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The Dark Brotherhood

Lawrence Berell

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Yeah I love this idea too but.... when we got confused with being WP allies, I used my plot to to make the WP base, I know where it is. But I cannot use mine as it is already in use.


If they're not to strong we could raid them, and get the land back?

Regardless we can still grab a village plot, as actually fighting that war will just get us killed, and work our way from there. So, does anyone have any preferred locations?

EDIT-Did some research I'm guessing The Wolf Pack? If so you gave your plot away to allies XD.

Anyways nothing has to be rushed because the Dwarfs don't seem to know how to write a War claim =D.

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Do i have a chance of joining if i have only just started playing on the server. :huh:

P.S i am still trying to join the server so i might not even get whitelisted :lol: but this is just in case i do get on the server :D

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((A couple of things, do not double post, please get better grammar, and no you cannot use the signature.))

((And use parentheses. (( )) ))

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((I'm convincing Shift to let us slide under the price of a town charter, in exchange for us creating more conflict. Town is a 40X40 protected down to BedRock, so that should work in regards to room.

I just need to know where should we apply for our town to placed? In a nation(Probably can't get accepted here, as they'll just see "DB HQ", and go Heyul Naw)? Wilds? Contested Lands?

Also let's see if we can get a new base up and running before Ninja finds out IG, so we can play it off as "We found a better base SURPTISE", and he doesn't eat me =D.

Also get me SS's of the Sanctuary for the charter apps in case we use them.))

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((So we get cheap awesome plot if we attack people? lol wut))

We get a free awesome plot, for creating national conflicts. For example I told him of our 10k bounty in Karik, and how were planning to do some bigger hits on kings, and other royalty.

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((I say we go under the guise of a merchant company. Then the we could establish the city within a nation's borders, pay whatever taxes the government wants then secretly base all our operations from there. It would be a defensible merchant town, maybe even get it on the coast. No trap killings or randomly attacking travelers. The base would be only used as an hq.

Think about it, a db hq protected by an army without said army knowing what they're defending. We get in trouble? Slip back into the borders of the country, now defended as respectable businessmen. We only use a few select people to attack our base nation and they won't live at the base.))

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Sounds good, what nation do you suggest?

I'll start to retype the charter, as if we were applying for a merchant guild.

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((I say we go Wild, then people cannot complain about us being in their land.)) ((If were going to be near the coast, at least let's be a fisherman place and sell fish lol. Downstairs is where the evil plots take place.))

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