ignorant faith. This is my chance to join a cause that sees the world like I do.

I write this requesting to join your order. I command a small force known as the Spectres, and can use them for assistance in combat or to guard an area. They could be of use.

-Relgard, Spymaster of the Spectres

---End of In Character---

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Reposting for Pallino's Application:


Minecraft Name -


Role-Playing Name -


Dear The Usurpant of Gods,

I send this letter in regards to serve in your ranks, as a purger of the monsters people call gods. Although I can’t provide for group in areas of wealth I assure you I share your fire for these goals. I have matters to settle with the gods, and I hope to reach them through the help of your society. My matters agree with your goals, and such I wish to serve under your knowledgeable hands, in which I will flourish. I intend to make the gods bleed for all they’ve stolen form me, and I’ll gladly cut them down time, and time again for anyone who asks. I have no resent for you cause, I only wish for it to take this “Stage” by storm. The gods have held the strings for to long, and I intend to cut them while holding, your hand as more than a brother in cause. You’ll find I’m a man of action rather then one of thought. With your guidance I’ll bring the gods to your knees where they will kiss them, as they witness judgment passed by a mortal. I give you my heart, mind, and soul to command, I just ask you to accept them.


A raven swoops from its perch overhead. Diving towards Notte, its talons open, dropping a parchment, sealed with a star, surrounded in a circle. "In regards of the Illuminus" is affixed below the wax seal. The parchment reads;

To the one named Notte,

I have read your appeal and cause. I formally welcome you to our society. You shall be subject to placement soon to judge your respective area of expertise. I look forward to meeting you. I shall contact you once more to set-up a meeting point and time.

With great anticipation,

The Prophet of the Illuminus, The Usurpant.

---End of In Character---

Reposting for Jakbenimle's Application:

Well I suppose I shall be the first to formally apply.


Minecraft Name - Jakbenimble

Role-Playing Name - Murmundamus ( Tully )

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to pledge allegiance to your cause, which I find most worthy. I am sure that you will appreciate my talents as a man of 'questionable ethics'. My name is Murmundamus, however I will forgive you however you wish to pronounce it, as it is an old name, intended for use in a language long lost. I am certain that you will value my knowledge, as I believe my mind is a veritable treasure trove of intellectual wealth, but it may be just my ego speaking. Regardless, I was never one for writing long letters, so I shall keep this brief. I am sure you have some sort of pact or oath for me to say, so I await your response eagerly. Accept me as one of your own and you will not regret it.

A raven holds a parchment in its talons. As it swoops down, it deposits it on Tully's lap. On the parchment, a wax seal is affixed to the center, holding the two ends in place. On it, a star with a circle outlining the pentagrams shines brightly. Written below that, it reads, "Concerning the Illuminus Obscurum".

To the one called 'Tully',

You offer knowledge and insight, and it is greatly needed in the inception of the Society. I wish to formally welcome you into our group and commence with the placement to judge your character and separate you into your respective Pentacle.

With great apprehension,

The Illuminated Prophet, The Usurpant.


Minecraft Name –


Role-Playing Name -

Fredrick The Entertainer

Well Hello,

I sent the raven as you asked, And it took a bloody while to get it. But no need to talk about that. With that talk we had I want to meet with you again, your cause seems worthy. Well I am enlightened by you, your explanations on gods and life, were quite intriguing. So I this is in interest to join you. You may send this raven back with your message back to the elven camp where we talked. So I await your response.



*A piece of string is on the bottom of the note to tie itback to the bird* ---End of In Character---

A raven swoops from its perch and delivers a parchment from its talons. Upon it, a deep red seal holds the two ends together. Upon further inspection, you see that it is embedded with a star, surrounded by a circle. Under the seal, small writing can be seen, "Concerning the Illuminus Obscurum"

To the one called, Frederick,

I see that you have taken the hand and decided to swim upstream. I shall meet you soon and decide upon your placement, judging your character and area of expertise. I look forward to seeing you once more.

With great apprehension,

The Illuminated Prophet, The Usurpant.


Minecraft Name - Darkdragon274

Role-Playing Name - Relgard

Dear Usurpant.

Word has reached me that you are leading a group of the enlightened, a group of those who see past the gods' lies. I had once thought that my ideas were unique, that I was alone in a sea of ignorant faith. This is my chance to join a cause that sees the world like I do.

I write this requesting to join your order. I command a small force known as the Spectres, and can use them for assistance in combat or to guard an area. They could be of use.

-Relgard, Spymaster of the Spectres

A raven swoops from its perch and delivers a parchment from its talons. Upon it, a deep red seal holds the two ends together. Upon further inspection, you see that it is embedded with a star, surrounded by a circle. Under the seal, small writing can be seen, "Concerning the Illuminus Obscurum"

To the one called, Relgard,

I must formally welcome you to our society. It is great to have a small organization supporting our cause. I shall meet you in person, and contact you once more to arrange a rendezvous point. There, we shall talk more about your placement, judging your character and area of expertise, and your future prospects to the Society.

I would also like to offer some land in our city, yet to be erected. It will be much simpler if we could arrange matters before the construction begins.

With apprehension,

The Illuminated Prophet, The Usurpant.

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((I want to join and the forum post now puts Thom in a position to join but I have a few questions before I can decide.

1. I noticed you have a city charter in the works. Would Thom be required to live in the city or would he be able to live with the emerald knights and go to the city when he needs to?

2. Thom wouldn’t tell the Knights that he was a part of Illuminus Obscura because he would be afraid how they’d react. Is this a guild that every member must be verbal about their involvement or will some be able to hide it? Note: They don’t worship any god either.

3. More of a statement but I don’t have a villain app yet but I will try and get one before submitting a formal application.

Thank you for reading this and hope to get the answers soon.))

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((Heads up you need a VA Thom~))

As I said before

3. More of a statement but I don’t have a villain app yet but I will try and get one before submitting a formal application.

I have never needed one before but now I found a reason to get one. I just wanted some answers before I did that. The formal app will come once I get accepted as a anti-hero.

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((Sorry just scanned the points :P. Good luck on getting your VA~))

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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