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Will (TauFirewarrior)

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Please note that the information in this post is OOC and may not be used IC. This isn’t on some note pinned to a tree for every passerby to see. Thank you.

“The knowledge of a millennium wielded to shape the next thousand.”

~ The Librarian

Within all of the races lies Corruption, Greed and Injustice. It twists and toys with the lives of innocents. Many are destroyed. A rare few are forged into something else, the very weapons to combat it.

Millennium is a coalition of these individuals, brought together for a single, grand purpose. It is the sworn duty of Millennium protect the Men and Women of Asulon against all forms of evil, from tyrannical rule to the gutting of a nation’s economy. This organization was born from each of its founders’ powerful experiences with various evils. Some overt and devastating like the Undead. Others insidious and conniving like traitors, who grind those they once called “lord” and “majesty” into the dirt to serve their own selfish ends. Not only do we seek the eradication of corruption but also the spurring of those who profess to be good into action. Many are content to sit in their castles and homes, forgetting the outside world and clinging to idyllic fantasies, trusting that those with black hearts will not think to come knocking at their door. We know better.

“Evil prevails when good men fail to act”

While many others share our goals of peace and purity, we differ in our methods. While many bear arms and assemble rank and file soldiers to face the darkness head on, the true puppet masters remain safe in the shadows. They are our targets. We employ their very own tactics, relying on infiltration and deception to hinder our enemies and promote our allies.

There is no other like us. No other group would reject the sword to instead make use of the spoken and written word as their weapons. The pen is mightier than the sword indeed. Others may seek to accrue as many bodies to them as they possibly can, to take up sword and axe and march plainly on a foe. We are small, mobile, invisible. We are few but many. Everyone you see on the roads, in the streets, in the fields is potentially an agent. We are everywhere.

Rarely shall any blow come via the hands of a Millennium agent. Information is our weapon and it is zealously guarded, to be shared only with those whom who need it. Brute force, when deemed necessary, is almost exclusively delivered by another, ignorant of the part they are truly playing.

Millennium is not a military force and never acts overtly. It has no favoured tactics, instead adapting and improvising to every situation. Whispers in the ears of officials, slander, rumours, theft, even targeting a nation’s economy to create food shortages and corner markets to then raise prices to unaffordable levels. Violence on behalf of an agent is frowned upon by Millennium and agents are expected to use tact over blunt aggression. However, the spilling of blood is sometimes necessary for great change and inciting rebellion, war, and other violence are viable tactics endorsed by Millennium’s leaders.

Founded by the two individuals only known as The Demon’s Head and The Librarian, Millennium exists across the entirety of Asulon. Its agents move through every nation and organization in the continent, watching and waiting for the opportunity to bring disaster or good fortune to their targets. Such is our way. We are not simply guarding the present, we are forging the future.

“Corruption is a stain and we intend to wipe Asulon clean.”

~ The Demon’s Head

Rules of Millennium:

No nation holds our allegiance. A nation cannot be good or evil for it has no mind, no soul. It is Men and Women with whom we swear allegiance to. Or declare our enemies. A King deposed by a tyrant shall still hold our favour, and that tyrant will feel our fury. Agents adhere to few but strict, rules:

1) Millennium’s safety and integrity always remain an agent’s top priority, regardless of the consequences to nations and peoples. Millennium is a single body and cannot be replaced. Therefore, it must always be preserved to fight another day.

2) All agents operate with the knowledge that their lives may be sacrificed for the sake of their mission and that they may be excommunicated and abandoned in order to protect the safety of other agents and the organization itself. Suicide is a last, but viable, resort.

3) Agents are selected for their strength of character, loyalty, abilities, and their initiative. Agents are given relative free reign during their operations and are allowed to proceed as they see fit. Authorization from The Demon’s Head is only required for matters such as recruitment and drastic action such as assassination of a public figure.

4) It is an agent’s role to judge every situation dispassionately, in order to determine the most beneficial outcome overall for all favoured parties. They are then expected to ensure this outcome by any means they deem necessary, theft, murder, conspiracy, etc.

5) The names of individual agents shall only be known to the Demon’s Head and the Librarian. The sharing of names between agents is strictly forbidden as a matter of protection for all.

How to Join:

No one shall enter the coven without secret and extensive judgement of their character, virtue, and above all, loyalty. Nothing is more important to Millennium than truth and potential recruits are monitored for weeks to months to determine their values.

Any potential members of Millennium will be contacted by an agent at the permission of either The Demon’s Head or The Librarian. Do not contact us, We contact you.


As stated, we value loyalty above all things. The unsanctioned passing of information or betrayal of any member will result in immediate excommunication and execution. The execution of an agent is not the end however. In order to ensure a complete sweep of all possible leaks, all aspects of the agent’s life will be investigated:: their friends and family, all known acquaintances, etc. Traitors will not simply be punished; they will be crippled to the point of complete impotence to prevent any similar actions in the future.

“Hail to The Demon’s Head for his word carries our fury.”

“Hail to The Librarian for his knowledge carries us into eternity.”

“Hail to the agents of Millennium for their loyalty raises our banner high."


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Interesting... very interesting...

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((I assume you'll all have VAs? Outside of that, this seems like it could go somewhere, I'll definitely be watching this post.))

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((I assume you'll all have VAs? Outside of that, this seems like it could go somewhere, I'll definitely be watching this post.))

(( this has been a secret project in the works for a couple of months we know V.A's are required for this and we are currently working on them since this was secret we decided to wait to get V.A's til the last minute ))

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