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~The Noble Amedaius House~


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*Upon your travels, you come across an armored knight wearing the Amedaius symbol handing out fliers and shouting*

"Here ye, here ye! Thy noble Amedaius family is in need of your assistance. The family estate has not a hand to work it. We offer you jobs, of every possible enterprise. Ye will be cared for well, given proper housing and food. Equipment for thy job will also be provided to ye. We ask nothing of ye but your loyalty, and hard work.

*Intrigued by the mans offer, you pick up a flier and begin to read it*

By becoming a worker for the Amedaius Family, you will be given adequate housing, food, and protection. You are asked to swear your loyalty and hard work to your Baron, Casimir Amedaius. Our two requirements are that you have good experience in your field of work (75+ in that level), and that you live on the estate, since it is well into the wilds. Here is a list of jobs currently offered:

  • Sword/Axeman - three needed
  • Archers - two needed
  • Miners - two needed
  • Loggers - two needed
  • blacksmith - one needed
  • farmers - three needed
  • fishermen - one needed

If you wish to acquire a job with the family, please leave a reply with the crier ((post here)) or send a bird ((or forum message)) to Casimir Amedaius ((jtringl)).


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