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New Sorovitz Military


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Hello, I'm Renzbro of the Teutonic Order, I also run the military of New Sorovitz. We need a lot of new people in our military of course but we're not going to just take anyone willy nilly if you know what I mean. So just fill out this simple little application and we'll approve or deny it considering, happy hobbit hunting!


What is your MC name?:

What is your IC name?:

How long have you been a part of the LOTC community?:

On a scale of 1-10 gauge your RP skills:

Why do you want to be in the NS military?

Are you willing to take any order from a superior whether or not you find it morally right or not?:

Do you have a Villain Application? If so what is it for?:


See that wasn't so hard now was it? Hopefully your application is good enough to be inducted into the New Sorovitz Military!

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MC Name: NoobCrafter14

IC Name: Seley_el'then

How long have you been a part of the LotC community?: About 7 months

RP Skill on Scale of 1-10: 8

Why do you want to be in the NS military?: Seley el'then is a swordsman. He came to Hanseti but has not been able to help it as his skill do not lay in gathering resources. After talking to Renzbro he heard of the NS military and decided he wished to join to be able to add something to the nation.

Are you willing to take any order from a superior whether or not you find it morally right or not?: No. Seley el'then will follow most orders, even orders that seem horrible and cruel but, certain things are just not done.

Example of horrible thing he would do: Kill the entire family of a dead enemy. Reason: If you don't then the family members will come for revenge

Example of thing he won't do: Kill women and children for no reason. Reason: If there isn't a cause that requires their death then there is no need to kill them.

Do you have a Villain Application? If so what is it for?: No VA

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