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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Shiredom

  1. I broke the curse.

  2. I deserve Iron VIP

  3. I did some trolling

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shiredom


      Say things like "Cringe, Based," and other things on the forums that make you the scum of the Earth while immediately getting mad when someone does the same to you.

    3. garentoft


      Is... is everything okay?

    4. Shiredom
  4. I hate it here.

  5. I hate the ATF

  6. I have a 2 year warning for not putting my persona name in a comment on a forum post in which everyone knew who I was, and yet I see dozen's of other people, including staff, do the same on posts that involve the entirety of Almaris and get away with it. Feels bad man.

    1. rukio


      Forum rules on that stuff changed over time, that's why 

    2. Shiredom


      @rukio, no like, I see people including staff do that same thing, see it 3 times a day if I look at forum posts. Yet apparently I'm one of the only one's who get's a warning, and why is 2 years the default before it expires?

    3. rukio


      @PeralienIt depends on which moderator sees your post and what they feel the punishment should be. It varied a considerable amount from FM to FM as well when that was a thing. Most moderators don't focus on moderating the forums, I think, which doesn't help either, so a LOT of stuff flies under the radar. Two years is the default for expiration because they got rid of warning point appeals and brought back the 10 point ban system. If you reach 10 points you receive an in-game and forum ban/restriction. They auto-expire after two(?) years because moderation didn't want to bring back the appeal system, which is fair. 

  7. I have crawled out of my cave for my monthly shitposting.

  8. I have more rep than brain cells at the moment.

  9. I have scurvy

    1. rukio


      Have you considered eating anythng edible? 

    2. Shiredom


      A human soul.

  10. I have to make 68 more posts before my legendary and extreme 500 Post mark. 

    1. JoshBright


      im somehow over 800

  11. I just realized that I was on LOTC longer than you, yet I thought of you being some veteran. 


    Now I realize that I am superior to you in every way.



  12. i just want fun

  13. I like Dill Pickles, Sweet Pickles are disgusting.

  14. I like frogs

    1. Frogger16


      🐸 I was summoned~

    2. Shiredom


      Why are you following me, but set to anonymous. Frogger, the FBI isn't going to arrest you for following me, they'd be arresting the both of us for much worse.

    3. Frogger16


      I'm wanted in 41 states and 2 countries, I need my interests to be held close to heart I can't believe you betrayed me like this 😩

  15. I love oren

    1. sergisala


      God bless Orenia

  16. I miss you, you glorious bastard

    1. Hunnic


      I miss him too....

      He was the community man who got me into the server. Quite the kind guy

    2. NotAPan
  17. I predicted this. And I shall predict that in April we shall have a crisis much similar to this, if not greater and more serious. 

  18. I refuse to rest until we get resource pits back.

  19. I translated what the hell the Chinese Spam-bots are saying. It's propaganda trying to convince Chinese Students studying-abroad to return to great Holy Motherland.

    1. Gemini


      There is only one God and that is Kim Jong-Un

  20. I-I-I be popping bottles
    Sparkles and champagne
    VIP my section, Royalty looking sexy
    You know that be my bae

  21. I'm a goofy goober! (Rock)

  22. I'm a little bit of a repfarmer myself.

    1. Twinny


      Clearly you aren't doing it to it's full potential, allow me to educate..

    2. satinkira


      How many times do I have to kill you for you to PK

  23. Ibn for admin

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