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Everything posted by Javert

  1. Hello there, if you read the title you can probably figure out what this is. If you've been a NL/SL multiple times (doesn't matter if for the same nation/settlement or different ones), here's a few questions for y'all! 1. What's your favorite part about being an NL/SL? 2. What's your least favorite part about being an NL/SL? 3. What's your most prominent memory as an NL/SL? 4. If you led your Nation/Settlement into a war, do you regret it and did it turn out to be fun? If yes/no, why? 5. Did you inherit your Nation/Settlements most of the time or build them from scratch? Or was it different each time?
  2. The Viceroy of Hyspia smiles the Sun's Smile as his son finally prepares to be married
  3. Cesar de Pelear prepares to commit warcrimes against those who kidnapped his daughter.
  4. "I am going to teach the boy Hyspian." Cesar de Pelear said bluntly immediately after the news was given to him
  5. based Dwarven insurgency??

    1. Lomiei


      Hasnt there been a dwarven civil war in this map already?

  6. CERTIFICATE OF HONORARY CITIZENSHIP 4th of the Amber Cold, 107 S.A. To all Citizens of Hyspia; With the finalization of this document, the Viceroyalty of Hyspia is honored to bestow Georg Sigismund, Grand Prince of Kusoraev, with this certificate of honorary citizenship. As a true friend to the Viceroyal Crown, it is the hope that His Serene Highness may forevermore enjoy the company and loyalty of his fellow countrymen. With this certificate comes the privilege to enjoy ten (10) free drinks within the Hyspian Tavern. Signed, His Highness, Cesar de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep and Gereon’s Hold
  7. "Let this be a warning pendejos, no asking my children out without permission." The Viceroy of Hyspia said as he recalled the two times he's confronted people about such a topic.
  8. The Viceroy of Hyspia smiles the suns smile as two of his old friends prepare for their wedding "Maria, teach those children our language or so help me DIOS."
  9. "Well then, let's see how my liege reacts to this." the Viceroy of Hyspia sighed as he read the missive from his keep in Ciudad de Plata.
  10. The Viceroy of Hyspia, who ruled Hyspia independently and neutrally during the Successor's War, recalls the events of the war. "I do believe that it was I who sought out Balian and Daeland to attempt a cease-fire, and our terms were to disallow conflict in the southern continent. It was both Balian and Daeland who at first agreed to the terms, but it was later broken by forces outside of the south. My largest regret is Hyspia not being strong enough at the time to enforce a southern peace."
  11. Rather straightforward topic I've been thinking of. Do you prefer to have your builds pasted or built from scratch? When I say built from scratch, that can either mean having a build but doing it by hand or having no plan and expanding your build as people join.
  12. "SI! SI! SI! SI! FINALLY!" the Viceroy of Hyspia roared out as the Grand Prince was to be wed at last.
  13. You promised me a wagh, where is it?!?!?!

  14. what was your OG goal with the Sutican War if you had full-on defeated Oren (No Inferi or pontiff intervention)
  15. Urugail Hailstorm gives a thumbs-up from his self-imposed exile
  16. The Chieftain of the Skanarri tribes living in the ice spikes north of Haense comes upon the missive. After reading through its contents, the Chieftain couldn't help but grin. Perhaps it was time for the Skanarri to return to the fold of Tribal affairs, for better or for worse. "Brothers, it seems we are no longer the only tribe remaining on this continent."
  17. The Rose Butcher Sailor’s Haven, Cahir Island Oisin wasn't much longer for this world, and he knew it. Almost 100 years old and he felt himself becoming weaker with every passing day, a far cry from the man he once was. Prince Oisin O'Breathnach Roza - once a man who had helped bring down a Kingdom, now a senile old man on an island thousands of miles away from Almaris. This island of his that he had spent most of his life in, that he had carved a new domain of his own out of, never truly was his home. He longed for Almaris and for old Rozania. Even so, he had always known that returning was never an option. Now on his deathbed and surrounded by his surviving Family, he made one final request. To his only son Armitage, he requested that he never forget the dream of a new Rozania. The dream that both Oisin and Armitage had attempted to build, yet nonetheless were unable to achieve. "Never forget the dream, ukochany syn. Never forget what we both attempted to build, and what we have here and now." The dying Prince took a final deep breath, holding close those dear to him. "Do not weep for me, my family. I go now to see Szymon in the Seven Skies." [!] The will and testament of Oisin O'Breathnach Roza is made known to the public LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF OISIN O'BREATHNACH ROZA My eldest Son, Armitage Fleurgrass Roza, shall inherit my titles as Baron of Cahir and Prince of Rozania, including my claim to the Rozanian throne as well as all my estates and other property. My body shall be sent back to the continent of Almaris to be buried near the ruins of Old Sarissa. My wealth is to be divided equally between my Wife Diona, my Son Armitage, and my Grandchildren Andrzej, Aleksy, and Nadia II
  18. Louis Owyn Haverlock looks at the missive with utter bewilderment "I am fairly certain that I am my Father's blood, there is absolutely nothing to disprove it. As for my apparent 'plot' to take my Nephew's titles, I spoke to my Brother about potentially transferring the title in order to jump-start the creation of my new family. After Peter denied my request, I left in peace and made no further attempt to subvert my Nephew's claim to his titles. As for becoming a vassal of Aaun, I am a free man capable of making my own decisions. Leaving Sedan does not put anybody in harm's way, and trying to force me to stay is ludicrous as I am no prisoner nor bound by any oath after resigning from the Goats of Sedan. Violence or betrayal was never my intention especially for my own Kin." Louis sighed as he rose from his bedside, preparing to travel.
  19. Cesar de Pelear smiles as the cultural assimilation continues
  20. Cesar de Pelear smiles as the cultural assimilation begins.
  21. Ludwig von Audrick roares out in pride and joy from the seven skies as his granddaughter marries a barclay!
  22. [!] Couriers fill the streets, hand-delivering invitations from the Viceroyal family of Hyspia while others are nailed neatly upon a noticeboard. A Notif of Quinceanero has been issued for Crown Prince Francisco Javier de Pelear A depiction of the Viceroyal family, Crown Prince Francisco, Princess Sofia, Prince Alejandro and Princess Veronica. It brings the Viceroyal family great joy to announce the coming of age of their Crown Prince, Francisco I. The role he will come into someday in the future is a hefty one, for he will lead the Hyspian people and bear the weight of their suffering and their joy alike upon his shoulders. --- The Quinceanero will open with a tournament, a classic duel for those seeking to prove themselves in bouts. It will be hosted within the Ciudad de Platas bullring, with a prize of 200 minas for the winner. Upon the conclusion of the tournament, those will make way to the palace where a series of events will take place; The first, a spice challenge. It is said Hyspian food can be quite spicy, and so while those gorge themselves upon a feast, spicy dish after spicy dish will be brought out to test the willpower of the party goers. Following the spice challenge, a series of pinatas will be brought out, filled with varying candies. In a timed competition, two individuals will be paired up in an attempt at breaking their pinata. This will keep going until everyone has had a chance! To finish the night off, a ball will be hosted within the palace where the Crown Prince will have his first dance with his Madre, Vicereine Laurelie I. After that, the dancing is open to those there! May DIOS guide you! Viva Hyspia! Signed, His Highness, Cesar de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep and Gereon's Hold Cesar de Pelear His Highness, Francisco de Pelear, Crown Prince of Hyspia Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  23. A random human thinks that this Xan-Azdromoth rivalry is extremely weird as he looked up from the missive
  24. the Xan-Azdromoth rivalry really is something

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Neviah


      can we just live in peace bro

    3. Mannamannaa


      I just enjoy watching the fireworks. More WAGH in the world is a good thing, yub yub XD

    4. satinkira


      3 hours ago, Neviah said:

      can we just live in peace bro


  25. Louis Owyn Haverlock prepares to visit Prince Emil to offer his support, one Father to another.
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