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Everything posted by Javert

  1. A nation's road, a nation's business. If it affects RP, then fix it IRP. There's no need to hide behind OOC rules in regards to nations building on their own land when you can easily solve it IRP too. Hell, do what the MRA or other insurgent LOTC groups did and burn shit down if you don't like it
  2. Urugail Hailstorm, a Dwed living in self-isolation, thinks that this cant possibly cause more disunity! Then again, he wouldn't know. He hadn't been in Urguan for decades. With a hefty sigh, he resolved to let the politics of his Homeland sort themselves out.
  3. Alberto Murietta screams a patriotic warcry as he sits in his vacation house
  4. "BECAUSE DIOS WILLS IT! DEUS VULT! VIVA HYSPIA!!" screamed Alberto Murietta as he entered a crazed bloodthirsty state
  5. "The **** did Aaun send thousands of young men to die for if our Kingdom is just going to submit Vienne without a fight? At least put up a fight you damn cowards!" Louis Owyn Haverlock said as he proceeded to be pinned down by his house servants once his maddened ramblings began
  6. The Rozanian Fleet setting sail from the shores of Almaris "How many lives?" "Countless." "And what did you achieve?" "Nothing." Prince Aleksy heaved a heavy sigh as his flagship pulled out from his former campsite. He had set out years ago from his homeland of Cahir to destroy Joannesport and its stubborn Sedanian defenders - and yet nothing was achieved of this nature. The second-born son of a faraway King who had hoped to seize glory of his own was now leaving Almaris with the corpses of thousands of Rozanian Bannermen. What had they all died for? Revenge? Justice? Loyalty to his Father? None of it mattered now, for he had been beaten. Disgraced. Shamed on the field of battle. Not a single victory was achieved under the Rose Prince, and his reputation was irrevocably damaged for it. "What now, Prince Aleksy?" "I face my Father's wrath, and potentially the rope." "I will pray for your soul, Your Highness." As Ser Chadvik "The Bold" descended to below the deck of the flagship, Prince Aleksy looked out upon the horizon. He watched as the waves crashed upon the shore and as Almaris' beach slowly drifted out of view. Whether Aleksy was spared upon his return to Cahir or not, one thing was for certain. He would never see Almaris again.
  7. Up in the Seven Skies, Cesar de Pelear somberly welcomed his Granddaughter into the Seven Skies. He embraced the poor child, letting out a soft sigh "The cruelty of the world cannot harm you anymore."
  8. War of 2 Emps round 2 Empire of Renatus vs Empire of Haense


    This is a joke dont slaughter me

  9. what happened here...

  10. "Ave Aaun. Ave King Charles. Ave my Alstion Kinsmen." said Louis Owyn Haverlock as he sat within his keep 'Joannesfort', planning its reconstruction following the end of the Adrian War.
  11. I love the Qalasheen

  12. A proud Canonist signs the Lorraine as he prepares to combat the supporters of the Adrian Anathema Duke. "Not entirely the Crusade I expected, but a Crusade nonetheless."
  13. "Death to the Anathema Duke!" roared Louis Owyn Haverlock, a fervent supporter of King Charles of Aaun
  14. Ahsan Ibn Awf Al-Nabeel upon returning to the ruins of the Fakhr Oasis For many decades, Ahsan had wandered the vast expanse of the South. Inconsolable after the dissolution of his homeland - the Kharasi Sultanate - the Al-Nabeel took to wandering across the mountains and sands in an effort to find himself. It eventually brought him back to where it all began, the Fakhr Oasis itself. Ahsan spent several days pondering amongst its ruined stones, trying to find answers only the Creator could give him. At some point, Ahsan came to a revelation: Would his kin have wanted him to turn his back on their people? Would his Cousin, Once-Sultan Qamar Ibn Zayd, have wanted him to forgo his responsibilities and let the Banu Nabeel die with him? And so Ahsan pulled his belongings together and made his departure from the old Fakhr Oasis. Ahsan would find his people, and he would ensure the survival of the Banu Nabeel if it were the last thing he did. He would repent for his absence by serving his people once more.
  15. Cesar de Pelear is, in fact, dead - he cannot comment on this situation.
  16. [!] This letter is found across the human nations of Almaris, and a direct letter is sent to the office of the High Pontiff Pontian IV (@Balthasar) [!] A grizzled man writes at his desk To His Holiness, Pontian IV, For centuries the good Canonist folk of Almaris have looked up to the Holy Mother Church for guidance through the dark times that plague our world. Our people have seen how the fair Princes of Canondom have banded together to eliminate collective threats when necessary - such as during the Inferi and Serheim Crusades and again with the War against Cloudbreaker. The Clergy of the Church has always been steadfast in promoting peace and stability, even when such means must be achieved with more violent tendencies. Most recently, the Canonist public has been made aware of a great folly made by the rulers of the Orcish State of Krugmar. They attempted to tame the untamable - a Dragon, the Kin of Cloudbreaker and Azdromoth. One must question their motives in this; Did they wish to harness its power? Turn it upon their foes? Even if this is not what they had intended, it is unfortunately a reality that shall soon haunt descendant-kind. This is not the first in a long line of dangerous, foolish, and costly mistakes that their Rexdom has made in recent history. However, this act is by far their most reckless as it puts all descendants - especially good Canonists - at risk of a winged peril once more. I therefore petition our Holy Mother Church and the Holy Inquisition to take decisive action against the Rexdom to put to rest their foolhardy and costly mistakes. This is not a petition to put all Orc-kind to the sword - on the contrary, it is a call to liberate them from rulers that have caused their people to be the backwater of the four descendant races. This is a petition to take up arms and wage a righteous war to destroy the regime of the Iron Horde and replace it with one that shall not take such destructive courses in the future. Signed, A Deeply Concerned Canonist
  17. "Crusade Krugmar." Said Rolf the Peasant, a veteran of the Myrinian-Krugmar Skirmishes many decades ago. He then turned to the new head of House Mareno "We should finish what your predecessor started." @Mickaelhz
  18. Rolf the Peasant, an ardent supporter of House Mareno since the days of Myrine, lifts a glass of wine to the pact before going back to beating teaching his son.
  19. "THATS MY ******* DESCENDANT!" said the long-deceased Devan Bishop from the Seven Skies
  20. Ludwig von Audrick couldn't be prouder of his daughter. In fact, he lights a cigar in the seven skies in her honor.
  21. The Final Duel The Port of Ciudad de Plata, 116 S.A. This night seemed different from others. As Cesar walked out onto the port of the City he had constructed so long ago, he felt as if this night would be his last time seeing the sea. Cesar stood upon the docks, Cigar in one hand and cane in the other. Suddenly, he heard the clanking of armored boots behind him. The Viceroy turned, and a figure clad in full plate armor stood before him. “You know why I’m here.” “I won’t come easily, chico.” “I’m not here to kidnap you.” “I know.” Swords were drawn, steel met steel, and blood dripped. When Cesar saw that fateful strike, it was already too late. Steel sliced through part of his neck like butter, leaving a gaping wound that bled like a fountain. As Cesar fell to his knees, gasping for air, his assailant removed his helmet and revealed his identity to the Viceroy-Emeritus. And then it was over.
  22. "FINALLY! A PAPAL CITY! LET'S ******* GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" roared the retired Cesar de Pelear, an ardent supporter of the Canonist Church being landed.
  23. Louis Owyn Haverlock smokes a Cigar whilst in his keep, reckoning that this can go down a few different ways.
  24. THE PASSING OF THE THRONE 7th of the Sun's Smile, 115 S.A. To the Hyspian people and whomever else it may concern, For decades I have ruled the Viceroyalty of Hyspia to the best of my ability. I oversaw the resettlement of Niseep and the construction of Ciudad de Plata, and attempted to preserve our people and culture to the best of my ability. In recent times I fear it has become increasingly difficult to continue my efforts - primarily due to my uncertain health. It is thus time that I pass on my Viceroyal Throne to my firstborn and heir, Crown-Prince Francisco de Pelear. Effective immediately once this missive is published, Crown-Prince Francisco shall take the title of Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia and shall serve as the new Patriarch of House de Pelear and Baron of Arenisca. I shall remain in Hyspia in a purely advisory role and shall thusly be known as Viceroy-Emeritus. I have total faith in the abilities of my Son, and in time I am certain he shall lead our People into a new golden age. Signed, His Highness, Cesar de Pelear, Viceroy-Emeritus of Hyspia His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear
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