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~`~The Blackthorne Legion~`~


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Think you have skill with a sword or a bow, eh? Well, stand up to one of our Legionaries and see how tough you are. With one of the strongest militaries in all of Aegis, BlackThorne has the ability to take on any force or foe. With strict leaders and intense training, we will whip you into the best soldier you could imagine. Divided into Regiments, each lead by its own Centurion, serving under the Generals, we have a very diverse military system. Here is where I will explain it all.

Not only is the BlackThorne Legion the main fighting force of the town of BlackThorne, but in the time of need for other people, they may be hired as a mercenary group. Not only will this give loyal fighters to people in need, but also bring in more income for BlackThorne.

Generals: Two generals lead our legion. They are strong hearted, and fierce fighters. The best of the best, they know how to lead our forces well.

Centurions: There are 3 Centurions in the BlackThorne Legion. They each lead a regiment, giving the orders in battle and directing them on what to do. They are responsible for all of their men, and take good care of them. I advise you not to cross their paths, because each one of them is very well trained with either bow, sword, or axe.

Now I will break down the regiments for you. Each regiment has soldiers, captains, lieutenants, various officers, and their centurion. They are all housed in their own garrison, sporting their own banner and animal guardian. I will describe the ranks starting at the top:

Centurion: In each regiment, the Centurion has the job of keeping peace and order. They control every aspect of their soldiers lives, from when they sleep, to what they eat, to what they wear. The Centurion has full control of his regiment, unless a General orders him to step down and takes the lead. High officials of BlackThorne also have the right to take over a regiment temporarily. In the absence of the Centurion, the lieutenant will take over, and so on and so forth down the line of ranks.

Lieutenants: There are two of them to each regiment.They are the second in command of each regiment. They can do anything the Centurion can do, and also handle smaller matters such as assigning new recruits to a battalion, or making sure that there is enough gear in the armory for each soldier.

Captains: With 3 to a regiment, the captains each preside over a battalion. They are there to keep their soldiers in line at all times, and making sure they are being taken care of. They also have the sole power of kicking a soldier out of the legion, since they are very close to all their men and know what is best for them.

Grubmaster: With one to a regiment, they have the responsibility of feeding the soldiers. If they need help, they may take on one legionnaire to help them with kitchen duties.

Quartermaster: There is one quartermaster to each regiment. They have the responsibility of taking care of the housing of each and every soldier. They also may take on one legionnaire to help with their duties.

Armorer: The last of the regiment officers, this is the person that takes care of providing weapons and armor to each soldier. They are allowed three legionaries to help them with their duties.

Legionnaire: These are the fighting force of BlackThorne. They also serve as guards for the city and the Baron. Each month of serving in the legion will get you another star, which can total up to five stars total. At three stars, you are eligible for any opening in the upper ranks.



General Ingot


First Regiment








Second Regiment








Third Regiment










If you would like to join, please copy and paste the following application, and fill it out:

MC name:

Character name:



Sword, Axe or Bow?:

Sword Level:

Axe Level:

Bow Level:

Blacksmith Level:

Cooking Level:

Wrestling Level:

Why you want to join us:

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Blackthorne is basically New Oasis 2.0. We'll be a self-sustaining, independent town. Though, if it benefits us in some way, we might align ourselves with another kingdom. Generally, we're just gonna be doin' our own thing, like we have been doing since the Verge came out.

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<3 Mercenaries.

And yes, Blackthorne is basically New Oasis 2.0, the only difference is, the roads will be less confusing, and you will have to prove yourself menatly stable in order to live there. That being said, Selina likely wont be allowed within a 50 feet of the place. :P

Also legionaries should be required to participate in Colosseum tournaments every so often.

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I posted in the town charter, but I guess I'll apply formally here.

MC name: FinQuik

Character name: Faren Quik

Age: 92

Race: High Elf

Sword, Axe or Bow?: A bow is my weapon of choice.

Sword Level: 0

Axe Level: Woops- presume this is axe mastery, not lumberjacking as I first assumed. 0.

Bow Level: Around 31- can't get on MC ATM.

Blacksmith Level: 0

Cooking Level: 0

Wrestling Level: Around 5- see above.

Why you want to join us:

I have applied to live in your town, and wish for my residence to be as safe as possible. Battle is my area of expertise (though I'm a fair lumberjack) and I want to use my skills to best effect. Due to personal history I am deeply dedicated to eradicating lawbreakers, and feel I would make an excellent guard/legionnaire and eventually move up the ranks. However I must warn you, my first loyalty is to Malinor and it's Princes and Princessess, though I will not shirk my duty should it involve harming or killing another elf if it is neccessary. Regardless, I will be fiercely loyal to my superiors and carry out their orders at any cost to my own life.

Thanks for your time!

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If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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