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Thánatos Coalition


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-The Thánatos-

<Nroca sits on the shore of Renatus in the pouring rain of a storm. He is in a particular set of armor, one you have never seen before. He then looks up to the dark sky and speaks>

Power...it is an eternal struggle I have not completely understand and I have yet to become apart of, however I can not remain divided of the desire for much longer. It calls out to me, whispering me and taunting me to reach out and try and take it. I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer resist its tempting traits and that I will partake in this eternal struggle.

<Nroca walks in the rain towards his house. He enters the house and takes a rag and dries himself, he then reaches for a piece of parchment and his quill. Nroca begins to write>

I have devised a plan that in order to gain...this power. However I will not do it by force, but by means of pure domination: Economic and Military

The coalition will work as such:

Charakas -Leader- The Leader of Oupavoq

Archontas -Council Members- Council members and Military leaders of Oupavoq

Polemistis -Warriors- The Warriors of Oupavoq


Polemistis Ranks-

Spartiatis -A soldier who has become apart of the elite tier of war fighting, the soldier has displayed skill in tactics, fighting and leadership-


Anthropos -A soldier who has fought in multiple wars and has displayed true skills in war-


Thalassio -A soldier who has become experienced in art of war-


Stratiotis -A common foot soldier, the first rank of the Polemistis

The rank of Spartiatis and members of the Archontas may recruit people into the Polemistis and promote those in the ranks of Anthropos and below. For a member of the Polemistis to be promoted to Spartiatis, it must be decided by the Charakas. All Archontas are selected by the Charakas. If the Charakas dies then a new one is selected by the Archontas with a vote, however, all Archontas must vote for a Charakas other than themselves, unless the Charakas designated a new Charakas before he or she died.

For promotion a merit system will be used, meaning that what you have accomplished will be what dictates your rank. A person can not be recruited into a rank above Stratiotis.

The loyalty system will work as such:

Upon joining the Stratió̱ti̱s a man submits his family name and gives all declares all loyal to the coalition with the words, "I am Loyal". The men will disobey no orders by those who are ranked above them. If a member is caught lying, they will be prosecuted accordingly.

The economic system will work as such:

The Charakas will be in control of the economic system and delegate jobs as he or she believes proper. The Charakas along with the assistance of the Archontas will create trade agreements.

-More is to be added, I am not recruiting yet-

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