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The Crew Of The Dread - Pirates


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A poster upon a local billboard reads;




The Pirates of the Dread are a group of pirates whom consider themselves the rightful owner to the seas of the South-West of Asulon. Including many island Nations and locations that are home to Asulonians from wide and far.


These pirates consider themselves the first of the first, the newest of the new. These Pirates include the first pirate, Rogash The Red, and his pride stands clear throughout all of his endeavours.


The story of their creation follows a long road in which bares many stones and stumbles which cause alteration for future promise.


The Creation


After starting this grand crew, Captain Rogash began searching for worthy crew members, gifted in the style of banditry, yet loyal! Many a year has passed, the Captain has had no luck, with many misfortune.

On an ordinary day, the Captain was up and about the land, mindin’ his own, in Renatus. With no warning, he was arrested, flung into a cell, and was harassed by the Guardsmen of Renatus. With little to no hope of surviving, the guards questioned him, refusing to let him out of his cell.



Many days have passed, Captain Rogash still locked deep within the hell of the room that is jail, a young man comes down the stairs to the jail, where Captain Rogash stays, ever so long. The Guards turn to look at this strange figure, and threatening him to leave, otherwise, being hanged! Captain Rogashs' jaw drops as he sees the familiar Figure. The Figure, noticing Captain Rogash in his cell, he raises his brow, nods to the guards, and walks out of the Jail smiling to himself. As the Guards return to their regular positions, watching Captain Rogash, they hear a mighty explosion that shook the ground. Captain Rogash in shock, not understanding what happened, he shakes the strange feeling off. One of the Guards goes to take a look at where the Explosion came from, but to find nothing.

Minutes passed by, and with the eventual explosion, the guards were on High-Alert. Even the Minister did not understand what was going on. Angrily, the Minister began to shout orders at the Guards to see what was happening.

As the guards searched, A robed man entered the Jail, questioning the Minister. The Robed man pulled the Ministers’ attention away from the Cell of Captain Rogash. Suddenly, an unexpected crack was heard from behind. The Minister sees a man, a dark elf, sneaking behind him. The Minister, shouts for his Guards, and they capture the Dark Elf.

“So, you want to be with the Old Pirate so much you would sneak in my City, would ye? Lads, throw him in the same cell as the smelly Pirate.”


The Guards threw the Dark Elf into the Cell, laughing. Suddenly, a violent explosion is heard from the Captains’ cell. The dust and shrapnel make it hard to see. You hear a young voice amidst the dense clouds.

“Cap’n! I’m throwin’ ye down a ladder, climb, climb!”

The Captain, quickly reacting, climbs the ladder quickly, followed by the Dark Elf. The Captain notices the figure from before, the one who entered the cell. The Captain says:

“Holy mother of Aeriel, Eagle, ye be alive!”

Eagle Replies:

“Tis not th’ time, m’cap’n! Run, run lads!”

All four of the Men burst into a sprint, running out of the jail cell, an advantage on there side, because of the grand confusion! As they sprint to the exit, a Guard turns the corner and yells at them to stop. A quick arrow pierces through his chest, and the three men continue to sprint, wondering where the arrow came from. As they run, Captain Rogash yells:

“Today is the day that Captain Rogash the Red broke from prison!”


Tired from the running, they stop.

Proud pirates stood upon Renatus’ countryside. Captain Rogash, Pirate Atyrnox, Pirate Xiira and Pirate Jack Eagle. As they stood, they swapped conversations with one and other, learning a small amount about themselves. But there was yet one unanswered question, “Where be ya’ ship Cap’n?”.

Captain Rogash replies:

"Well, ye see lads, I don't have a ship quite yet."

Eagle furrows both brows and exclaims:

"What kind of Pirate doesn't have a ship!?"

Captain Rogash:

"Well, follow me, I have a ship that we could use for the... time being."

Captain Rogash led the group back to Renatus, as they snook beside it’s walls. As they passed a corner, a small ‘fishing boat’ was docked. It was here they began to plot plans to commandeer the ship...



The Captain commands the ship, being the navigator and strategic war master at the same time. The Captain is chosen by first comes first served, to begin with. Those who make the crew, become the Captain.


First Mate

The first mate ensures that the Captain’s job is as painless as possible, taking command of the Crew and ensuring all other ranks are performing correctly.


HelmsmanThe best kind of 'driver' of the ship. They bellow orders to the crew, in order to keep the ship moving at all times needed.



A trusted crew member, they would usually search for recruitment and hang flyers around the main cities. They have little command over any crew member



The master of weaponry, be it a blacksmith or be it a master Axeman. Usually the best of the two would be chosen to be the Quartermaster.



This rank is unique to the Damned Queen, as the strategic skill of the entire ship is enhanced by it. The advisor helps the Captain make military or political decisions. As peculiar as it sounds, Pirates do have allies too.


Deck Hand

The Crew members who are trained Medics. Usually Cook’s or Auxiliary Fighters. Have a Larger say than the Pirate rank.



Trusted new members, who have shown dedication. These ‘lads must have passed a test, or performed well in order to become an official Pirate of the Damned Queen!



New crew members, usually slaves or brand new conscripted people.




*A note, addressed to Captain Rogash The Red*


My name is...


I wish to be...


I have had this kind of experience...


I am this age...


I also wish to say, or ask...


(( Do you have an accepted Villain application? ... ))

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Digging shall commence in an Elven Week, we shall claim conquest!


(Image from the warclaim, co-ordinates aren't to meta-gamed)





Captain Rogash The Red


First Mate Daechiir


First Adviser Falkor


Deckhand Venom

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The neat, slanted writing of Falkor lies below.

My name is...

= Falkor Abrechi, not the name of my choice, but a name anyway.




(( Accepted, mainly because I've seen your roleplay ))


*A letter is pinned to your application*


"Aye, it'll be that you're in me' crew"


"Meet es' by this island, gettin' ther'll show ye' true passion fur' the sea"


*a small map is attached*

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*A note, addressed to Captain Rogash The Red*


My name is...

Venom, but I am better known as the Faceless Man...


I wish to be...

A brigand, a thief, and a scoundrel, and yet retain my power.


I have had this kind of experience...

As a lad I served as a Cabin Boy. However, I only started killing after my time on the seas.


I am this age...

I've lost track. A few centuries perhaps.


I also wish to say, or ask...

That I will bring you money and riches should I be given the chance.


(( Do you have an accepted Villain application? ... ))

((Yes I do.))

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My name is...

Venom, but I am better known as the Faceless Man...




*a note hands underneath the applicant's letter*


"Aye, I'll av' ye'"


"Come'n see me when I'm around, tha' cove is far out, but'll be a good journey in the'end"


(( The cove is a great distance, I recommend a Soulstone when you get there. I'll contact you in game tomorrow, as right this moment I won't be able to RP a meeting. I'll also PM you the "map" to the cove too. Welcome to the crew! ))

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*a note hands underneath the applicant's letter*


"Aye, I'll av' ye'"


"Come'n see me when I'm around, tha' cove is far out, but'll be a good journey in the'end"


(( The cove is a great distance, I recommend a Soulstone when you get there. I'll contact you in game tomorrow, as right this moment I won't be able to RP a meeting. I'll also PM you the "map" to the cove too. Welcome to the crew! ))

*Venom scims the note, grinning to himself as he pins up a response*

"Glad to be back on a ship."

((Thanks! I'm excited for some Pirate RP, never done it before!))

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Could new members join?

Requirements include, but are not limited to;

-At least a month on the server

-An accepted Villain Application

-An implemented Server application

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[What happened to your old crew?]

[ If was deemed inactive and therefore failed. Mostly because of Syrio complaining that we took his ship ]

[ Don't OOC fool ;p ]

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This is now an inactive guild, it shall sail into the inactive guilds section until it's current members deem it active.

Anything used here in this thread may be used in the next concerning the same guild.

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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