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Kal'anart Seeks Rangers!


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Raglin sighed as he walked into the sanctuary of the Cloud Temple. The aged dwarf adjusts the quiver across his back. He places a large piece of parchment on the announcement board, scrawling words across it; "Kal'Anart seeks archers! If ye have skill with a bow an' ye wish tae serve the dwarves, join up! Contact Captain Raglin Edgehand to join, an' Lord Bazian to join tae Order of the Stone. (( OOC names: Teebrown and The_Ranger44/Raglin ))

The dwarf nodded at his post, then made his way, whistling a casual tune as he trudged towards the docks.

(( Currently the ranged division of the Order of the Stone is lagging fiercely. So, we need more archers. This is my general preferrance for archers. 75+ archery, Wrestling/Swords/Axes doesn't matter as much. And if you have sneak skill, that helps as well. So, send in an app to the Order of the Stone and state you are an archer. Then send me a forum PM so I can know you have applied. ))

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