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  1. It is the height of RP gatekeeping to write out cultural documents for others to join your culture, and then, when people call you out for acting counter to those documents, go "well, you can just ignore those documents. They weren't well written and the only thing that matters is what I say because I've been around for longer than you."

    I'm sorry, but if you write out lore, then you need to follow your lore. Else it's not communal roleplay. It's a private circle jerk.

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    2. Valannor



    3. Burnsider


      Church drama, and people saying that I can't base my arguments off the scrolls because they were only written recently and he's been playing for years (and then gatekeeping me by saying I've only been doing Church RP for less than a year). I'm sorry, but by lore, those are the scrolls and it doesn't matter when they were written in real life, it matters that they are the revelations of god since essentially before time (well, one of them before time). I need to follow them for my RP and you can't just disregard them because you didn't RP that way before they were written. They're lore now.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Why would somebody write cultural lore and then not follow it.

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