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Anson Dudley


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Full name: His full name is Anson Dudley.

Age: He is 19 years of age.

Race: He is a Halfling.


Personality: Anson dreams of one day gaining a true life for himself despite his impairments. Ever since he was a little boy his father told him of the Knights and their valour and courage, and ever since, Anson has dreamed of one day joining their ranks. He is, if nothing else, realistic however. Without his sight, Anson knows that his dream is just that, a dream. Despite this he holds onto a strong sense of justice, feeling that, even though he cannot become a knight in title he should strive to live up to their teachings. He is a weak man, and Anson realizes this himself. Despite all of his failings he has taken an oath to protect all within his sight, even if he has not the skills to do so. As his father before him, Anson is an honourable man and seeks only true justice in the world. For now he does not know how he will find his way having no way of seeing the path ahead of him, but the words of his father have taught him that, despite all odds, true courage comes when one faces the oncoming darkness and does not run from the troubles ahead.


Appearance: Anson stands about average height for a Halfling, with a rather small build. Thin frame and bedraggled hair reflect his current impoverished lifestyle, and his clothes are old, torn and sometimes dirty. His hair is rather light like his father's before him, though he has his mother's complexion. His most striking feature though are his milky white eyes. Blinded since birth, Anson does not bother trying to meet people's eyes, but tilts his head in their direction so that he can better hear their words. His hands are soft, having never done a real hard days work given his condition, yet he has nimble fingers from practicing his instrument.




History: Anson Dudley was born in a small village, near the city of Kingston to a father who was a blacksmith, and a mother who worked at the local inn. From birth, Anson was unable to see the world around him, and yet he never once felt as if he was missing anything for the love of his parents kept him strong. Though he could not experience it himself, his father told him of the city and described the city to his son when they went on their daily walks, after the work was done of course. Anson heard of the Knights, and many stories of their valour and courage sent him to sleep as he lay in bed with his mother and father. Anson's mother showed him how sounds could be used to learn the ways of the world. She taught him that music was how a blind man could paint a picture for the soul just as an artist painted upon a canvas. Yes, Anson was without his sight, but because he never had it to begin with he never felt as if it were a great loss. He could see the world through his other senses, and he could experience just as much as everyone else. Or so he thought.

Anson's father passed away when the boy reached the age of 10, and his mother took him to Kingston in hopes that the boy could find a better future there. It was in Kingston that Anson learned that, without sight, life would never be the same for him as it was for those who could see the world around them. He could not read the books he was meant to learn, he could not experience and learn as other's around him could, and so despite his efforts he found that Academics were, and forever would be, out of his reach. Once more his mind turned toward the knights, and Anson felt a calling there and a desire to one day wear the armour and rank of their noble heritage. It could never be. Of course Anson knew, for if he could not learn or see, what chance have he to join the ranks of the most honourable warriors in all of Anthos?

His blindness was a curse, and this Anson knew from the bottom of his heart. As he grew older he found that none would take him on as an apprentice. He could find no work, for all saw him simply as a blind and helpless boy. Never given the chance to be more, Anson simply learned to live life by his mother's side. Learning to let music heal his tattered soul. Yet even that could not last, for come the Winter, Anson's mother was stricken by a harmful cold and died soon after. It was devastating, a terrible blow to the boy and one that left him reeling and uncertain what it was he was to do. For once he was thankful for his blindness, for he did not have to see his mother suffer in her final days.

Now alone in the world, Anson found himself thinking more and more of Kingston, his home, and of the knights that lived there. This place weren't meant for the Halfling. Anson was lonely. Kingston held nothing for him now, so he left, where he hoped that he could finally find his way in life.




Thank you for reading. Any feedback would be highly appreciated.

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