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Marian's Character Sheet


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Character Name: Marian
Nicknames: Her sister used to call her Mari. Every one else called her things like, vile, ugly, rat, useless, hopeless, pathetic, weak, scared, little wench, stupid, horrid, spazz, beggar, *****, greedy, and twigs.
Age: 14 ( She doesn't know how old she is )
Gender: Female
Race: Dark elf/ High elf mix
Status: Alive and traumatized, extremely unlucky.

Height: 5' 2''
Weight: 70 pounds
Body Type: Weak and frail body.
Eyes: Klaren crimson
Hair: White, messy and dirty hair.
Skin: Golden and pale, like a high elf, but with a coating of dirt.
Markings/Tattoos: She is coated in scars, the one most noticeable on he face, she has missing fingers as well a toes.
Health: Extremely unhealthy, weak bones and anorexia.
Personality: An extremely timid and scared individual, very understandably so. The moments when she can relax a little she as happy as she really can be considering her past. She is obviously strong, making it through so much more torture than many people will never come close to experiencing. She can be stubborn some times but is usually very obedient. Marian is convinced she is an ugly person through and through.
Inventory: Her precious burlap doll that she got from Santa-piggy, Sally, a few rocks that she loves to collect, and some times flowers and other things she finds on the ground.
Further Details: She loves to dance and climb things, and seems very creative and handy despite her lack of fingers. She isn't well-educated, but has a wide capacity to learn.

Life Style
Deity*: She doesn't know what god is, beside her mother teaching her that god isn't real
Religion: What's a religion?
Alliance/Nation/Home: With Jack! And Cir'dian and Sala-man is nice but not Versia, she thinks Marian is disgusting.
Job/Class: Lower-class
Title(s): Usually all the names people call her.
Profession(s): Being a little girl.
Special Skill(s): Being able to survive after such a series of unfortunate events that never end even now, having a way with animals, and the ability to over come her disability to the best of her ability, and managing to carve figures with a large sword.
Flaw(s): Being extremely weak physically, untrusting, low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts ( no little girl should ever be made to think that. ) a weakness to hugs and physical comfort, since they are so rare, like treasures and she does not have any good way with words, practically teaching herself.

Fighting Style: Flee, or throw rocks. (But usually flee)
Preferred Weapon: Rocks, or her feet to carry herself away
Favored Weapon: She likes how spears look.
Archery: Flinging rocks, she has pretty great aim.

Parents: Unnamed high elf father who bedded and fled, and Melissa Tinula
Siblings: Pamila Tinula, sister (so very, very dead)
Children: Nope.
Extended Family: Jack and Cir'dian... And an uncle you may never get Marian to remember after what he did.
Pet(s): Blue the falcon

Now that is a story... A story that will be played out in role play with any one so patient as to deal with Marian.

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Midget! Good stuff by the way... bloody midgets and their need of food.

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