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The Dark Brotherhood

Lawrence Berell

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((Just for notice...it wasn't me who +1'd his post, I'm not that full of myself))

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((Lies, Cael, lies.

Regaki, I don't do things like that. Ask an admin, but I think you're going to have to give one up. Only FMs are awesome enough to have the power to accept both kinds of app :D

And, I agree with fatty. If you're High Councillor, one of your current duties would be to help us rebuild, which includes recruiting.))

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I concur with the masa. If we get three people actively recruiting, we'll see an influx in new brothers for sure. Just remember to be secretive to all the initiates and new brothers. We don't want a relgard repeat. Laziness will be out downfall. That and iron swords.

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Speaking of iron, I suppose we'll need quite a bit of it. If Delthor'll get his ass down the the temple later, we'll try to find an unclaimed hovel and... claim it. If not, I'll spank John until he lets me use his Cloud Temple plot. Or, we can make some things in... places...

Ideas? Discuss, my minions!

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Happy? No? Hmmm. We could buy a mining plot in alras. That seems to be a rather convenient place to base economic enterprises out of.

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[[i'll probably take VAs then :P and thanks Ninja]]

I have quite a skill in gathering iron, gold, and other materials of value... but I have no place to distrubute them to my brothers.

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And, I agree with fatty. If you're High Councillor, one of your current duties would be to help us rebuild, which includes recruiting.))

Suppose I should've noticed that earlier.

No, I haven't recruited anybody yet, because I don't tell anyone I'm a brother IC. How else am I supposed to recruit them?

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((Quite simple. You go out and "obtain" apprentices who you train in the ways of fighting. Maybe one of those mainstream children >.<

Once that is done, reccommend them here.))

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((I recruited Jexdane, I win. Actually, I really didn't but I'll take all the credit just the same. :P

Anyone on the Current Counsel can accept apps but Ninja can supersede anyone's decision. As long as the guy is not an Bother, anyone can kick him out but Ninja doesn't need a reason. He can kick someone because he doesn't like him. Benefits.

Or we can make it so two app accepters have to agree. Like it needs to "okays." Just an idea.))

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((That is how it works. Bannana, Jex and Sala all say "+1" or something, then I look at it. Kinda like the Black Hand :3))

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((Really? We could just make so any two counsel members can accept an app. It would mean you wouldn't have to read everyone's apps. You could set it up so only you can accept a Brother. After all, becoming an initiate is not that big a deal. ))

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