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The Dark Brotherhood

Lawrence Berell

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((We need to upgrade the charter to a city charter! Create a Strip Mine! I have school tommorow so I wont get back till 4PM GMT. Homework is a possible too.))

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((sorry for my utter nOobiness, but where is the sanctuary currently, I need someone to take me there IG :I thank you in advance))

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((I haven't been killed in pvp for 5 months, except for when I killed off my old char, so I don't think so, but, you know who I am technically, but I don't know you))

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((As I have said, I accidentally deleted myself from the HC Pm, I might be on for a few minutes later, but I have to go to school tommorow :(

EDIT: ((I saw your the lines under the avatar, I have a minion? Excellent..))

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(( Okay, Bannana is there a google doc with all the contracts or do I need to become a proper brother first? ))

((proper brother first. Initiates can only accept their initiation mission when it is offered to them. They rarely have a choice or a hand in the matter.))

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Name ((MC)):


Name ((IG)):


Real Life Age:




Combat experience:

Almost none, other than one or two fights IG. Normally the way I rp, I evade combat or just rp it.

Give me a short summary of your character so far. The longer the better (but 2 paragraphs minimum)

(as my actual lore and history until Asulon is in my VA and takes 5 paragraphs, I will mostly talk about what my character is like, and what he has been doing since the arrival at Asulon.)

Jistuma had made his choice. He would forget what happened in his childhood times. Those memories would only make him hate himself and he had change from that time. Well, not much. He got smarter and gain experience, but he still can't wear heavy armor or wield heavy weapons as he is not that strong in muscle. He still has the most absurd weakness one could imagine, so absurd no one has even came around to tell him. The only change that seems to exist is the fact that he no longer fears hurting anyone in his path if he gets something he wants out of it. Mostly just intrigued about the ways of the bodies, he uses a book that came into his possession and proceeds to recreate the terrible tortures and rituals in there even not knowing what they do. But being able to torture someone out of thin air is quite difficult, people escaped his arms. He needed a place to do his evil deeds with no chance of being interrupted. But as many man do, he has a place to go to relax, a town far away, filled with friends, he did not had to worry about killing, trapping, being discovered, training, he just had to cut down trees and enjoy a hot bath. There is where he meet a dwarf that would be his help to his evils. Almost killed by another, Jistuma saved his live as he did not want his peaceful retreat to be a place with murder and death. The dwarf owed Jistuma his life, and so he became a slave. Jistuma having no idea what a slave was for let him do whatever he liked, and so dwarf started trusting him, started viewing him as his actual master. So he offered him a place he owned for whatever he wanted.

He tortured, quite a lot there, learnt the use of some of the things written in the book. He seemed to not care for the use of the name master, but he liked being looked at with some respect, that had never happened before. He got two got two students to learn from him, they trust him completely. But other things happen as well...

He went to the elven island one day, as to try and meet with a friend. Somehow that visit ended with him impregnating someone. He never had a son, he never dreamed of having one, and now was attached to one. He never change who he was, he just now had someone to protect if needed. The same continued to exist, tricking someone into believing his a good man, then striking at the right time. Not easily offended, but some conversation topics make him quite angry, but only enough to hit a man in the face, he would never kill because of a dispute over an argument. And he still continues to want to learn, want to investigate what intrigues him. On a search for another one to practice, he followed an armored man. Discovering he knew the man as the cook who once didn't eat him, when he took out his helm, he abandoned the idea of practice. Instead the cook invited him into an association.

Would you consider being a spy?:

No problem with it, there are not alot of characters that know the face of Jistuma, and those that know are his trusted friends.

Past military experience:


Past criminal experience:

Well he has tortured people, lied quite a lot, played with the gate at Galahard then got arrested and broken out, let innocents get tortured in front of him, let friends be tortured in front of him, and enslaved two people (not really normal slaves)

Current Occupation (Miner, Smithing etc):

Lumberjack, 'worker' at an 'inn'.

Useful, Non-military Skills:

I do not know if torture would be included in military skills.

What have you heard of us IC?

Never heard of you. John (cometking123) talked about joining an organization that did assassinations, and that they needed people.

What have you heard of us OOC?

Assassination group, evil group, don't actually know much about what you guys do.

What skill level do you currently hold on the following? Note, to rank past Neopyhte a skill requirement of 40 is required in one of these fields.





(I might be lowering this, it makes no sense that my character is a very good fighter)





Preferred weapon:

Axe, string, sleeping powders

Screening Questions

ACCEPTED villain app link (Required):


I can't do assassinations if I don't use them to raise my knowledge of human body, or technique.

Are you wanted in any countries?:

No, the ones that know my character's name only know him as a trader, worker, lumberjack.

Why do you want to join?:

Rp reason is that John said he would get me in a group that needed my skills. Also, he realises that being in that kind of group would make him learn things a lot faster.

Define powergaming thoroughly:

Powergaming in LOTC has an initial meaning of not making your character 'invincible', no super humans, no super spells, no invincibility. Some might have them, but they must be accepted and have their weaknesses. Still, these are quite a few.

In rp, powergaming would be to guaranty your ‘victory’ by doing very improvable things, or not letting the other person react or defend himself.

Will you ever mention or hint the name or existence of this organization IC?

No... maybe to his closest friends that he is in a guild, but not specify persons or names.

"Legal" stuff

Will you tell anyone about your association with us ever (including OOC) or reveal any amount of information about who we are or what we do? And yes this is entirely necessary.

I don't understand this question very well. Of course people will know I'm a part of this guild, they only have to read the accepted post. And I will never lie OOC, if someone asks me 'will you kill X?' the best I can do is 'I won't answer that question'. But, apart from not lying I will not speak of the of the guild.

Do you realize that breaking any server rules may result in banishment at our discretion?


Do you realize that revealing any information about us either IC or OOC will result in banishment and multiple contracts for your head? This may extend to a permadeath.


Will you take multiple screenshots of all jobs related to the Dark Brotherhood?

Of course, I understand the need for them, and so I will take the screenshots.

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Name ((MC)):


I'll give you a +1

The app looked good, I didn't have any complaints. Two more accepts and you're in.

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Please stop attacking Initiates Mythmaster26: (You killed me with no RP! Ninja, do something about him!


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((We need to upgrade the charter to a city charter! Create a Strip Mine! I have school tommorow so I wont get back till 4PM GMT. Homework is a possible too.))

Working on it...

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Please stop attacking Initiates Mythmaster26: (You killed me with no RP! Ninja, do something about him!


((wtf?! He led me outside and attacked me, and then when I fought back and killed him, this? What is your problem dude?

And I'm not an initiate, this is my new character, notice he is 14?

You've ruined your reputation with me, and I don't want to RP with you anymore.

EDIT: Then he insulted me in OOC and ran away, when I tried to resolve it, he said I no RP killed him, and blocked tells before I could say anything.))

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:evil: What? You just killed me! I did not run, I said I'm going, but you ran after me and killed me?

I don't care anymore... Say what you want, I'm fed up with you.

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