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The Dark Brotherhood

Lawrence Berell

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((Is tnt allowed? If so, there will be nothing but a huge crater and a ton of drops. I'll set it up to where as soon as they walk in, they either fall to their death so we can get their stuff, or the entire swamp explodes. Your choices.))

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((Ahh! I'm check what Brent's up to.))


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((*sigh* bad news, won't for the weekend, sorry, can't start on the traps.

Oh btw I still need perms.))

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Ya I think we should go with plan GTFO. Shall we trow up a small village charter, for a new base? With the amount of members we have we can get all the required sigs, for maybe even a town. Waiting for the charter to be checked wouldn't be to bad, as I can yell at Urasept, or Latsi in the VAT Chat =3.

Village plot


25x25 land plot

Protected down to Y45


Accepted Village Charter

14,000 Mina

or A benefit for well developed (class A) guilds, on which to create a guild house if they choose

We could grab one of these in the wilds, and yes, it's small to start, but it's better than noting at all =P. As for the pricing I believe were considered a class "A" guild, as we're one of the biggest villain guilds.

From there we could work are way to this-

Town Plot

( Diamond VIP's also may use this plot for a noble house in a city, two diamonds may also combine their plots to get bedrock benefits. (lord of a biome etc) )



Protected down to bedrock


Accepted Town Charter

50,000 Mina

Free for Diamond Donators & subject to taxation in conjunction with the nation.

We could all pitch in some Minas, and slowly upgrade to this, or, if allowed(Your donation, your call =D), BananaMan could use his bedrock plot to pay for the 50k fee.

With BananaMan's plot we could even go up to a city, but as we're only going to use these plots as the DB HQ, a city wouldn't really fit our goals Rp wise. Yet having a city as a cover-up, while having the DB operate under it would be pretty cool XD.

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MC Name: pallino

RP Name: Notte_Scarpeta

Village Name: [insert Fake Cover Up Name here]

Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose?

Due to recent events, including the current Dark Brotherhood HQ being compromised, the DB have deserted there last location, seeking a new area of operation where they can continue to operate. To much suspicion has aroused, and rumors point fingers at our current base(Half are meta, but whatevesss =/), blocking our operations from being executed. This village, superficially, will operate as a quiet farming/logging/mining which will provide the needed resources for the, underground, DB base of operations. The family has made a choice to move, and such will be the fate.

What type of political system or leadership is within the village?

The Brotherhood is constructed in a hierarchy fashion, members begin as mere children and slowly ascend to the hidden shadows of power. We pride ourselves with the fact that we are one of (if not the) oldest factions in Aegis. Respect must be earned. No one is given power without cause.

Levels of Assassins

More coming soon


This position on the ladder is not quite a level, more like a starting place. Those in this category are very temporary. They can be dismissed in a wink, banished in a moment or, if proven, promoted on the spot. An initiate is not given any rights or privileges of any kind but basic security is loaned to them. This is to insure their saftey in the Brethren Trials. Protection from the outside and, to a certain point, the brothers.

-Neophyte Assassin [Neophyte Sicarius]

This would be considered as the first real level of member. Those that populate this group are given the first rights of a brother; protection and brotherhood. All members must treat a Neophyte as a fellow brother. If trouble occurs, the Brotherhood will offer you shelter. There is a limit to this but we will use our influence and resources to aid you in a time of need.

-Secondary Assassin [Aenean Sicarius]

After a member proves his worth in the ranks of the beginners, they are given a chance to improve their standing in the Brotherhood. Those that are honored with this chance are given a new right. This right is a very important part of the Brotherhood; responsibly. As an Aenean, the powers that be will expect you to contribute and be willing to do much for the family. Sacrifice is a major ideal at this stage. A crucible, if you will, preparing you for the next right.

-Primary Assassin [Magni Sicarius]

He has proven his worth several times over. Having shown his superiors of his worth, the Magni is ready for the new right. He is entrusted with the most valued of gifts, the right that so many wish for. He is given power. From this point on, all those below him must follow his word. These orders must be followed unless it interferes with either the law of the Brethren or directly conflicts with the word of a superior.

-Elite Assassin [Experti Sicarius]

Once given this position, his spot among the brethren is secured. Those that are truly outstanding are honored. These few are experienced and trust-worthy. The gift he is given is one that the Brotherhood does not give away freely. He is given grace. Leeway, one would say. Given the right to make decisions that may alter slightly from his direct orders. Now make no mistake, he is still held accountable for his actions but the penalties are not as severe as earlier steps.

-Lessor Councillor [Minorem Procurator]

The members who carry this title have clear leadership qualities. Once a brother has reached this stage he is given a new right. Trust. Information is given to him. He now deserves the Brotherhood's trust. While there are exceptions, what a Minorem says is truth. They are given many tasks as to management so this right is essential. Those that reach this stage will often be offered the chance to serve in the counsel.

-High Councillor [Praefecit Magistrum]

These men are the few that have shown that they are not only powerful killers but that they can also lead the brothers. Few will ever make it this far but to those who do, several rights are given to you. First, you are given an permanent spot on the counsel with full say in everything. Second, you are given control of certain aspects of the Brotherhood, answering only to the Grand Master. Third, you are given the right to disgrace any member beneath you. And lastly, you are given the power to extend protection to non-members. All Praefecits are expected to play an active role in Brotherhood politics and decisions. There are specialized roles for those occupying this stage that can grant additional powers and rights.

-The Father/Grandmaster [Patronus Negotii]

This man is no longer a Brother, he is the Father. His word is law. He alone has the power to command the full power of the Brethren. He can call a counsel at any time, banish any brother that displeases him and demand the downfall of anyone. His powers are limited but these limits are very few. The rights he will never betray. Demoting someone is a possibility but revoking a right is not an action he can take. He is required to listen to the Causidicus (adviser) but beyond that, he need not listen to anyone.

Note: The rights of a Brother "stack." After gaining a right, it is added to his list of other rights.

-Outsider [Peregrini]

Those that do not belong to the Brotherhood. All that fall under this category have no rights nor do they have any trust. If a brother is crossed by a Peregrini, a contract may find it's way unto said Peregrini's head.

-Allies [sociis]

These are those who do happen to have a friendly relationship with the Brotherhood. They are granted the same rights as latebrae, but this right extends to a guild more than an individual.

-Protected [Latebrae]

The last category, this is a non-member that falls under the protection of the Brotherhood. There are differing stages but at it's basest level, a Latebrae is off limits (as far as contracts go). This is either earned through a commitment to the Brethren, even though you are not a member, or purchased for a sum of 5k minas. Security does not come cheap.

What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)

The Dark Brotherhood rises out of the dark shadows of chaos. Did they create the chaos? Does it matter? They protect their own. They disregard the kings and lords of the land. They eliminate opposition. If an enemy rises to fight the Brotherhood knocks him down. We have few allies, even fewer friends but plenty of enemies. The hypocritical leaders have little hope of survival. Their days have been marked, impending doom is their only future.

Residents will all be part of the DB, and such they will exhibit actions in regards to the guild. Nation's don't tend to enjoy our presence, and such we hide our operations with high priority.

Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).

Yet to be decided

Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):

Whatever Jexy builds.[We can just grab picks of the old sanctuary]

Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):


~NinjaXXXXXXXXXX [The Almighty Overlord Ninja Dude]







~I can get around 20 more, but it's not needed =P.

Code version for easy C+P


MC Name: pallino

RP Name: Notte_Scarpeta

Village Name: [Insert Fake Cover Up Name here]

[color="#00FFFF"]Why is your character starting this village/settlement? What is its purpose?[/color]

Due to recent events, including the current Dark Brotherhood HQ being compromised, the DB have deserted there last location, seeking a new area of operation where they can continue to operate. To much suspicion has aroused, and rumors point fingers at our current base(Half are meta, but whatevesss =/), blocking our operations from being executed. This village, superficially, will operate as a quiet farming/logging/mining which will provide the needed resources for the, underground, DB base of operations. The family has made a choice to move, and such will be the fate.      

[color="#00FFFF"]What type of political system or leadership is within the village?[/color]

The Brotherhood is constructed in a hierarchy fashion, members begin as mere children and slowly ascend to the hidden shadows of power. We pride ourselves with the fact that we are one of (if not the) oldest factions in Aegis. Respect must be earned. No one is given power without cause.

Levels of Assassins

More coming soon


This position on the ladder is not quite a level, more like a starting place. Those in this category are very temporary. They can be dismissed in a wink, banished in a moment or, if proven, promoted on the spot. An initiate is not given any rights or privileges of any kind but basic security is loaned to them. This is to insure their saftey in the Brethren Trials. Protection from the outside and, to a certain point, the brothers.   

-Neophyte Assassin [Neophyte Sicarius]

This would be considered as the first real level of member. Those that populate this group are given the first rights of a brother; protection and brotherhood. All members must treat a Neophyte as a fellow brother. If trouble occurs, the Brotherhood will offer you shelter. There is a limit to this but we will use our influence and resources to aid you in a time of need.

-Secondary Assassin [Aenean Sicarius]

After a member proves his worth in the ranks of the beginners, they are given a chance to improve their standing in the Brotherhood. Those that are honored with this chance are given a new right. This right is a very important part of the Brotherhood; responsibly. As an Aenean, the powers that be will expect you to contribute and be willing to do much for the family. Sacrifice is a major ideal at this stage. A crucible, if you will, preparing you for the next right. 

-Primary Assassin [Magni Sicarius]

 He has proven his worth several times over. Having shown his superiors of his worth, the Magni is ready for the new right. He is entrusted with the most valued of gifts, the right that so many wish for. He is given power. From this point on, all those below him must follow his word. These orders must be followed unless it interferes with either the law of the Brethren or directly conflicts with the word of a superior.  

-Elite Assassin [Experti Sicarius]

Once given this position, his spot among the brethren is secured. Those that are truly outstanding are honored. These few are experienced and trust-worthy. The gift he is given is one that the Brotherhood does not give away freely. He is given grace. Leeway, one would say. Given the right to make decisions that may alter slightly from his direct orders. Now make no mistake, he is still held accountable for his actions but the penalties are not as severe as earlier steps. 

-Lessor Councillor [Minorem Procurator]

The members who carry this title have clear leadership qualities. Once a brother has reached this stage he is given a new right. Trust. Information is given to him. He now deserves the Brotherhood's trust. While there are exceptions, what a Minorem says is truth. They are given many tasks as to management so this right is essential. Those that reach this stage will often be offered the chance to serve in the counsel. 

-High Councillor [Praefecit Magistrum]

These men are the few that have shown that they are not only powerful killers but that they can also lead the brothers. Few will ever make it this far but to those who do, several rights are given to you. First, you are given an permanent spot on the counsel with full say in everything. Second, you are given control of certain aspects of the Brotherhood, answering only to the Grand Master. Third, you are given the right to disgrace any member beneath you. And lastly, you are given the power to extend protection to non-members. All Praefecits are expected to play an active role in Brotherhood politics and decisions. There are specialized roles for those occupying this stage that can grant additional powers and rights.   

-The Father/Grandmaster [Patronus Negotii]

This man is no longer a Brother, he is the Father. His word is law. He alone has the power to command the full power of the Brethren. He can call a counsel at any time, banish any brother that displeases him and demand the downfall of anyone. His powers are limited but these limits are very few. The rights he will never betray. Demoting someone is a possibility but revoking a right is not an action he can take. He is required to listen to the Causidicus (adviser) but beyond that, he need not listen to anyone.

Note: The rights of a Brother "stack." After gaining a right, it is added to his list of other rights.  

-Outsider [Peregrini]

 Those that do not belong to the Brotherhood. All that fall under this category have no rights nor do they have any trust. If a brother is crossed by a Peregrini, a contract may find it's way unto said Peregrini's head. 

-Allies [Sociis]

These are those who do happen to have a friendly relationship with the Brotherhood. They are granted the same rights as latebrae, but this right extends to a guild more than an individual. 

-Protected [Latebrae]

The last category, this is a non-member that falls under the protection of the Brotherhood. There are differing stages but at it's basest level, a Latebrae is off limits (as far as contracts go). This is either earned through a commitment to the Brethren, even though you are not a member, or purchased for a sum of 5k minas. Security does not come cheap. 

[color="#00FFFF"]What sort of behavior will residents exhibit? (Race relations, nation relations, etc.)[/color]

The Dark Brotherhood rises out of the dark shadows of chaos. Did they create the chaos? Does it matter? They protect their own. They disregard the kings and lords of the land. They eliminate opposition. If an enemy rises to fight the Brotherhood knocks him down. We have few allies, even fewer friends but plenty of enemies. The hypocritical leaders have little hope of survival. Their days have been marked, impending doom is their only future. 

Residents will all be part of the DB, and such they will exhibit actions in regards to the guild. Nation's don't tend to enjoy our presence, and such we hide our operations with high priority.

[color="#00FFFF"]Where would you prefer the town’s region be? Including a screenshot of the land would be nice (of game or map).[/color]

Yet to be decided

[color="#00FFFF"]Any other details (architecture, races, culture, etc):[/color]

Whatever Jexy builds.[We can just grab picks of the old sanctuary]

[color="#00FFFF"]Players who have agreed to sign this charter (5 name minimum):[/color]


~NinjaXXXXXXXXXX [The Almighty Overlord Ninja Dude]






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((^ *Cough* where am I on the signed list :(

Im part of the DB too just cant get on minecraft :( ))

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((^ *Cough* where am I on the signed list :(

Im part of the DB too just cant get on minecraft :( ))

I'm still waiting on the opinion of the High Council, and The Almighty Overlord Ninja Dude so I only threw up the names I was 100% sure would support the app if this plan was chosen.

Also I've yet to see you IG, get on sometime =O.

Also added =P

(( *likes pallino's idea* ))

I like it too =P.

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Yeah I love this idea too but.... when we got confused with being WP allies, I used my plot to to make the WP base, I know where it is. But I cannot use mine as it is already in use.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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