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The Order Of Vindicta (Recruiting)


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The Order of Vindicta


Order Motto: For the Elendils we fight, for the Elendils we die. With honour we lay down our lives for their cause, whatever it may be.

Order warcry:

Fortitudo Elendil!


1.) We as an order believe that the Elendils are ideal noblemen of Asulon. As an order we believe that no feat ordered by the Elendil family is too difficult to accomplish.

2.) Vindicta pledge their lives to the service of the Elendil family, willingly we as an order give our lives to the Elendils and all they command.

3.) Our first and only loyalty is to the Elendils of Oren, through all that they do we stand beside them, whether our own judgment does not agree with theirs is of no concern. We as an order do and live all that we can to see that the wishes of the Elendils are met.

4.) We act with respect in all that we do, to refrain from doing this would bring shame to the Elendils, as an order we do not rise to verbal bait unless it concerns the honour and well-being of the Elendil house. We treat those below and above us in rank and title with respect and honour, to do otherwise would once again bring shame to the Elendil house.

5.) We do not fight or brawl in public unless it concerns a duel defending the values and principles of the Elendil house.

6.) Our second loyalty is to each other and the servants of the Elendil house, through this we do not fight or quarrel amongst ourselves, we respect eachother in all that we do.


The Order of Vindicta was created in the year of our lord 41 as a result of the humility and respect that the Elendil house possesses. A group of Elendil serviceman witnessed through firsthand experience how the leaders of Elendil treated one and all with respect, from the lowliest peasant to the highest king the Elendils treated how they wanted to be treated. Knowing that this trait in a nobleman of Asulon was rare the serviceman of Elendil knew with a vengeance that this rare occurrence must be protected through all means, so together and with the approval of his lordship Grand marshal Artorus Elendil, the group created the order that is known today. The Order of Vindicta is but a young guild, they have not shaped the history of Asulon, nor do they plan to, but they do protect the Elendils by every means necessary. We as an order possess but a small history, but that does not matter, what matters is the protection of the Elendils.


Imperator: The leader of the order, a man or woman who has shown bravery, loyalty, skill, leadership and love in the service of the Elendil house. Only one man or woman can hold this position, their word is everything in the order, second only to an Elendil. This position contains great responsibility and should not be given lightly.

Curator: The highest rank below the leader of Vindicta. Strong skilled warriors who have proven their loyalty, courage and skill in battle and the defence of the house of Elendil. These men and women are exceedingly proficient in the blade, bow or axe, they lead the vassals in battle, often have the position of private guards to specific Elendil family members. They show respect to one and all and are trusted by the Elendil house. This rank as does all ranks in the order do not hesitate to give their lives to the Elendil family.



Vassal: The last and lowest rank of the Order of Vindicta, these men and woman MUST possess skill in bow, blade or axe . Their skill must be enough to protect the lives of the Elendils, they MUST be able to follow orders and they MUST be prepared to give their lives for the order and the Elendils. All who hold this position have proven themselves as a leader and a follower.



Duties of a member of the Order of Vindicta

• Follow the orders of the Elendil house in all that we do.

• Give our lives if necessary to ensure the safety the Elendils is met.

• Respect one and all.

• Refrain from shaming the house of Elendil.

Vindicta service oath

I (Insert name here) do pledge my skills as a warrior to the service of the Elendil house and the Order of Vindicta. Through my actions will I show my loyalty, honour, courage and humility to the Elendil house. I will defend all Elendils, follow the command and wish of all Elendils, respect one and all and defend my brothers, sisters and liegelords in all that I do. I pledge my word and honour as a warrior and citizen of Asulon on this oath. To our leaders, Fortitudo Elendil!

Vindicta Serviceman Uniform


Application form


Skill levels:

Link to VA (if you have one):

Small bio:

RP skills:

Why are you interested in joining us:

Past jobs or positions of leadership:

Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?:

My given oath (Insert oath here):

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Timezone: GMT/British Summer Time

Skill levels:

Bow: Quite strong.

Sword: Quite able to defend.

Axe: Can be used in backup.

Link to Va: (dont have one).

Small Bio: Im a simple dark elf who helps in any way he can, despite always losing things, he always manages to survive everything.

Rp Skills: Ive been playing on the server for 6 months, and am familiar with the rules.

Why are you intrested in joining us?: Well this is a new guild and i always love to help new guilds get started (Ive worked in factions, which is similar).

And im looking for a rich rp expereince.

Past Jobs or Positions of Leadership: I was self employed in Aegis, and I usually just kill monsters or Live on what minas i have, and i once was offered a positon of lord in a city.

Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?: As long as i am in the guild i swear to protect.

My given oath: As long as i remain the guild i swear to Protect the House and to Live by the Leaders and do anything to protect.

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Timezone: GMT/British Summer Time

Skill levels:

Bow: Quite strong.

Sword: Quite able to defend.

Axe: Can be used in backup.

Link to Va: (dont have one).

Small Bio: Im a simple dark elf who helps in any way he can, despite always losing things, he always manages to survive everything.

Rp Skills: Ive been playing on the server for 6 months, and am familiar with the rules.

Why are you intrested in joining us?: Well this is a new guild and i always love to help new guilds get started (Ive worked in factions, which is similar).

And im looking for a rich rp expereince.

Past Jobs or Positions of Leadership: I was self employed in Aegis, and I usually just kill monsters or Live on what minas i have, and i once was offered a positon of lord in a city.

Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?: As long as i am in the guild i swear to protect.

My given oath: As long as i remain the guild i swear to Protect the House and to Live by the Leaders and do anything to protect.

Artorus looks over the application on his desk. He nod's looking over his credentials. "Very good."He leans back in his chair and yells "Squire!Please take this to master Jibius"Artorus hands his squire a note sealed with the Grey Wolf of the House,inside is the ACCEPTANCE letter.

((OOC, ACCEPTED, pm me ingame at Axlrose4078 for more information))

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*Gideon looks up at the large notice as he scratches his head not understanding of them holy or not. He takes in a deep breath as he turns and walks by going to speak with Artorus at a later date.*

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CST or UTC-6?

Skill levels:

Bronn has had some skills with the dwarves in Kal'Alras in mining, then took advantage of it and became a freelance miner.(100)

As a small child he learned how to use the sword, and knew when to act rationally if you are a capable man.(100)

Link to VA (if you have one):

Don't have one, but soon enough my friend.((To lazy))

Small bio:

Bronn served Lancel for awhile and felt he was not treated correctly, though he did some wrong, it was all for the better good. He then was furthermore exiled from Salvus due to Lancel's selffishness. Bronn harassed the Hightower for his own revenge, but never struck one down when they tried to. He now seeks...a better person or order to serve that will treat him rightly by not ignoring his dedication he gives to his service.

RP skills:

I'd say my RP skills are fairly good, though some might not fully understand who my character really is, they think I might just be trolling and such. I have been on the server for two months now.

Why are you interested in joining us:

Bronn woud like to join a group that is an elite order dedicated to serving a House through war and protection.

Past jobs or positions of leadership:

Olyvarr bannermen, Squire to Ser Mizu, Squire to Lancel. During this time Bronn has learned what leaders AND the people want to see from an able man serving them and their Lord's, Highnesses or Majesties.

Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?:

Bronn promises to serve the Elendils as long as he is treated fairly, and knows that he cannot expect all that he wants.

My given oath (Insert oath here):

I (Bronn), do pledge my skills as a warrior to the service of the Elendil house and the Order of Vindicta. Through my actions will I show my loyalty, honour, courage and humility to the Elendil house. I will defend all Elendils, follow the command and wish of all Elendils, respect one and all and defend my brothers, sisters and liegelords in all that I do. I pledge my word and honour as a warrior and citizen of Asulon on this oath. To our leaders, Fortitudo Elendil!

*Looks forward to kissing the ring once more*

((*Laughs a bit))

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*looks over the signed application, frowning slightly to himself as he sees the name, a faint memory triggered. Sighing slightly he remembers the man, and sends a bird to the applicant*

Mr Bron,

Perhaps you might remember me? For I remember you, we dueled once and I only just came off the better. I know as a matter of fact that you are able to hold yourself with the blade. However, our past duel was a result of your insult to my race, I do not hold a grudge fine swordsman, but I do want you to realise that in Vindicta we do not tolerate rascism, to do so would bring dishonour and shame to the Elendil house. But I can see you are a man worth having beside in a fight, as far as I Tevael Imperator of Vindicta am concerned, you are more than adequate to protect and serve the Elendils, therefore i accept you. However I recommend that you send a letter to his lordship the grandmarshal, seeking his approval for he is who we protect. Also fine friend, if you are looking for a master who respects and honors your service then you have found one. This order respects its members, and the Elendils respect us, you have my word that you will be treated how you treat the order and the Elendils.

Signed: Tevael Aeltahl, Imperator Of Vindicta, humble servant to the Elendils.

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Thomas sees the sign about the Order of Vindicta and wonders what is the difference between what him and his fellow bannermen do, and what the Order of Vindicta does.

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*Looks at the information on the order of Vindicta and realises that the current Elendil Bannermen might possibly be interested to know the difference, smiling to himself he posts a small pamphlet containing information under the current notice, it reads*

Fellow kinsman, brothers and sisters in arms, friends and servants of the Elendils. It may or may not have come to your attention that a new order has arisen concerning your liegelords, the Elendils. Let me say now that we are as much brothers in arms to everyone serving the Elendils as we are to each other, many of our duties and responsibilities are much the same, however unlike the bannermen of the Elendil house our order is COMPLETELY and utterly devoted to the protection and wishes of the Elendil house. It is true that bannerman have this responsibility, but bannermen also have many other responsibilites, they are tasked with keeping the Elendil land holdings safe from bandits and thieves and many more duties besides, this can sometimes take away the protection that the Elendil family so rightly deserve. Our main priority is the safety of the Elendils, once we become stronger we plan to have at least one Vindicta Curator, Vassal or even the imperator himself constantly in companionship with the elendils, they will act as private guards in events, travels and war time. The bannermen of the Elendils have the right opportunity to join our order, but i state this first; request permission from his lordship the Grandmarshal, it is he who we serve and it is for him that we fight and die, his wishes are our command.

Signed a fellow brother in arms, Tevael Aeltahl, current Imperator to his lordship the Grandmarshal.

((Guys basically this is the most simplest way i can put it, if any of you have played oblivion then you are aware of the organisations called the blades, they are purely devoted to the protection of the emporer and his family etc etc, you will also be aware of the imperial guards who serve him, both organisations contain strong brave and noble men, but they have slightly different roles, so the bannermen are the equivlent of imperial guards, and the order of Vindicta are the equivlent of blades. Im not saying Vindicta is better than the Elendilbannermen, but they do have different responsibilities, thats how i see the organisation, Axlrose4078 will correct me if im wrong, but thats how i see it.))

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*Receives a bird and reads the little letter, then talks to himself*

Mmh, ahhh yes, the one I spared to continue to fight. *Laughs to himself*

*Writes up a small note to Tevael*

Greetings, Tevael, it has come to my attention that ye still remember that....incident. At the time I was foolish, and now hold no favoritism to a race fer...it seems that Humans side Orcs, when they seemed to be our sworn enemies? But nevermind that, I thank ye fer yer decision on accepting me, and hope that Grand Marshal Artorus accepts me.

*Smiles slyly to himself, then sends it off by raven to Illdon*

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Timezone: gmt +1

Skill levels: 100 swords, 100 lumberjack, rest is ****

Link to VA (if you have one):

Small bio: Aruther was born in Skravia, his parents were Hikaru and Aniviel Silverblade. However they died in a house fire when Aru was 8. A friend to his family, Katty took care of him and helped raise him. When he grew up and was around 16 he bought his own home in Skravia, As he didn't think of the past, and the things that had happend he started to train even more then he had done before, he often went out on long hunting trips and often got into a fight with the General of Skravia.

Just after he became 17, he meet a young sweet girl, who he thought he would do anything for.. her name was Fae Baelish, and even though her father didn't like Aru very much, as he stood up against him. However, Aru got tricked into something by another girl.. which caused him to cheat on Fae.. he regreted this and did everything he could to make up for it. But Fae hated him and killed herself after sometime, leaving Aru in a close to death situation aswell.

It took over 4 years to get over her and another thing he got to know about the cheating, was that the girl he did it with had become pregnant and she also gave the kid to Aru, as he didn't want to be with her. Aru asked the skravian prince if he could take care of her, which he did and Aru travelled around, helping people in the nearby areas. When the kid was around 10, they told her everything and Aru took care of her. He then quickly moved to Arethor where he bought a home for them. Some years later, he was recruited a squire and quickly became a knight of Oren

RP skills: Well, I dont know what others do think of my RP, but most people seem to enjoy it, so I would say that it is good.

Why are you interested in joining us: Aru got a application form from Axl, who wanted him to apply.

Past jobs or positions of leadership: Aru is a knight of Oren.

Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?: Sure thing, Aru simply say.

My given oath (Insert oath here):

I Aruther, do pledge my skills as a warrior to the service of the Elendil house and the Order of Vindicta. Through my actions will I show my loyalty, honour, courage and humility to the Elendil house. I will defend all Elendils, follow the command and wish of all Elendils, respect one and all and defend my brothers, sisters and liegelords in all that I do. I pledge my word and honour as a warrior and citizen of Asulon on this oath. To our leaders, Fortitudo Elendil!

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  • Timezone:


  • Skill levels:

100 Axemastery

73 Archery

51 Lumberjacking

35 Cooking

  • Link to VA (if you have one):

Check my signature.

  • Small bio:

Cobra is a very discreet and stealthy young man, escaping the wanted lands of Oren for a unwanted reason. With his companion Viper, they keep their identity secret. [ I don't want my char to be metagamed. ]

  • RP skills:

I don't know what you mean by RP skills, but I have a VA and I think that can prove im a good roleplayer. Though my old background of Flay has deemed me a PvPer I hope to change that.

  • Why are you interested in joining us:

To escape the law and perhaps rebuild my reputation.

  • Past jobs or positions of leadership:

I was the leader of House Baelish, and the Blackwood Legion.

  • Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?:

I've been doing that since I was a toddler.

  • My given oath (Insert oath here):

I, Cobra, do pledge my skills as a warrior to the service of the Elendil house and the Order of Vindicta. Through my actions will I show my loyalty, honour, courage and humility to the Elendil house. I will defend all Elendils, follow the command and wish of all Elendils, respect one and all and defend my brothers, sisters and liegelords in all that I do. I pledge my word and honour as a warrior and citizen of Asulon on this oath. To our leaders, Fortitudo Elendil!

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Timezone: gmt +1

Skill levels: 100 swords, 100 lumberjack, rest is ****

Link to VA (if you have one):

Small bio: Aruther was born in Skravia, his parents were Hikaru and Aniviel Silverblade. However they died in a house fire when Aru was 8. A friend to his family, Katty took care of him and helped raise him. When he grew up and was around 16 he bought his own home in Skravia, As he didn't think of the past, and the things that had happend he started to train even more then he had done before, he often went out on long hunting trips and often got into a fight with the General of Skravia.

Just after he became 17, he meet a young sweet girl, who he thought he would do anything for.. her name was Fae Baelish, and even though her father didn't like Aru very much, as he stood up against him. However, Aru got tricked into something by another girl.. which caused him to cheat on Fae.. he regreted this and did everything he could to make up for it. But Fae hated him and killed herself after sometime, leaving Aru in a close to death situation aswell.

It took over 4 years to get over her and another thing he got to know about the cheating, was that the girl he did it with had become pregnant and she also gave the kid to Aru, as he didn't want to be with her. Aru asked the skravian prince if he could take care of her, which he did and Aru travelled around, helping people in the nearby areas. When the kid was around 10, they told her everything and Aru took care of her. He then quickly moved to Arethor where he bought a home for them. Some years later, he was recruited a squire and quickly became a knight of Oren

RP skills: Well, I dont know what others do think of my RP, but most people seem to enjoy it, so I would say that it is good.

Why are you interested in joining us: Aru got a application form from Axl, who wanted him to apply.

Past jobs or positions of leadership: Aru is a knight of Oren.

Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?: Sure thing, Aru simply say.

My given oath (Insert oath here):

I Aruther, do pledge my skills as a warrior to the service of the Elendil house and the Order of Vindicta. Through my actions will I show my loyalty, honour, courage and humility to the Elendil house. I will defend all Elendils, follow the command and wish of all Elendils, respect one and all and defend my brothers, sisters and liegelords in all that I do. I pledge my word and honour as a warrior and citizen of Asulon on this oath. To our leaders, Fortitudo Elendil!

*A bird lands at your feet, it bears a small tightly rolled parchment, the bird beckons you to read* the note says...

To Master Aruther,

Your skills seem to be of the utmost high. We of the Order of Vindicta would be delighted to have you in our ranks, as long as you obey our ways that is. Please report to myself or his lordship Count Artorus Elendil for briefing and enlistment. You will be assigned to protect and Elendil family member at once. We welcome you into our ranks.

Yours sincerely Imperator Tevael Aeltahl.

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  • Timezone:


  • Skill levels:

100 Axemastery

73 Archery

51 Lumberjacking

35 Cooking

  • Link to VA (if you have one):

Check my signature.

  • Small bio:

Cobra is a very discreet and stealthy young man, escaping the wanted lands of Oren for a unwanted reason. With his companion Viper, they keep their identity secret. [ I don't want my char to be metagamed. ]

  • RP skills:

I don't know what you mean by RP skills, but I have a VA and I think that can prove im a good roleplayer. Though my old background of Flay has deemed me a PvPer I hope to change that.

  • Why are you interested in joining us:

To escape the law and perhaps rebuild my reputation.

  • Past jobs or positions of leadership:

I was the leader of House Baelish, and the Blackwood Legion.

  • Do you promise to serve the Elendils in all that you do?:

I've been doing that since I was a toddler.

  • My given oath (Insert oath here):

I, Cobra, do pledge my skills as a warrior to the service of the Elendil house and the Order of Vindicta. Through my actions will I show my loyalty, honour, courage and humility to the Elendil house. I will defend all Elendils, follow the command and wish of all Elendils, respect one and all and defend my brothers, sisters and liegelords in all that I do. I pledge my word and honour as a warrior and citizen of Asulon on this oath. To our leaders, Fortitudo Elendil!

*a weary bird drops a note at your feet, surprised it found you, you pick it up* it reads.


Looking at your skills i can see that you have what the Order of Vindicta can use. His lordship Count Artorus believes you will be a likely and useful candidate, please report to Winterhall for briefing and enlistment.

Yours sincerely

Imperator Tevael Aeltahl.

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Cobra is no longer a Vindicta it seems, as he has been outlawed in Oren I believe. If this is not the case, his buddy, known as, the Viper are known bandits to wanting to inflitrate both the Hightowers and Elendils.

~Curator Bronn Castamere.

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