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Everything posted by Valannor

  1. Joel is indeed correct, Alchemy is vvvvvvv fucked once you look into it. Wish you luck in bringing some quality villainy around, chief!
  2. [!] A missive would find itself addressed to the Hearsay, in the form of a message carven upon the nearest surface through ebrietael means... "Mayhaps thou shouldst investigate the graveyard and the crypt? We have heard that wytchcraft is all the rage, in recent years..."
  3. Cleric lore has undergone a large amount of reformatting and restructuring, to reflect the critiques levelled by folks. Should be much more balanced and easier to read now! 

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      I remember when I got cleric healing back in 2017


      Haven't really seen a cleric ever since but I’m hopefully that they come back so I can see one again.

  4. The criticisms of Spoon and Co. have largely been addressed through a large restructuring of the main spell lineup, and the lore has been shortened and reformatted for ease of reading. Cheers for the critiques, folks! I very much appreciated them!
  5. Emergent from that Arch-Magus' closet, a wolven maw would seem to part the wooden threshold... It knows. @Tox
  6. PROSPECTIVE BACHELOR FORM IGN: Remeron Name: Crumena of Kamees Age: 800 Place of residency: N/a Bank account balance: Xan's Light Hobbies: Xan, finding a fertile wife, finding a fertile wife that's high elven, finding a fertile wife that's a high elven female. One interesting fact about yourself: I am infertile. Why should Tatiana choose you?: I am infertile.
  7. IGN: altiar1011 Discord: You got it bby <3 Skin: Prophecy Bid: 110
  8. Idk man, Voidal Mages do be kinda hellspawn tho ngl, seems good enough reason to me! jkjk have the funny green number
  9. [!] Upon the morrow, a paper bird would find itself fluttering to the usual Hearsay hotline, wrought of finest parchment and scribed in golden ink. "I may be a cripple, but I have standards, darling. My last name isn't Napier." All things told, it was likely an extreme waste of paper for such a short missive.
  10. How do you feel about being in the saddle of the red tag?
  11. Within that same crypt, a certain Hound would eject from its bundle of cloth as it was thrown, screaming in terror and fury for but the briefest of moments! @Sorcerio
  12. Upon the nearest viable surface to that 'Black Captain,' a horrific missive would find itself engraved, carved by forces from beyond the veil 'twixt the living world, and that of the here-after. "False riders claiming false murders... Empty words and empty hearts, you cry for attention from the very Father you cast aside. Pray for forgiveness, for Exalted Owyn has none for thee."
  13. Oh absolutely, its thicc. 💞 Much appreciated, Delmo!
  14. If you go ahead and check the change log, I have gone ahead and removed that! However, any one cleric is limited to half of these applications, you will find, similar to Chi. I have heard many calling for Paladins to operate under a similar system in potential rewrites, introducing subclasses for tanking and up close combat, ranged combat and stuns, and healing/ritual functions. Under the umbrella of Paladinism, this would certainly seem to be a lot; but once you take into account that it is divided into subclasses, and not all able to accessed by one individual without changing to said subtype, I feel things balance themselves out much more. Things will be tweaked and changed as time goes on, but the intention was to allow both subtypes to stand on their own as facets of the magic, rather than the prior dynamic where one could possess both Priest Healing and War Clericalism, with Priest Healing largely being relegated to strict healing functions while everything of depth was left in War Clericalism. I'd argue that Paladins are still fundamentally better at both, given free holy affinity, shields immune to magical or draconic attacks, etc. Diversity in skillset can certainly be an issue, but as you can see in the lore itself, you are forced into a select subtype at any one time, making you choose between more of a Purifier's skillset, or a Priest's. In the old Cleric write, you will see many abilities that coincided with that of Paladinism's, so it's not as if this is a new trend. They're magics governed by fundamentally similar Aenguls, who are battle brothers, so some overlap is bound to be seen. In addition, Clericalism has always been meant to be the epitomical healing magic... given that they're Clerics. Clerical soul healing differs from Moon soul healing in a few ways, and healing in general, but Clericalism has always occupied the healing priest/righteous purifier niche. Even Malaise admitted this, in a conversation I had with him some months ago. This is my best approximation of implementing that duality without pushing into Paladinism's niche, while allowing Cleric's to maintain their own. Of course, and I do appreciate the honesty. I simply think you were being a touch... liberal, with the term "overpowered." I've had members of the rewrite team, and outsiders looking in, complain that Clericalism wasn't powerful enough, but I've refrained from buffing anything for the sake of balance. In terms of leeway, there's a reason most of the non-event spells have strict clarifications and redlines, even if they seem redundant. As our boy Dael said, I can only do so much to prevent abuse, as you've demonstrated in your first comment. Thankfully those examples were easily rectified via addition of new redlines. I feel that they balance each other out by relegating an individual to one subclass at a time, but the LT may certainly disagree on that. I do appreciate the praise, however, and as times goes on and issues are addressed, I feel that the lore piece itself will become far more rounded out overall, likely addressing your concerns of power levels and the like. I'm aware that this is rather much for the first submission of Clericalism in a while, but with Pund and Luci's help, I do feel it is an incredibly solid base for the magic to work off of, and to rebuild itself from what it used to be known as.
  15. While it's unfortunate that it is a potential way to abuse the spell, you are entirely correct. This, however, is easily fixed by a simple redline, which I will add after this response, stating that the spell requires OOC consent to use. I would argue that the example used would be metagaming at its finest, just as 'coincidentally' throwing aurum dust into the air and aurum testing individuals you know OOCly to be creatures weak to it is. This would, arguably, result in a lore infraction at a minimum. Considering this is an ability held by multiple CAs and Magics, it seemed rather fine and benign to Pundimonium and myself, as these other lore pieces utilize much a similar piece. Perhaps this could be tweaked so that bound weapons possess a tell upon the body such as a rune or tattoo, but overall, I find it curious that you're disappointed with the spell, given that compared to other spells of its ilk, it possesses downsides and weaknesses to its use and binding. I could perhaps agree to a Thanhic-Steel weakness as well, as it was something I overlooked during writing; that being said, Azhl is an explicit weakness due to it being impurity condensed, in many ways. I am amenable to additional restrictions, as well, which will be added shortly. "The explosion of Light afterwards is only 1m in radius, and will only blur and agitate the target’s gaze for 1 emote within the radius, the target being able to see clearly thereafter. This does not render them defenseless whatsoever." As for the impact of an arrow, the same could be said of Paladinism holy affinity arrows, but I could nerf the impact if the ST so desires. Compared to a bow, this ability possesses an additional emote requirement off the bat to fire, a resource cost which can quickly cripple a Cleric if used too much, and an inability to cast in concealment in exchange for a slight blinding effect and efficacy against things weak to holy magic. This is fair, and I'll fix the wording shortly. And you ignore the strict casting requirements and short duration of the spell, or the redlines stating that there is nothing stopping dark mages from simply... walking into the radius during the singular emote that the spell is active to simply smack those inside. I could perhaps lower the aura and bonus a small amount, but considering the spell's nature as a kneejerk reaction, to call it "Extremely Overpowered" is an overstatement. I could also concede to increasing the cost. Another semi-fair criticism. Given that it's a T5 spell, I'd hope that the Cleric involved wouldn't be so brusque as to use their magic in this way, but the potential is there regardless. Another redline can be added that, unless OOC consent is granted, individuals within the vision are hazy and unable to be identified properly, which solves your stated issue while leaving its potential as a story-telling tool open. I direct you to Air Evocation, which is far more punishing with less of a cost. I can certainly tune it down, if it presents as an issue, but it, like every ability in this magic, was designed according to the standards and stipulations set in place by other magics and CAs. ... This simply shows you didn't read the spell, since it states that it takes 3 OOC days to heal major lacerations, 1 OOC weak and 2 sessions to heal organ damage and similar, and during that time you're as physically weak as a t5 voidal mage and perpetually tired. Compared to Witch Doctor "Cursed Healing," it certainly takes longer and carries a heavier, albeit temporary, caveat. Even Minor Wounds, as defined, taking multiple OOC hours to heal. Again, if your issue is that a dying individual can be saved by this ability, I would again direct you to Witch Doctor "Cursed Healing." I would be amicable to adding a redline stating that the spell can not be used on an individual suffering a "Mortal Wound," as defined in Necessary Definitions, but bringing an individual back from the brink of death is already something numerous magics, and mundane effects, can accomplish. This spell merely makes it easier. As well, Animii cannot make hearts, nor stomachs, so I'm confused why you use it as an explanation. If they were to be transformed into a machine spirit to save their own life, as well, I'm unsure as to how this is objectionable given the character development and enforced PK clause that it adds to that persona, should they run out of bodies. Moon Monks can already do something similar, over a shorter timeframe. As well, most deific magics do not allow you to be connected again after you've been disconnected, so this is a non-issue as well. I would be amicable to additional caveats should the ST so wish, but your issues with the spell itself are confusing, given precedent and the reality of the situation. It is powerful, correct. That was the point; a spell that requires explicit event actor approval in an event to utilize, that is largely meant to 'turn the tide' and provide powerful cinematic moments for all involved. The cost could be increased, which would be agreeable, but you also seem to misunderstand the effects. The spell only heals damage defined within "Minor Wounds," and the stamina recovery takes place over four emotes in a gradual effect. This spell, as well as its sister spell in Adjudication, are largely intended for large scale event scenarios such as the Siege of Al-Faiz or similar, and if I recall correctly, I did state that the spell should only be used in such desperate scenarios... and it, again, requires the ST actor running the event to provide assent. Size could be nerfed, as well, should ST take issue with it. I introduce you to Flash Powder. Radius could be nerfed, it is stated in the spell that it only lasts for two emotes, as well, with the efficacy decreasing to nothing on the third. So does Voidal Translocation, Air Atronachs, and other movement abilities in lore. Again, I looked at precedent when designing this spell. Strength has already been tweaked per advice from Gamma, as well as distance. I based this ability's standards off of the effects seen in Azdrazi brands, which in my opinion, are for more crippling to a given persona for the allotted than the effects seen in Divine Edict. Such as the listed example of individuals becomes unable to wield weapons for an IRL week. The frostbite itself can be lowered in severity if need be, though the effects seen with Azhl, Thanhium, Holy Affinity, Malflame, etc. certainly match with the standard of current lore in regards to such. I found this application far more preferable to the former Flames of Judgement, which took the form of a firestorm of holy flame with far more damning effects upon things caught in its radius. Again, Tanglefoot is able to do something similar in a shorter amount of time with a farther range and lack of ST signature or even the alchemy feat itself required to utilize it. Ambuscade rune, as well, possesses similar effects, as well as Mystic Enervation. "To see that it’s stronger against Voidal or Dark magicks seems more broken." ... Sir, this is a Holy magic. A Deific holy magic. Efficacy against Voidal could be removed across the board, but to say that a holy deific shouldn't possess additional efficacy to the very thing it is, by definition, against is... odd, to say the least. I can agree to adding additional caveats to this ability, expect to see such shortly. Comparatively, Paladin shields are completely immune to magic, full stop. I can agree to perhaps adding a muted sensation of pain to it, if such presents an issue, though the ability for it be broken in either four blows, three Combustive fireballs or equivalent, or two emotes if one possesses an Azhl steel weapon makes up for it. Again, could be added, but Azhl is a weakness for the reasons stated in my rebuff to "Radiant Armaments" criticism. Perhaps. Perdition has a singular set-in-stone effect, with any additional effects left to the presiding ST to add for thematic and combative flavor. We saw many things during the Inferis eventline that were event usage only, and those instances added a fair deal of flavor and flair to the events they were used in. If the ST takes issue with Perdition as a spell, I am certainly amicable to reworking it entirely to make it further defined for easier comprehension and utilization during event scenarios. Always, though in this, I feel you also need to take into account precedents set by other lore pieces, as this lore has been, and will be continually, balanced according to such. To call everything broken is a touch harsh, which is perhaps fair given the magic's history, but once you sit down and examine precedents set by contemporary lore pieces, you either need to make a choice and declare all similar lore pieces overpowered and broken, or allow lore to be brought to parity with its contemporaries. I appreciate the constructive criticism provided, however, and as you can see throughout this response, much of it either will be, or will be considered, for implementation and rectification of some stated issues. <3
  16. To take it from the top: Yes, you need a group of Clerics, or similarly 'good' holy Magi such as Druii or Paladins, with PBM in order to utilize it. Paladinism is much the same way in its current state of compatibility with PBM, and your issue with such is rectified by this specific line of text In addition, originally PBM wasn't going to be compatible with Clericalism, but upon consultation with Zarsies, lore holder and writer of PBM, he urged me to reconsider and merely limit aspects of its usage. In fact, and we had a some... I'd reckon hour or two long conversation about it. It's morally grey, yes, but not explicitly evil. It can summon a horrific monstrosity as a consequence of failure in its use, which happen to be things Clerics and other holy magi such as Paladins are fairly suited to kill so that they can't bring harm to others. As I said, originally it wasn't going to be compatible, but Zarsies changed my mind, and I do think it adds a fair bit of depth in terms of dynamics when these morally grey options are allowed so long as they fit within the constraints of the magic itself, and the tenets system put in place. If the LT take issue with it, I shall remove the compatibility, but it exists on the basis of furthering roleplay through a medium of artifice that other holy magi are able to utilize as well. At its core, PBM has been described to myself as an engine of creation, which happens to utilize, well... blood as a power source. On its own, it's not quite evil, but it could certainly be used for evil ends, just as it can be used for good. It's a tool, in the end.
  17. Months in the making boys!

    1. Nug


      omg im bringing back my ex-itharel man if accepted :o

  18. “Within me swells the light of Purity unbound; a sacred calling, which I shall heed.” - A disciple of Tahariae, explaining their duty. ♫♫♫ Soon it would come to pass, as time’s quill once again spilled its ink upon history’s forlorn pages, and the fallow halls of His temples were graced by the likes of impurity, that the Stag’s view would once again shift to that of the mortal plane. As a father who had been left to punish their begotten son so that they may learn from their mistakes, remorse and longing would fill the heart of Tahariae as those remnant Clerics struggled against the chains of a world that sought to break them, the very same world that the Stag sought to elevate. Though above the likes of mortal folly, indecision would fill the mind of the Stag even still, caught between his longing to rekindle the dying light of those who remained, and his desire to remain aloof from the affairs of the realm of descendants, so that he might refrain from further damaging the realm with his presence. This indecisiveness would perhaps reach its peak as Impurity after Impurity racked the continent of Arcas. The likes of the voidal calamity upon the land filled the Stag with righteous indignation, as such horrors sought purchase upon that which Tahariae sought to purify. The Aengul of Purity would feel his heart rent asunder further still, as the comets from beyond struck the sands of the Korvassa, and heralded the arrival of a force that threatened to spell the undoing of descendant-kind as a whole; The Inferi Incursion. Tens of thousands of mortal souls, if not hundreds of thousands, would be claimed by the Infernal host, the melding of the Infernal plane of Moz Strimosa and that of the mortal world on the sands of the Khorvassa serving only to affront the Stag, and all that He stood for. As all seemed lost, it was then that the Aengulic Hierarchy finally relented, intervening in mortal affairs on a deeply personal level for, perhaps, the first time in centuries. Descending to the mortal plane, the likes of Aeriel and Malchediael fought alongside the descendants as they marched upon the veritable fortress of the damned, while Tahariae stood as a valiant defender upon the shores of Arcas, at the request of his brother, Xan. With His sight eternal, He saw what should have never occurred, not by mortal means… Gazardiel, the Aengul of New Beginnings, had been slain. In his deceptions, he had lured that which was required to fulfill his purpose into the mortal world, and singing his damnable song, sought to rewrite all of Creation. It was then that the Rex of Krugmar, Murdok’Lak, let loose a terrible spear of frightening power, impaling the Aengul upon the brimstone-laden ground of the demonic camp, and with the aid of Malchediael and the Grand-King of Urguan, Jorvin Starbreaker, utilized the two remaining Golden Relics to fell the traitorous Aengul. Such a revelation delivered pure, unbridled fear into the heart of the Lord of Purity, as well as a haunting realization; He could not risk descending to the mortal plane to enact his vision upon the world. Not when that which could spell his undoing sat in Descendant hands, guided by confusion and mortal-minded panic. Thus, the hand of Tahariae would be forced; once more, he required agents in the realm of man, who bore his Light untainted, and bound to bring forth his vision of a Pure and just world into existence. He could not repeat his prior follies, which would only serve to spell disaster once more. Retreating deep into the halls of judgement within his realm, the Stag set to work. He knew, no longer, could the relationship between he and his Clerics be that of the worshipped and worshipper by necessity, for down that path lay naught but ruin and heartbreak in the wake of their zealous devotion. Nor could those select servants of his Light be allowed to fight amongst one another further, as such only tore their attention from the true goal of the Stag; A pure, flawless world, like that which may be found within a snow globe. So upon his dais, Tahariae, The Vehement Judge, The Lord of Purity, The Great Purge, drew a weary breath of divine exaltation as he raised but a single mote of Light from his being, held in grasp immaterial and brought before him. With but a minute flex of his will, he changed the very nature of the Light he saw fit to deliver unto his chosen, the weave and bindings of his power flitting betwixt starlit antlers as the Stag bent such divine ichor into proper shape, the language of the gods inscribed into this nascent Purity, potent, yet ever different in its make. The workings of the Light had been reforged by divine decree, sacrosanct in its purpose as Tahariae cast his gaze to the world below, to that which dwelled beneath the Heavens, that which he sought to cleanse and purify in His name; the mortal realms. His eyes would take on blinding brightness, ablaze with auric radiance as he, for what felt like the first time in aeons, hearkened to the prayers of his Faithful. Selecting but the most pious and devoted among them, regardless of their current occupations or loyalties, he would grasp upon these errant souls bound in faith and fealty to the cause of Purity, and illuminate them with Light anew, pure and untainted as the morning dew borne of spring's arrival. And thus, it was by His will that the Clerics of Tahariae returned to the mortal world, upon the continent of Almaris. Known to Tahariae as those Forgiven of their Follies, he made pact with those errant servants, they who would be cradled in the Light as babes, ignorant of the true nature of the world. Etched into the very luminance they would wield, these new entrapments of holy ilk would be known to all who would call themselves Cleric, or bear His Light. In their service to their Lord, they would become exalted, and in due time, glimpse but bare semblance of what Tahariae dreamt of, that which he desired above all else; A world of untainted, unblemished purity. A world where none might suffer the pain of loss or hardship, sorrow or disease, nor the likes of common mortal frailties. A paradise for all who might align themselves with the Stag's philosophy, to stand tall across the ages as his perfect, painted world. No challenges would be had, naught to push one beyond their own limits from fear of the darkness… Only Purity. And nothing more. “The world needs Order, brother, as well as its guardian…” - Tahariae nourishing his brother Xan back to health, after his battle with Setherien in the Age of Itharels. The Clerical Mission It is oft the case that an Aengul seeks an agenda on the mortal plane, and Tahariae is no different from his kin in such regard. To serve under the Stag as one of his chosen Clerics is to take such an agenda as one's own, for with such a pact sealed in holy luminance, servitude must surely follow, and the aims of the Stag shall become their own. Always lingering at the back of the mind, there shall be The Vehement Judge, ever vigilant in his wardenship as shepherd of the Pure flock. So long as one harbors the Light in their soul, these commandments shall remain branded in holy flame, until such a time that the Light has been snuffed; a vile act of sacrilege, but a sometimes necessary one. Such an agenda may surely seem wonderful at first glance; for the goal of Tahariae is to craft the mortal realms into a perfect, painted world, where none shall suffer the pain of disease, wound, or hardship. A realm free of Ibleesian taint, or of the mortal powers that seek the undoing of the Aengudaemonica and their work. To craft the perfect world, such that it may remain so ad infinitum, where naught shall shift as the turbulent battlegrounds of the Aspect’s domain, and remain as pure as fresh laden snow upon the greenest grasses. This is Tahariae’s perfect world; stagnant, unchanging and immovable like marbled rock. To varying degrees, all of His servants are bound to herald such drastic change through their service in His name. Mechanics The Clerical Mission as well as the Covenants shall forever be in the back of a Cleric’s mind, an ever-present reminder of the sacred duty they have sworn to uphold. The Covenants are as defined below, and the above text may be used to interpret exactly what the mission is, and how it should be executed. This is intended to allow healthy debate among individual Clerics or Clerical Orders as to how best to bring such a world to fruition, akin to how priests may argue scripture. So long as an individual holds a valid, accepted Clericalism MA, that persona will be forever reminded of their duty. Additionally as one remains a Cleric for long periods of time and their capacity to bear Tahariae’s Light increases, this zealous fervor towards His mission will grow in proportion. The mental burden of being connected to an Aengul, especially one such as Tahariae, cannot be understated. As they are coaxed into perfect servants of His divine will, Clerics may find themselves questioning whether their choices are truly their own, or merely that of the Stag's. Due to the mental alterations involved in Clericalism, an individual must OOCly consent before being connected to Tahariae. The Tahariaen Covenants With the newly reforged nature of the Light, Tahariae deemed fit to usurp the Utterings of old; Different rules and creeds, for a different time. Though the dissolution of traditions millennia-old did not come easily to the Stag, he reasoned that it would be for the better. Out with the old, and in with the new. Thus a new array of tenets were set in place, dubbed "Covenants" by the Vehement Lord. Each created as he stared at the world below, and those he had selected most carefully. Time would pass as he prepared to do what he had sought, to stage the return of His influence. So it would come to pass that Tahariae in His radiance, appeared in the visions of those newly connected to His Light. Glaring down upon them with a righteous gaze, the Stag spoke, His mouth unmoving as His voice, furious yet patient, surrounded the Forgiven. In His words, His decree was laid bare, ironclad, and bound into the very fabric of the Light He had bestowed unto the Forgiven. On the winds of Purity, He spoke thusly, “You who are Forgiven may bask in my Light anew, and shall abide by the terms I have set forth as your LORD. Thus is my decree, sealed in holy Light.” He boomed, and in their visions, He loomed over the Forgiven as a mighty titan. A bastion of Justice against the Impurity of the realm. “As bearers of the Light, divine in its purpose, you shall abide. Never again shall you who have become hallowed by my words, raise up arms against the Pure and bring your blades to bear against those who seek not to taint this world. Bear not the Light against them in the din of battle, lest crimson ichor spill, and mar your newfound Purity.” He firstly decreed, the fur upon his body as white as fresh snow and his gaze golden like the Sun’s rays as He strode forth. Where His hooves met the emptiness of the vast mindscape, radiant energy expanded outwards, purifying all in His wake. “Spill not the blood of the Innocent.” He would deliver unto His Forgiven yet another decree, galvanized by His memory of past Clerical follies. The vision would shift to a temple, long claimed by the passage of time. Crumbling stonework littered the vastness of such a shattered cathedral. A vision in metaphor, as viewed by Tahariae in days of yore. Shapeless entities of darkness would lurk in the shadows, greedily clasping blurry relics from an age long since gone. “Gaze upon the sundering of the Light, you who now carry Purity in their heart. See the failure of those who came before, who abused the GIFT of the Light bestowed upon them. Walk not in their footsteps, and consort not as one who would deliver the Light into servitude for petty material gains.” With His words, the crumbling cathedral quaked, His will made manifest in a wave of divine radiance, expanding outwards from the heart of the Stag, so pure and hallowed that time’s passage was reversed, and the temple restored anew to its former, unblemished state. Stonework arose, repairing the long-broken archways, and stained glass mosaics reforged to paint a story of their own, of the Stag and the covenant between He and His clergy. “Taint not My Light, lest I strip it from you entirely.” Such an effort however, would not be carried upon the Aengul of Purity’s shoulders alone. Around him, faint forms shimmered into existence, adding their Light to Tahariae’s in a gesture of bolstering the Aengul. Through such their own forms were given clarity, the haze that muddled their visage prior fading swiftly as the cathedral stood proud once more, held aloft by the Stag’s crown of antlers, which shone with the beauty of a clear night’s sky. Some of these were brighter than others and all were of the four colors of His servants. Tahariae smiled warmly, those undefined figures now huddled together in the center of the temple. “Hearken to me, you of new-found Purity. Learn from those who are of Pure stock, and watch as they embrace with true love and brotherhood, without threat or fear. Just as you would lay down your life for those of your own blood, so too shall you throw yourself into oblivion for your kin within My Service. Those of the Light are now your family, not through a lineage of blood, but a chorus of my Light, and as such, you shall protect them as you would those of familial bondage.” “Shelter and protect thy brothers and sisters in Purity.” Within this reclaimed bastion of the Light, the Forgiven were treated to a foreign, yet warming display. Dozens of hooded figures, their robes a soft white in hue, sat in pews arrayed parallel to each other, their hands clasped firmly in prayer. A priest of great power stood down the aisle, upon a dais, and behind an ornate lectern. Their arms lifted as they preached to their flock, the exact nature of the sermon unknown to the Forgiven. Striding down the aisle on a golden carpet, Tahariae rose His voice once more, staring back at His newly-ordained Servants upon the mortal realm, His tone stern yet comforting, as a Father who wished to scold their child. “See they who congregate as servants to My Light, they who clasp their hands in manaakh and devout worship. Gaze upon those who give of themselves unto Me, as I have given of My Light unto them, and take from them an example. You who have entered into covenant with Me, may you never forget that I am the Lord you serve. It is you who beseeches My aid, ne’er the contrary. While you who are my Chosen may take upon the worship of other powers without fear, it is I, your Lord, whom you serve over all else. Follow in My path, and let your faith in My Light falter not in the face of tenebrous adversity. Walk forth steadfast, your belief in a world without Impurity ironclad in its resolve.” “Do not stray in thy dedication to My Mission.” Once more, the shifting tides of Light swept across the gaze of the Forgiven, replacing the scene anew. Now a field of shimmering hues of gold and white graced their vision, with trees of cobalt blue to form a forest they now found themselves in. In the center of a distant clearing, there lay the glistening silver form of the Stag, an arrow shaft of inky shadow protruding from the chest of His form, the fur around the wound stained and tainted by such darkness. His head lifted, gazing softly upon his Forgiven. The visage of an armored figure, traversing the forest in a mad sprint, appeared to rushe to aid its Lord, golden light flowing from its hands as it pressed them firmly against the wounded flesh. Wisps of glimmering, auric radiance extended from outstretched palms, burning away at the blackness, and replacing such with unblemished flesh, as if such taint had never marred the Stag’s countenance. Tahariae arose to His full height, once more towering above those He had Forgiven. His voice echoed in the minds of the Forgiven once again, delivering His final decree. "Hark Servants of the Light, so that you may ne'er know ignorance henceforth. For while my Light may cleanse and purify, so too may it renew that which has been left fallow and tainted. Receive that which has been left Impure and touched by the darkness, and bathe it in holy luminance, so that all may be preserved in my name. Guide those who may be restored to my Light, and their sins shall be forgiven, as you have. For those who lavish in their refusal to repent, offer them naught but holy fury, and deliver them unto damnation eternal. This is your sacred duty. This I have DECREED." “Offer mercy to the Impure, so that they might be returned to their Pure form. If they are to refuse, scour them from the planes of existence. Return to Purity what has been made Impure, at all costs.” Lesser Impurities: Things a Cleric should attempt to mend through peaceful action. Vile Impurities: Things a Cleric should attempt to mend through peaceful action, but may cleanse forcibly if unmendable. Breaking a Covenant & The Pilgrimage of Penance “Hark for I have seen your sins, and they affront me. Tempt not my wrath, and repent for the darkness you have wrought. Witness me, Little Light. Witness me.” Breaking a Covenant Under normal circumstances, should an individual Cleric manage to break one of Tahariae’s Covenants, they will swiftly find themselves with a variety of afflictions; a sign of their patron Aengul’s displeasure, made manifest by the very make of the Light they carry. While inherently unable to be used to metagame unless made explicitly obvious, those who have broken a Covenant would find themselves swiftly reprimanded, a variety of symptoms beginning to make themselves apparent over the following days. These can range from insomnia, nightmares as visions of the Stag appear in their dreams each and every night, loss of appetite, joy, etc. and many other mental maladies, as well as a perpetual ‘dirty’ feeling, as if their Light had been sullied, leaving them with feelings of great shame and uncleanliness, and they may find it painful, or perhaps simply shameful and disrespectful, to call upon the Light. Though not required to show such openly, these effects would forever linger, following the Cleric until they have either been disconnected from Tahariae’s Light, or have undertaken a Pilgrimage of Penance. To have broken a Covenant, and thus the pact that exists between Tahariae and a given Cleric, is a sin most foul, and a sign of violating Tahariae’s precious trust that can not simply be overlooked. Thankfully, under normal circumstances, Tahariae is willing to accept measures of penance to right the wrong that has been done. Until such a process has been completed however, the offending Cleric will remain vulnerable to the act of disconnection. The Pilgrimage of Penance “O’ wings of immortal flame, free me from these mortal temptations!” When a Cleric has committed sin most foul, and whether by purposeful intent or accidental action breaks one, or even multiple, of the sacred Covenants, there are two courses of action. One of which is widely regarded as horrific, repulsive, and even heretical at times for its implication; the act of forcefully severing the tie between an individual Cleric and Tahariae. Often the last avenue that should be pursued, an alternative is necessary. Instead the primary option available to His clergy to rectify the internal taint of their forsaken fellow is that of a Pilgrimage. Oftentimes, this is a course of action initiated by the sinner themselves, and it is the task of their caretaker to carve the path of redemption and illuminate it in Tahariae's Light, so that the sinner might soon repent for the offense they have wittingly or unwittingly committed in the eyes of the Vehement Lord. Generally a Pilgrimage has three steps before it may be considered complete, and these are as follows; 1. The first step is of repentance, the offending Cleric must seek out one who has reached the pinnacle of their service to Tahariae (A t5 Cleric) and confess what sacrilege they’ve wrought, and what Covenant they broke, to the master Cleric. After this has been done, and should the Elder Cleric not have called for their disconnection, or sought to perform such ritual themselves, the Pilgrimage will have but one thing to do in order to properly commence, wherein the Elder Cleric shall take up the role of Arbiter, responsible for overseeing the offending Cleric's hopeful redemption. 2. The second step is one dictated largely by the Arbiter, left to the offending Cleric to carry out. In order to repent in proper fashion, the Arbiter shall lay out a path forwards for the Cleric to take, largely dependent on the Covenant broken. Such a path must be related to the Covenant that has been broken, in its make. This step of the Pilgrimage is largely decided by the Arbiter's judgement. Intended to be a more freeform path to redemption that may be tailored to an individual circumstance, this step can take as long as an Arbiter deems fit, though should not be absurdly so. 3. Finally, once the second step of the Pilgrimage has been completed, might the Cleric's gifts be restored in full, the taint that blights their soul scourged in its entirety. The Arbiter, having deemed the Pilgrimage complete, must guide the Cleric into a Temple, where the Cleric kneels in front of an altar or object of the Arbiter’s choice. Then the Arbiter shall summon forth their Light, performing a Rite of Penance. Such ceremony will often result in visions, guiding the Cleric through the haze as the damage upon their soul is repaired in full. These visions are largely freeform in their make, but should be based on the sin committed, and may even include a mental battle against the Cleric's own sin made manifest. After this has been completed, the Pilgrimage is concluded, and the Sin and possibility of disconnection are no more. However, marked by glowing tattoos on their body shall be vows they must take in penance. The vows are as follows: A maximum of two pilgrimages may be undertaken per Cleric, and should a Cleric see fit to violate Tahariae's trust in such a foul manner yet again, they are generally considered to be beyond redemption by their fellows. The vile act of disconnection is all that awaits such horrific traitors to the Mission. For a Cleric to renew the Vow they have taken in Penance, they must likewise admit such to a given Arbiter, who must forgive them for their transgression. Such is not contingent upon a prerequisite journey taken by necessity however, it is often encouraged. Forgiveness may be as simple as an “I forgive you,” or might take place much as a Pilgrimage would, though on a vastly smaller scale. There exists no “limit” on how many times a Vow might be broken, or forgiven. Vows must be adhered to for a period of three IRL months at a minimum, though may last as long as an individual Cleric wishes; regardless, the glowing marks and tattoos shall remain. MECHANICS “I wield the Light in His name… How could I not? This world is foul, tainted by nigh endless corruption… How could you not want to make it Pure again?” The Light To channel the Stag’s power and enact His will upon the mortal realm, something extraordinary, more than simple Mana is needed; an energy, borne not of the mortal soul. Instead such magicks require a divine spark, a radiance to banish the darkness of mortal fallibility, and to replace such with divine perfection. To those who serve Tahariae, this is known simply as the Light; a mere fragment of the Purity held by their Lord, visited upon them and bound to their very soul, so that they may utilize such in accomplishing His mission. The Light bestowed by Tahariae unto His clergy is unlike that of any other, beyond reproach, even by the likes of the Ember carried by the Paladins of his brother, Xan. Whereas the latter may illuminate the darkness and bring courage to those who follow the Lion, the Light of the Stag washes over those subject to it as a veritable wave of Purity, cleansing away both sin and imperfection alike. A distaste for the Light could not mark a practitioner of dark magicks as a warlock of tainted ilk, nor would a positive reception necessarily make an individual above suspicion. Chiefly, as a sort of signifier among Clerics, the Light may manifest within them as one of four auras, which serve as signifiers of what Tahariae might think of a given individual upon connection. These are as follows: The color of an individual Cleric’s Light has no tangible combative benefits, but rather, they serve as a symbol of what Tahariae thinks of the Cleric and their moral caliber, as well as their standing. OOCly, this is chosen by the player, but IRPly it is not up to their persona what color Light they are blessed with. Light Exhaustion However, to wield such holy luminance is not without consequences, extending beyond mere personality tweaks and worldview corrections. This manifests in the form of exhaustion of both mind, soul, and body, as the Light becomes an inherent part of the bearer’s being. In this, as a Cleric would begin to utilize the exalted energy within them, they would find themselves lacking in most regards as more Light is expended, be it in the form of healing magics, blessings, or combative spells. Mechanically, this exhaustion is represented in the form of Motes of Light. As one draws upon their internal reserve of Motes, they will find a multitude of afflictions present themselves as they utilize the power granted to them by divine edict. With a quarter of their internal reserve utilized, the Cleric would begin to feel a creeping mental unease, a sort of wroth born of a sudden realization; that as their soul expends Light, they become much more aware of Impurity within themselves, a dirty and horrible realization as they are beset by mental agitation, a touch easier to anger, and to lose their temper, especially in regards to things they would deem ‘Impure.’ Sometimes, this can manifest as a rapturous or righteous attitude, but far more often is characterized by a driving need, a fervoured panic to aid others and rectify Impurity in the immediate area, much akin to an EMT rushing to save a life. With half of their reserves utilized, the Cleric would then be afflicted with even greater unrest, their mind despairing at the continued expenditure of that which comforts it so. Generally, this may manifest as a sense of panic, anxiety, righteousness, need to assist, etc. While this would not hinder the Cleric in their duties to any major detrimental degree, its effects would still very much be felt. With three quarters of their internal well of Light expended, physical symptoms would begin to manifest, in the form of slowed bodily function. At this level of expenditure, this would take the form of hitched motor function, becoming ever so slightly delayed and slowed as a result of mild exertion, as if they had run a mile or two. Mechanically, this is represented by a -2 to any rolls the Cleric would make if in roll CRP, in normal roleplay circumstances, this would entail their physical and mental functions beginning to slow to a slight degree. With every glimmer of Light utilized, however, is when the full weight of Light Exhaustion would batter the Cleric. The previous unease and wroth would turn to despair, perhaps compelling the Cleric to mutter prayers or mantras under their breath compulsively. Their bodily functions would become hitched and slowed, their limbs moving as a robot who hadn’t had any form of maintenance performed on unmoving limbs in years would. A greater mental haze would accompany this, a great toll taken upon their mental capacity in these endeavors, as if they had run a great marathon or marched for days without sleep. Mechanically, this is represented by a -5 to any rolls the Cleric may make in roll CRP, though regardless of circumstances, the symptoms are as described above; rendering the Cleric largely unable to fight for the rest of the encounter, more of a dead weight than a beneficial comrade in arms. The first time that a Cleric attempts to cast while their reserves are empty, they would swiftly find themselves reprimanded by patches of skin and muscle whitening in hue, becoming incredibly stiff and almost akin to marble; these areas comprise, at a minimum, two limbs and render them mostly ineffectual for movement. Undisturbed, this will fade naturally over the course of an Elven week. Should they attempt to cast a second time without any Light, however, they would find this effect to overtake the entirety of their body; in effect, petrifying them, and most of their equipment. This is considered a suicide, and thus a PK. The number of "Motes" available to a Cleric per tier may be found in “Tier Progression.” Mechanics: Red Lines: “Gaze upon the radiance of my Lord! Et Lux Vide!” Verily, indeed then, does it come that one must learn to wield their new-found hallowed nature, for merely possessing the Light does not grant intrinsic knowledge of how to coax such into practical application. The methods for doing such must be taught, as all aspects of Clericalism must, by a teacher knowledgeable of every individual facet of the Light. In order to cast spells, a Cleric must establish a connection to their inner well of Light, often done through merely tugging on their internal well. Notably, when connected, numerous ‘tells’ will be displayed; from glowing of the eyes and any tattoos upon the body, one’s voice taking on a divine reverb, tendrils or wisps of pure Light coiling about the extremities, etc. While the connection itself, once established, is nigh-impossible to break, one may still interrupt the casting of spells through inflicting harsh pain and grievous injury upon the Cleric, though they may still dodge, parry/deflect strikes, attack, etc. while casting, unless the spell requires active concentration. Additionally, as a Cleric reaches Tier Three, they may choose to embody one of Tahariae’s two mantles; that of Purity, or of Justice. Referred to as the path of Remediation or Adjudication, these paths shape a Cleric’s identity, affording them access to new rituals and spells depending on which they have chosen. However, should a Cleric wish to walk another path, they may choose to change their path over the course of three IRL days, being afflicted with the symptoms of ½ Light Exhaustion during this period, taking on the new path at the end of the third day. This may be done a total of three times, before it may not be done anymore. Redlines “You have done well, Sister… You have shown your worth, and proven that you are Pure beyond all doubt. For this, you may now glimpse upon that which you serve, and carry our Lord’s Light within you forevermore.” To even begin to utilize the Light, however, a link between the Vehement Lord and a prospective Cleric must be established. Hardly can an Aengul be expected to tend to every minute aspect of his Follower's dealings, nor can they be expected to actively set forth upon the mortal realms to acquire new servants on their lonesome; For while the Forgiven may have been connected directly by Tahariae himself, such an occurrence is the exception, rather than the rule. Indeed, such a task is instead passed down to His Chosen Clerics; for as they walk as paragons of His Light, so too, then, does the burden of furthering the Stag's influence in the mortal world fall upon their shoulders. Such a tether is not to be established lightly, however. Often, Clerical Orders will have trials or other such milestones that must be completed for an acolyte to prove their worthiness and inherent Purity, though the individual tasks may vary wildly from Order to Order, and indeed, from acolyte to acolyte. Connection The process of first weaving the tether between Tahariae and a prospective Cleric is a curious one, esoteric in its make, and must be taught with utmost care to be executed properly. Once the fledgling adherent has been deemed worthy, and indeed Pure enough to be granted the true blessing of Tahariae, might the process begin in full. Directing their apostle into the confines of a Temple, the Elder Cleric must draw upon the wealth of holy energy within the area as they connect, their own well of Light becoming bolstered by that of the Temple’s. Then, they must channel such radiant power into their disciple, as they begin to hallow the soul of the nascent Cleric, cresting it with the essence of their patron as Tahariae would turn his gaze upon the mortal realms, observing the connection. As the soul is swaddled in Light, the process thereafter is rather freeform; It can be as simple as a swift tethering, or as complex as a long and intimate series of visions that the individual must experience before the connection is finalized, a small well of light formed within the soul of the connected, connecting them to the Vehement lord. Regardless, it is after this process that the student becomes connected to Tahariae, and thus, may make a Clericalism MA. MECHANICS Woeful Severance In stark contrast to the above, however, exists a vastly different process. A horrific, baleful rite, swift in its execution and appalling in its majesty, for such is one of the only viable methods for forcefully severing the link between Tahariae and a given Cleric. Though necessary, given the possibility of His chosen straying from the Path of Purity, the art of severance is nonetheless terrible to experience… and just as, if not more, terrible to carry out. The practice requires only a singular Cleric of relative mastery to perform, and but a singular unfortunate recipient, who will pay the ultimate price for their treachery against the Pure. It begins by the Elder Cleric channeling their light into an arm of their choice, the limb swiftly beginning to glow brightly, as the material nature of such is left behind, flesh and bone turning to pure, hallowed Light for the duration of the rite. Then, they must take hold and grab the Cleric that is to be disconnected, though the face is often chosen for the symbolism behind the act; A gesture of divine domination, for the victim shall be rendered nigh-helpless as they stare into brightly glowing eyes, veritable pits that showcase the fury of their former Lord, racking them with a feeling as if their very soul is being held in the palm of the individual disconnecting them, a sort of panicked fear and forlorn sense of doom swiftly overtaking them. Finally, the Elder Cleric must siphon the light from the victim's soul, tearing such out by sheer force of will, brutally cleaving and displacing their inner Light from their being, damaging and rending the soul asunder in the process, scarring it beyond repair by normal means. The effects on those who perform the rite are less severe, yet nonetheless a worthy reprisal for the undertaking of such a horrible endeavor. For the next Elven week after they have disconnected an individual, they would find themselves fraught with worry, potentially even second thoughts as the situation plays through their mind multiple times, prompting them to ask if things could have perhaps been done differently. A sort of malaise would follow them, a metaphorical rain cloud hanging above their heads for the duration as symptoms of mild depression set in, and the lens through which they perceive the world turns their outlook into one of grayish hue; slothful, slow to act at times, and wrought of sorrow and regret. MECHANICS Sundered Sanctity The aftermath of having the soul sundered in such a horrific manner is cruel, in many ways. For the soul shall be left scarred and deformed, as it would in any other deity magic, in the wake of having the Light forcefully stripped from their very being. For as the Light ‘mended’ their mind towards the ‘proper’ worldview, and sheltered their conscious from having to contend with the constant, sinking realization that all else is covered in the dirt and muck of worldly taint, the removal of such would leave its former bearer with a plethora of mental maladies; Such may include a perpetual feeling of imperfection or unworthiness, a loss of passion or liveliness, or worse still, a hollow-esque state wherein the individual is afflicted with what is known as ‘emotional blunting.’ Regardless, once one has been disconnected from Clericalism, they would find themselves unable to be connected again, for the sin they have committed in the eyes of Tahariae would be too severe so as to accept their servitude once again. However, if the disconnection is willing and the Cleric being disconnected has not broken a Covenant, then Tahariae will coax the Light from their being gently, using the elder Cleric as a medium, resulting in none of the above symptoms taking effect, and the former Cleric may be connected once more without incident in the future. MECHANICS Redlines: “Lay your eyes upon the halls of Purity made manifest. Transcend this... mortal frailty, and step foot into the domain of the divine.” As in ages yore, however, exist certain structures; examples of utmost piety and devout servitude that stand testament to the Faith of His Chosen. Cathedrals, basilicas, hidden coves and altars… throughout time, these have all been labeled but a singular thing; Temples. Brilliant confluences of divine power, these structures act as anchors of Tahariae’s influence upon the mortal realms, beacons of Purity that stand tall against the tenebrous jaws of the Impure scum who litter the planes. These Temples stand as sites of worship and ritual, required for the growth and health of any Order of Lightbearers in all capacities; indeed, their presence is necessary for the likes of many a ritual, the connection of new Clerics, and are vital to the art of Clerical enchantment, known as Consecration. And, perhaps in a more crucial function, serve as gathering sites and hubs of Clerical activity, and are often used as halls of judgement in lieu of Descendant courthouses. These Temples are no mere altar that can be hidden away in a basement, rather, they are always elaborate, intricately constructed nexi of Clerical activity, oftentimes majestic even by the standards of the ever-aloof Mali’Thill of the Silver City. Wrought of a material entirely left to the Order’s choice, it is a necessity that the construction of the structure is pristine in its make, never to be given a half-effort, and are nigh-always decorated and emblazoned with Tahariaen runework to aid in the transference of the holy energies employed in the Temple’s creation. Creation of the Hallowed Grounds To actually create a Temple, a structure must first be made to house it. This structure, most often, is stand-alone and grandiose, such that it cannot simply be stuffed into an apartment basement. As part of the Temple, an altar must be present for purposes of enchanting, serving the purpose of an enchanting workspace once the temple is operational, and as an aid in bringing the Temple to fruition beforehand. This structure, regardless of what it is made of, must be well constructed, and comprise an area no smaller than a 10mx10m area. The creation ritual itself must be taught by a teacher with knowledge of the ability, and it begins by drawing a ritual sigil around the area that is to be the Temple’s central Nexus (defined under The Holy Temple.) While the majority of the ritual is relatively freeform, the beginning and the end are more concrete. The ritual would begin by all participants, or a single participant, kneeling and praying before what is to become the Nexus, and utilizing approx. half of their Light reserves to power the sigil. What follows thereafter is largely up to a given Order’s preferred tastes, but should consist of a minimum of 7-8 high quality emotes from all involved, performing a rite/sacrament/etc. of their choosing. The ritual would then end by a surge of holy energy washing over the area as Tahariae acknowledges the Temple’s creation, sealing a wealth of Light within the area, and thus bringing a proper Temple into being. This requires an ST approved sign stating what the area is, and which ST signed off on it. For every t5 Cleric participating in the Ritual, the area of holy energy may expand up to another 10mx10m, stopping once it encompasses the entirety of the structure. Once a T5 Cleric has created or bolstered a Temple, they may not do so again until that Temple has been destroyed or dismantled. To later bolster the energy within the Temple, the ritual must be performed again with the new t5 Cleric contributing their power to the Temple’s, and likewise presented to the ST to confirm the expansion. This is required to expand the Temple, and to nurse it back to health, should it be left unattended to. Redlines: The Holy Temple A Temple possesses a relatively simple anatomy, though the power it brings to bear upon the land is no small thing. These structures are comparable to the vaunted Chanceries utilized by Xan’s Paladins, though much more powerful and ornate in their make; indeed, one shall find the sheer wealth of Light within a Temple to bring about many boons, but should one fall, perhaps just as many maluses for those who crafted the radiant structure, for the loss of such a blessed sanctuary, and indeed a Nexus, entails the loss of more than just a Cleric’s home. For clarity’s sake, the following are strictly mechanical explanations, for ease of understanding. Temple Nexi A necessary centerpiece to every Clerical Temple, a Nexus is simply defined as the central font of holy energy within the structure; akin to the braziers or pools of Chanceries. Nexi may take many forms, from blessed fountains of holy water, to gleaming crystals brimming with power, but all must be able to be destroyed, given time, and all remain susceptible to being made Lightless via cursing by various methods, thus destroying the Temple. The sign stating that a Temple is, in fact, a Temple, is to be placed near or on the Nexus itself. It is from the Nexus itself that the “Hallowed Grounds” effect is applied, in a 10x10 radius per Cleric that has bolstered/created the Temple. A Temple cannot exist without a Nexus. Common sense redlines apply, no metagaming using Temples. The Hallowed Grounds Radiating outwards from a Nexus, the Hallowed Grounds are defined as the area in which Connection, Penance, Consecration and Sanctification may take place, as well as the area in which Clerics receive combative and non-combative benefits alike. It is an area which possesses a wealth of Light, producing its own Aura of Light (Defined in Base Clericalism) within its area of effect, following all the redlines of the aforementioned ability. Additionally, while within the confines of the Hallowed Grounds, a Cleric is always considered connected for casting purposes, and all appropriate effects of such must be displayed. Exposed Dark Creatures/Mages within the radius will feel a distinct sense of discomfort and anxiety at the sheer volume of holy magic within the area, as well, though this is nothing debilitating unless stated otherwise by the target’s lore. It is also within these Hallowed Grounds that Lightstones form upon the Nexus of the Temple, for use in enchantment and rituals, able to be harvested once a week, per node rules. Purity on the Land In the general region around a Temple, curses and blights will find increased difficulty in taking root, due to the sheer volume of Tahariae’s essence found therein. A Mystical Hindering, for example, would clash violently with the abundance of Light in the area, perhaps resulting in creatures of Light chasing after the darkened spirits that reside in Hindered land, and vice versa. A Naztherak’s foul Ilkgarokk would likewise find that encroaching into the hallowed earth would prove most damaging to the unholy and demonic workings at play, and perhaps attract greater Inferis to the area in pursuit of the divine ichor; Put simply, the region around the focal point of a Temple would find itself to sport increased resistance to curses of the land, though more traditional blights of an alchemical sort would find no trouble, as they are natural effects. These areas of contested influence may even be made event zones by the ST should they please, as a result of the struggle between Light and Dark. It is recommended that one contacts the ST should they wish to visit such a plague upon the holy land of the Clerics, for better clarity and more profound results. Aesthetically, the land changes little until a curse encroaches into the general region of a Temple, in which case an Aura of Light would hang about the vicinity of the region. This effect may not be used to metagame the location of either the ritual center, or the Temple, and exists purely to provide incentive for friendly conflict should this unlikely situation ever come to pass. Personal curses such as Witch Doctor curses, Necromancy Maledictions, Naztherak Malices, etc. are not hindered by this effect. Maintaining Purity & Degradation Thereof However, to sustain these holy boons is no small thing. To maintain the benefits of a Temple, and to keep it hale and hearty by most standards, the Clerics who built the structure must participate in a ritual of prayer every IRL month, lest the Temple begin to degrade and slip into stagnancy. For every 10m of Hallowed Grounds, a single Cleric of t3 or higher is required to participate in the ritual. This ritual is incredibly freeform, able to be decided by any individual Order, though as a rule of thumb should consist of more than a few high quality emotes, and after completion, a tithe must be paid, a quarter of all participant’s Light reserves being consumed by the rite. However, should this ritual not be performed, the Temple would swiftly degrade over the course of the following month and be considered destroyed by the end of said month, unless a Bolstering is performed during that period. Sundered Sanctity If a Temple is destroyed, be it by means of inactivity or more direct destruction by outside forces, every individual involved in the creation or bolstering of the temple will be afflicted by an intense sickness of a sort for an IRL month after the Temple’s destruction. This takes the form of the mental symptoms of full Light exhaustion without any of the penalties for such, such as exhaustion and lethargy; merely the mental unrest and anxiety. As well, for an IRL week after the Temple has been destroyed, they will be capped to approx. half of their Light reserves, as the structure they had tethered themselves to has been destroyed, and their Light will need some time to recover. Once destroyed or corrupted, a Temple may not be remade for a period of two IRL weeks. Should a cabal of dark magi not wish to destroy the Temple, but instead corrupt it, they may do so via submitting an MArt for the corrupted temple, and its effects. These must be reasonable and in-line with the corrupting magic’s theme. Destroyed Temples may be freely used as event sites by the ST, should they so wish. Additionally, while inside a destroyed Temple, Clerics are afflicted with the mental symptoms of ¼ Light Exhaustion, but not the physical or combative penalties, and all spells will cost twice the amount of Light to cast. Should one wish to destroy a temple by force, one must make an sreq so that an ST may preside over the rp and confirm the destruction. To Dismantle Purity However, should a Temple need moved or taken down for any reason, there exists an avenue for Clerics to do so in a respectful, safe manner. Gathering about the Nexus, all who helped to create or bolster the temple must reach out, beginning to siphon the Light from the Nexus while calling out to Tahariae, beseeching his forgiveness and aid in the endeavor, and provide a valid reason as to why the Nexus must be dismantled. Should their prayer indeed be heard, Tahariae would grant his blessing, allowing the Light to leave the Nexus and suffuse into the forms of His chosen Clerics, thus removing the holy energy from the area. Mechanics If Clerics need to dismantle a Temple for any reason, they may do so by conducting the ritual described above, and upon providing proof of completion to the ST, the sign near/on the Nexus shall be removed, thus removing the Temple and its effects with no negative drawbacks to the Clerics. “The path to the Light… is a lonely one.” Of the disciplines of Tahariaen magicks, there lay a basis that all sects draw from, a bedrock from which an Adherent might rise to master the Clerical arts; the most basic utilizations and foundations of Tahariae’s holy sorceries. Drawing upon the core nature of one’s Light, they may form such into the basest of spells and miracles, such as minor combative applications, and the nascent art of Clerical healing might additionally be enacted. It is from this starting point that one might further bloom and practice all of the aspects of the Light, from the justiciary arts of Adjudication, to the art of weaving enchantments of most holy ilk through the practice of Consecration. Necessary Definitions Minor wounds Minor wounds are defined as anything non-life-threatening. Such wounds include small lacerations to the body, sprains, fractured bones, small scars, burns of 2nd degree or lower, and smaller breaks. No internal wounds are considered minor. Lacerations that fall under this category are not immediately life-threatening in nature, e.g . Minor wounds also include impure debris that is no bigger than a nickel that can be removed from the body through the light. Major wounds Major wounds are defined as more life-threatening than other wounds. Such wounds include large lacerations to the body, large scars, third degree burns, broken bones of any caliber, or internal wounds of any kind. Lacerations that fall under this category are gashes that penetrate deeper into the body. They have larger affected areas and the blood loss rate from wounds such as these are high. Major wounds also include impure debris that is no bigger than the size of a half-dollar coin. Diseases and afflictions also fall under this category. Unnatural Wounds Unnatural Wounds are defined as wounds that originate from magical or esoteric means. Such wounds would include burns from dragonfire, malflame, or any other strange wounds that might be sustained from a magical source, usually dark in nature. Mortal Wounds Mortal Wounds are defined as wounds that even the healing arts of Tahariae are helpless to heal with few exceptions, often being immediately fatal to an individual and rendering them dead in an instant, e.g stabbed hearts, beheadings, etc. Only through the Final Oblation might wounds of these ilk be remedied. Impure debris Impure debris is defined as something that resides where it should not within the body. This could be a rock that has lodged itself within a person's skin, or metal shavings that have pierced the skin after it was cut. This debris is considered impure to the body in general, and as such the light can dissolve such items to remove them so that the person can be healed of their other wounds. Revealed Dark Mage/Creature Defined simply as a practitioner of Dark Magics or a creature of unnatural persuasion that is known to the Cleric, and thus “Revealed.” Examples would be Naztheraks, Mystics, Vargs, Strigae, etc. that have had their true nature made known to the Cleric. Alternatively, dark beings that expose themselves would fall under this definition, e.g willingly revealing themselves and not in a disguise or shapeshifted form. Spells & Abilities [NC] = Non-Combative [C] = Combative Pure Light [NC] | Tier 1 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 1+ cast) Light Requirements: [N/A] The first ability learned after taking the mantle of ‘Cleric,’ nascent adherents will find that once taught, that they may manipulate their Light, drawing it forth to coax it into shapes and images freely, though not quite to the degree that Paladins might manipulate the Xannic Mists, or that the Templars of Malchediael or Heralds of Azdromoth might coax flame into bewildering, complex stories. MECHANICS Often the first spell that a Cleric will learn, Pure Light is a simple utilization and manipulation of the Light to form shapes and images, purify objects for use in Sanctification rituals, and aesthetically exerting a Cleric’s power to do incredibly minor healing, such as mending a scrape that a child might get when they fall off their bike. This manipulation is never quite as fine or intricate as Paladin Mists, Templar Tales, or Azdrazi/Herald fire manipulation, lacking finer details and complexities in favor of more versatile application. The ability of a Cleric to manipulate their Light increases as they reach higher tiers of the magic, outlined below. Redlines: Radiant Armaments [C] | Tier 2 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 1 summon. 1-3 to dismiss/bind/unbind.) Light Requirements: [½ of Light reserves to bind/unbind, N/A to summon] On their path to the Light, a Cleric will find themselves in need of constant arms and armors to stand as bulwark against the Impure wretch and heretic alike. Though this spell may not conjure forth the latter, the former is more than doable. In this, a given Cleric will find that once taught, they are able to flood a weapon with their Light and bind it intrinsically to their internal well of holy energy, and thereafter shall be able to summon and dismiss their bound weapon with ease. An unfortunate folly of such a binding, however, is that weapons wrought of Azhl might damage a Cleric’s bound weapon as if it were gold. MECHANICS A Cleric may take 3 emotes and expend approx. ½ of their Light reserves to bind a weapon to their internal well of Light, thereafter able to summon such in combat with a singular emote and no Light expenditure, provided they have connected prior. If they were to still possess the weapon, it may be dismissed in a singular emote likewise, but if the weapon were lost from their grasp it would take 3 emotes to de-apparate the weapon. A number of weapons equal to a Cleric’s tier may be bound in this way, however, these bound weapons possess a distinct weakness to fabled Blightsteel, able to be damaged much as gold would upon being struck by an Azhl weapon. This is due to the corrupting nature of Azhl steel, as such carries plague and poison in its wake powerful enough to kill even the strongest Fae in a few blows, and it's virulent and impure nature reacting violently with the Light. Redlines: Aura of Light [NC] | Tier 3 Emote Requirements: (1 Summon, 1 Dismiss) Light Requirements: [N/A] It is once the Cleric has reached the mesial of their studies, and the growth of their power experiences its first real ‘surge,’ that the Light they harbor would begin to spill forth from their form, should they not take express measures to restrain it. Indeed, for the Light is unabashed in its resplendent nature, and should it not be expressly contained and bound, it would radiate from the Cleric like the sun’s rays, suffusing the area around the Cleric in short order. Oftentimes, this will result in dancing wisps of Light coiling about the Cleric’s form, or other such ‘heavenly’ phenomena within their immediate vicinity. MECHANICS As a Cleric reaches T3, and their well of Light expands even more, it will start naturally “overflowing” and producing an aura around the Cleric. This aura would give off the natural feeling of Purity that comes with the Light, though would also impress a distinct feeling of comfort upon those affected with OOC consent, as if they were being assured by a divine influence. This aura extends in a 5x5m radius around the Cleric, and at T5, a Cleric may manifest a number of heavenly or ‘angelic’ phenomena within the radius of their aura, such as rays of light shining down upon them, distant choirs being heard, wisps of light dancing about themselves, etc. This aura may be withdrawn and restrained by a Cleric taking a singular emote to do so. Revealed Dark Creatures within the aura would feel an uncomfortable sensation of being watched by judging eyes, given a minor amount of anxiety and fear by the divine radiance. Redlines: Healing Hands | Tier 3 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 4-5 Cast) Light Requirements: [3-4] Available to all Clerics, regardless of denomination, path, or philosophy, is the ability to mend wounds. By drawing forth their Light and refining it through prayer, ritual, and sacrament, they may coax the divine radiance they wield into a more proper spell for healing the wounded and the injured, directing such into the injured area and allowing the true nature of the Light to mend flesh rent asunder. MECHANICS By first connecting, a Cleric may take 4 emotes and utilize their Light, healing a single injury upon themselves or an individual to the severity outlined in “Minor Wounds.” These injuries will first be filled with light, and will heal themselves over the course of 6 OOC hours, and while the wound is healing, the individual would be struck with lethargy and exhaustion as if they had mildly exerted themselves, their stamina pool lowered to that of a t2 Voidal Mage’s, and engaging in pitched combat would merely cause the wound to re-open. While a wound is healing, it is numbed and soothed, as if one had applied Blissfoil to it. At Tier 4, the following variants of the spell may be utilized. [Adjudication] By taking an additional emote to cast, a Cleric may expend an additional mote to stabilize a singular wound to the severity outlined in “Major Wounds.” While stabilized in this manner, the wound would be sustained through the Light, preventing it from further harming the injured individual. This lasts for 2 OOC hours before the spell fades, and may not be performed in active combat. While stabilized, an individual is physically weakened akin to a T3 voidal mage (E.G Struggle to wield heavy weapons, wear platemail, tire quickly). [Remediation] By taking an additional emote to cast, a Cleric may expend an additional mote to heal a singular wound to the severity outlined in “Major Wounds” and “Unnatural Wounds.” While healing, the injured individual would be physically weakened akin to a T5 voidal mage, and once this spell has been cast, the injury would require 1 OOC week to heal. This spell may not be performed in active combat, and engaging in combat while a wound is healing in this way will result in the wound re-opening. Redlines: Lux [C] | Tier 3 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 2-3 Cast.) Light Requirements: [2-3] The first directly combative ability that will become part of a Cleric’s repertoire, this spell teaches a Cleric to begin to manipulate their Light for offensive purposes; in this instance, a timeless classic of their arsenal, an orb of light. MECHANICS Provided that the Cleric has already displayed their connection emote, they may form a projectile of their choice within the palm of their hand in one emote, and on the next, they may send it towards a target area of their choice. This projectile is formed of pure holy energy, and would impact with the force of a shortbow arrow; approx. 80lbs of force, at most. Being made of holy Light, this projectile possesses additional efficacy against things weak to holy magicks. The projectile dissipates after it has collided with a target. This spell possesses additional effects, depending on the path the Cleric has chosen. [Adjudication] By taking an additional emote to focus, a Cleric may expend a mote to enhance this spell. Upon impacting a target, the projectile would explode into a 1x1 meter flash of holy light, blinding an individual caught within this radius for a duration of two emotes, with the blindness fading upon the third. This light does not inflict any additional pain or damage upon a target. [Remediation] By taking an additional emote to focus, a Cleric may expend a mote to enhance this spell. Upon impacting a target, they would find an additional, albeit harmless, impact to be behind the projectile, as if they had been tackled by a human of average strength. This may, at most, move an individual a singular block. Redlines: Sacralize [C] | Tier 4 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 3 Cast) Light Requirements: [4] The practice of blessing has long been relegated to the practices of enchantment and temples, yet as the Light changes, so too, then, does the purview of those versed in the priestly ways. Indeed, a Cleric may bless their comrades in arms in a variety of ways. MECHANICS Provided they have first connected, a Cleric may spend 3 emotes channeling their magicks, and upon the third emote, cast a blessing on a maximum of 3 individuals. Only individuals within #rp range may be blessed, and the Cleric requires line of sight or awareness of their allies position in order for the spell to be cast. To maintain a blessing requires a great deal of concentration, the Cleric being unable to dodge or block attacks without their spell cancelling out, and they may move no faster than half of their movement speed while channeling These blessings are dependent on their Path, and are as follows: [Adjudication] Blessing of Celerity Those affected by the Blessing of Celerity would experience a rush of speed and agility; They would benefit from an increase to their movement speed equal to 1.5x the distance that they could normally move, and their reflexes would benefit ever so slightly; not to the degree of an Acuity Potion by any means, merely slightly faster reaction times; this manifests mechanically as a +1 to rolls made to block, dodge, etc. This blessing may be channeled for a maximum duration of 4 emotes. [Remediation] Blessing of Light Those affected by the Blessing of Light would find their primary armaments to be wreathed in light, lending well to combatting the dark and demonic; They would benefit from their weapons being covered in holy energy, which would deal increased damage to creatures and entities weak to holy magicks, and additional damage dealt is dependent on target lore. This blessing may be channeled for a maximum duration of 4 emotes. Redlines: Exorcism [NC] | Tier 4 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 7-10 cast from all participants) Light Requirements: [36-60] The practice of removing curses is one often best left to Xan’s Paladins; for indeed, the Lord of Sunlight makes up for what he lacks in the healing arts in his proficiency with purging the damnable taint of Darkness with ruthless efficiency by anointing a soul in holy flame. This is not to say, however, that those of Tahariae’s ilk are incapable of such an art… merely that it is extraordinarily difficult, in comparison, and often it is better to seek out a servant of the Lion for optimal results. Indeed, Tahariae’s Clerics excel in the art of healing taint of flesh and body, but to rend fell malediction and bane asunder requires careful, surgical precision, necessitating the presence of multiple Clerics, and sometimes, an entire order. MECHANICS By guiding the individual they wish to remove the curse of into a Sanctification ritual sigil, a small group of Clerics may spend 7 emotes performing a ritual in order to lift a curse upon an individual or plot of land, as outlined below. To perform the ritual of Exorcism requires use of select Artefacts, items of great power that enhance and alter a Cleric’s magicks when used as foci, as Tahariae’s Chosen are not nearly as proficient in the art of curse purging as Xannic Paladins, and must expend greater effort and resources in order to accomplish the task themselves. Mysticism Hexes Phantoms Narthruzka - Cursed Idols Curses of Frost Witchdoctery Event Curses Curses upon the Land Other Curses Redlines: Sacral Flame [C] | Tier 5 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 3 Cast) Light Requirements: [4] Holy fire… a mythical symbol of antiquity coveted by all religions of the world, from those errant Xionists who kneel ‘afore a flame in honor of the Lord of Embers, to the revered Church of the Canon and their Exalted Owyn, there is no small number of zealots and pious individuals who take flame to be the utmost expression of divinity and purpose. Indeed, throughout the history of those Chosen, has flame wrought of the Light been utilized to scourge those who would dare defy the will of the Stag, and return dust to dust. MECHANICS After connecting, a Cleric may take three emotes to conjure an application of holy flame, based on their Path. This holy fire may only catch upon the flesh or tissue of an individual, sputtering harmlessly against plate, cloth, etc. as it requires the presence of ‘Impurity’ to burn properly. This fire would pain an individual much as a red-hot iron does, and any flesh that had been ‘burnt’ would possess a density and texture similar to that of marble, and would need to be manually removed from the ‘burned’ area through surgery, or heal over the course of 1 IRL week. Ethereal substances burnt with it would merely fade to nothingness, consumed by the fire. A Cleric’s given application of Sacral Flame is dictated by their Path, and is as follows; [Adjudication] Enwreathment A Cleric may brush their hand or casting implement across the extent of their weapon, wreathing and covering it in holy fire; this may be the blade of a sword, the head of a poleaxe, or even the metal and leather upon a gauntlet, allowing the flame to catch upon a viable target. This flame may also be expelled in a small arc with a range of 3m, in lieu of striking directly with the weapon itself. This would apply the flame’s effects to whatever it struck, and the enwreathment would last for a duration of six emotes. [Remediation] Projection A Cleric may form the flame in the palm of their hand, spraying the Sacral Flame in a 5 block long, 1 block wide line, applying the effects of the flame to whatever is caught in this line. This flame carries no physical impact to it whatsoever, and may only be sustained for a duration of 3 emotes maximum. Redlines: Hindsight [NC] | Tier 5 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection + 1 Cast) Light Requirements: [4] Though the ability to receive and interpret prophecy is constrained to the performance of powerful rites and sacraments to gain guidance from their Lord, the Clerics may yet utilize Tahariae’s gift of sight freely in a far more brusque manner; the practice of sifting through the sands of time to see what was, rather than allowing the grains to fall to see what will be… the gift of Hindsight. By utilizing this gift, an Elder Cleric may channel Tahariae’s power to harken to the song of time, and make known the melodious cadence of the past. MECHANICS By displaying a connection emote, and focusing on that which they wish to show and siphoning their Light into any limb upon their body, a Cleric may draw any number of individuals into a vision of the past through Tahariae’s gift of prophecy; this requires OOC consent, though not necessarily IC consent. This vision shall display a particular memory, occurrence, etc. that the Cleric was personally there to experience, as their soul acts as the tether they tug on to recall such a moment in time. While experiencing the vision, those present shall be formless observers, watching from an amicable position to experience the vision to the fullest while it unfolds. For those within the vision, it may last as long as necessary, but for outsiders watching the process, it would be over in an instant. This spell is strictly to be used for flavorful storytelling. Specific Red Lines: “You can only do so much on your own; A Shepherd with no flock is merely an idiot with a stick.” Not all applications of His Light are able to be performed while charging in the van, or in casual circumstances. For these occasions, ritual & ceremony is required by His Clerics, to weave their Light into powerful, fantastical spells through the ceremonious worship of the Silver Stag. Largely freeform in nature, these works of Clerical magicks all remain uniform in their requirement of devout faith, devotion, and worship in His name to accomplish these extraordinary feats, from creating pools of holy water, to sacrificing oneself to raise the recently departed from an ill-suited end. This subtype may be learned at T3 Ritual Sigils Necessary to the function of all ritualistic practices, a Sigil is a large ritual circle laden with Tahariaen runework and Flexio script, able to be easily drawn with Purified chalk, or wrought from consecrated salts, etc. These sigils do not have a defined size limit, but for purposes of Linking, Exorcism, etc. should generally encompass a minimum of a 3x3 area. The sigil itself does not have any magical or holy properties beyond being used to channel Clerical magic, and will not affect Revealed Dark Creatures to any major, or even moderate degree whatsoever. It may be accented with candles, be made of unique materials, etc. for aesthetic flavor, and more permanent Sigils such as those found within Temples may even manifest a number of flavorful ‘heavenly’ phenomena within their radius, though this may not be used to harm anyone. It’s a ritual circle, nothing more. Linking An intrinsic aspect of the practice of ritual, Linking is the ability of a Cleric to split the burden of a spell between themselves and their fellows, and indeed empower such in a ritualistic fashion. For brevity’s sake, Linking is simply the process of channeling one’s Light into a Sigil for the leader of a Linking ritual to use in order to cast specific ritual spells such as Exorcism, Hallow the Tainted, Hallowed Waters, etc. and to cast empowered versions of normal spells for event use. One may learn how to partake in Linking at T3, and likewise how to lead a Linking at T3. A Linking requires a minimum of 1 Leader, and 1 participant to likewise funnel their power into the Sigil, but there may be any number of participants involved in such. The cost of a particular ritual or spell is equally distributed amongst all participants of a ritual, drawing an equal amount of Light from their available Motes; e.g if a Linking has three participants and the spell costs 36 motes, 12 motes would be subtracted from each participant. For the purposes of empowered spells, such require explicit approval from the ST running the event they are to be used in, and will always add 3 emotes at a minimum to the casting time of the spell, though an ST may rule that this requires more. Generally, it may be assumed that for every additional participant, the spell would be incrementally more powerful, while also draining the Clerics much more. Linking empowered spells may only be cast in an event scenario. In the latter case, if the Linking circle is disrupted, or the conditions to interrupt a Cleric’s cast are met by any of the participants, the resulting aftermath would be a relatively volatile expulsion of holy energy, knocking all involved backwards a distance of 8 blocks as if thrown by a creature of Golem strength, consuming the Light that would have gone into the spell anyways. Redlines: Rituals Holy Ceremony [NC] | Tier 3 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 5/7/10 Cast) Light Requirements: [6/12/24] One of the first ceremonies a Cleric will learn to conduct upon reaching an intermediate level of experience in their practice, this particular spell serves as an introduction to the ritualistic use of Tahariae’s Light. Utilizing the holy energy within, a Cleric may perform any of the following ceremonies they have been taught, through the described methods. MECHANICS By utilising a Sanctification Sigil, as well as their Artefacts, a Cleric, or Clerics, may perform any of the following Rites, provided they have been taught how to conduct such. Rite of Matrimony [T3] Rite of Rest [T4] Rite of Communion [T5] Rite of Communion Red Lines: Redlines: Hallowed Waters [NC] | Tier 3 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 7 Cast) Light Requirements: [18] Holy Water… often a staple to those of the Canon in mending maladies of the spirit, the ability to craft fonts of such is available to those of Tahariae’s ilk; wondrous waters, able to mend the body from grievous injuries, given enough time. These waters are often confined to a singular location, such as a fountain or great pool, and are often closely guarded for their miraculous powers of healing and renewal. In ages yore, errant adventurers and scholars would have called such ‘Fountains of Youth’ out of pure naivete, not knowing the true nature of the milky liquid within. MECHANICS Over the course of several emotes, a minimum of three Clerics, the leader of which must be a Remediation Cleric, may utilize their Artefacts to perform a ritual to bless a fountain, pool, basin, etc. of clean water, turning such into a site of Hallowed Water. This basin or pool may comprise an area no larger than a 7x7, and must be approved by the ST, with a sign placed by the ST stating the pool gives off some sort of aura. The water itself glows a milky white, and is plainly visible as some sort of magical liquid. These pools are not immediately made effective, however, and must scale up in tier to become more powerful. These waters are generally harmful to Revealed Dark Creatures, and may heal wounds as specified below. Additionally, flasks of this holy liquid may be created once a pool has reached Tier 2, outlined below, though the effects of waters within these flasks is weakened, compared to the pool itself. While submerged within a pool, an individual is impressed with a degree of calmness and serenity, allowing sleep to come easily should they so please, though this impression may be quickly overcome if danger or panic presents itself. Revealed Dark Creatures would conversely feel a sense of anxiety and panic, within the pool or waters, in addition to the described pain. Redlines: Foresight [NC] | Tier 4 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 8 Cast) Light Requirements: [48] The act of perceiving prophecy is that of a most esoteric persuasion, held by few Aengudaemons, and even fewer amongst the mortal population. Tahariae, however, is one such Aengul, renowned for his gift of holy prophetic power, to perceive that which has not yet occurred. Even still, the Vehement Lord may opt to visit this power unto his Chosen, if called upon in times of dire need, and grant them much needed guidance. MECHANICS A minimum of 4 Clerics may come together to enact a relatively freeform, yet high quality, ritual over the course of 8 emotes, utilizing their Artefacts over the course of the ritual to beseech their patron Aengul for prophetic guidance. This prophecy is delivered through a vision, if the ritual is successful, defined as having received ST Managerial approval to utilize such in a given event, or eventline, or indeed in anticipation thereof. All who receive such a vision shall lose their sight for 1 IRL week, unable to be circumvented by any means or devices, as the burden of glimpsing that which has not yet been can not be understated. The format of the prophecy and the contents thereof are entirely left to the ST, as well as the messenger it is delivered by; whether this be Sordran, or even Tahariae himself. To receive a prophecy does not necessarily require this ritual to be cast, as the ST may choose to deliver a prophecy unto the Clerics without requiring the spell to be enacted, be it through a forum post or spontaneous event. This spell, due to the momentous power it entails, may only be used once per month, and only once per given eventline. Redlines: Sealing [NC] | Tier 4 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 5 Cast) Light Requirements: [64] Sometimes, as it was during the war against the Betrayer, to slay a foe is untenable; they may be undying, unyielding, or to attempt to kill them would prove more danger than it is likely worth. When Tahariae’s Clerics prove unable to fully slay a foe ad infinitum, they may enact a particular rite, crafting coffins or great tombs in which they may seal away the Darkness, such that it might never return, unless it were to be unleashed by the foolish and naive... MECHANICS Provided they have restrained an individual and locked them within their vessel of choice, a minimum of 4 Clerics may enact this ritual over the course of five emotes and utilize their Artefacts, drawing a Sigil around or upon the coffin, sarcophagus, prison cell, etc. and expending their tokens, sealing the individual away afterwards, provided that the individual has given their explicit OOC consent for such to occur. While sealed away, an individual is placed into a state of suspended animation, wherein they shall not age, wither, decay, starve, etc., but likewise may not act under their own power, forever suspended within a particular moment in time as the Light forces their corporeal form into a state of eternal existence, effectively soft-PKing the persona until unsealed. The coffin/vessel itself will likewise not deteriorate due to the passage of time. To break the seal upon an individual is rather easy, contrary to what it might seem. While from within, the individual may not break their bonds, one need only erase the Sigil in its entirety, and spend a duration of five emotes to force the coffin/cell/etc. open, freeing the individual from their captivity with OOC consent. Should OOC consent not be given, the tomb will simply refuse to open, and the Sigil would reform after a small while. This spell is chiefly intended to provide a satisfying pseudo-end to personas, while allowing them to regain their characters at a later date in a cinematic jailbreak of sorts. For this reason, Sealings may not be held within Temples, or be locked behind an excessive number of doors, etc. For further purposes to provide compelling roleplay and an exquisite narrative, an MArt may be made to create an entire crypt or tomb to contain an individual, or a host thereof, featuring its own unique guardians and such that the ST may use for those wishing to free an individual from such a tomb. Redlines: Hallow the Tainted [NC] | Tier 5 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 4 cast) Light Requirements: [72] Clerics excel in the art of healing; this much is true. But some wounds run deeper than the body and the corporeal, and extend into that of the metaphysical and ethereal; that of the soul itself. Such a wound is not beyond the reach of the Pure, however, and as with the body, the spirit might be mended from scar and taint alike to restore what has been lost through sacrament and ritual, though this form of healing is the most exhausting one shall ever experience, given its implications and the magnitude of the task itself. MECHANICS This ritual requires a total of 3 Clerics to perform, as well as their Artefacts. The Clerics must place the individual being healed inside of a Sanctification ritual Sigil. They then must enact the ritual itself; the minutiae being rather freeform, so as to allow the Clerics to provide an enjoyable experience for the individual undergoing this rite. Through the performance of this ritual, scars of the soul might be mended, such as those experienced by those who have been disconnected from a deity, by bridging and filling the hollow gaps with Light, which shall encourage the soul to heal over a period of 2 IRL weeks, during which time the ritual must be performed a second time in order to fully heal the individual’s soul. During this period, the individual will be greatly exhausted, constantly left drained as if they had run a marathon without food or drink, and their stamina pool would be even lower than that of a T5 Voidal Mage’s, leaving combat as a fool’s errand for the near future. For greater wounds or impurities such as the foul chains wrought upon a Naztherak’s soul by the Pentacle, or anything of a similar magnitude, an MArt must be made detailing the process used to mend what has been broken, the consequences the individual will face thereafter, etc. This requires consultation with the lore holders or ST, in order to ensure lore compliance. Redlines: Final Oblation [NC] | Tier 5 Emote Requirements: (1 Connection, 5 Cast) Light Requirements: [N/A] The Clerics of Tahariae enact justice and purity; and there is no greater purity than to give one’s own life for another. Thus, by means of zeal and faith, the cleric may take one who has fallen and draw them near; invoking the divine light of their patron to spill from themselves into the dying. This act of faith and brotherhood revives the individual completely, mending all wounds and restoring their life, yet at the cost of the Cleric’s own. MECHANICS By first connecting, a Cleric may take 3 emotes to perform a daring act of self-sacrifice, concentrating all of their effort and their Light to mend an individual completely, giving their own life so that another may live. This ritual requires OOC consent from the one being healed, and may even restore them from beyond death, should they have perished within the last 30 narrative minutes, and their body is somewhat intact. This heals all Major, Minor, Unnatural, and Mortal wounds, removes all magical curses, etc., and results in the individual being afflicted with a weakness and exhaustion that renders them unfit for combat for a period of 1 OOC week, beyond attempting to flee from their assailant. Redlines: “My sword is named ‘Virtue,’ and it burns eternal…” As with many things, the practice of Clerical enchantment and blessing has shifted greatly; for the ability to construct great wards that cover entire cities has been lost, and instead, the depths of the practice have extended more towards forging great relics and personalized items of power for His Chosen. Often, this art is used to bequeath the power found in the Light to those yet unilluminated by His radiance, and afford them the ability to wield power similar to the Clerics themselves. From the smallest of trinkets to grand enchantments to strike fear and awe alike into the hearts of onlookers, the practice of weaving the Light into particular baubles and weapons of war is one that has stood with the Faithful for centuries, and shall remain for millennia still. This subtype may be learned at T3 Consecration Altars Altars are great shrines and work surfaces, inscribed with numerous examples of Clerical iconography, prayers, runework and script, requiring a decently sized area to fully contain. An Altar must consist of a large stone table that has been consecrated with purified waters, a shrine or statuette with wax candles set about it, as well as any number of holy tomes or other assorted additions. To channel the energy required, and to properly bless and consecrate items, an Altar must either be located inside of a Temple, and thus supplied all of the power it would need from the Nexus, or it must be adorned with an array of three Lightstones, laid into the stonework. In either case, the altar must have signs upon it describing the aforementioned runework and holy iconography, as well as possess an ST signature on a sign upon the altar, verifying its validity. The sheer amount of holy energy stored within one of these altars, as well as the flagrant and flamboyant nature thereof, allows the altar to possess its own “Aura of Light,” as defined within Base Clericalism. As such, Revealed Dark Creatures in direct proximity to the altar would feel a heavy sense of anxiety and apprehension upon approaching its likeness, while mundane individuals would be more so brought to awe or impressment upon entering the area. As well, Revealed Dark Creatures entering the general vicinity of the altar would feel a biting chill, as if one had stepped into the arctic with improper protection. Redlines: Latent Consecrations Not all blessings are as grand as imparting large swathes of Clerical magicks unto a given object, but even those blessings that lay dormant and ever-present carry their own unique touch. By taking a given item to a Consecration Altar, a Cleric may utilize their magicks and the power of the altar to carve a vast number of runes, sigils, prayers and flexian script onto an object, not yet requiring the aid of a Lightstone to bring their full power to bear. Often, these are applied to smaller trinkets and baubles, but may be carved upon larger objects, such as weapons and armor, as well. Latent Consecrations are best described as passive enchantments with a variety of effects, and may be rendered inactive by destroying the item itself. These enchantments do not lend increased durability to an object, merely granting it a particular blessing. Animate Consecrations In a stark contrast to latent blessings, however, there exist far more powerful methods of ascribing Clerical magics to great tomes, arms and armors, and similarly sized objects. By utilizing a Lightstone and channelling an Altar’s power, as well as the Cleric’s own, a Cleric may use the Lightstone as an engraving tool of sorts, the divine gem being consumed in the process as its essence is merged with the inscriptions. This manner of consecration is incredibly strenuous, and a Cleric must expend the full cost of a spell in order to permanently bless an item with the magic. Due to the intricacies of Clerical magicks, however, only a small selection of spells may be imbued into a given object, for the full might and healing power of Tahariae, and his Clerics, is no small thing. For objects able to receive an Animate Consecration, a maximum of one Latent and one Animate may be applied at most, or two Latent, with the only exception being MArts. These consecrations may be utilized by most any individual, but the blessings will reject the attempts of Revealed Dark Creatures who attempt to utilize the holy enchantment. Oftentimes, Animate Consecrations will have a particular method of activation, be that reciting a specific prayer, tracing a symbol upon the object, etc. Due to being a pale reflection of the true power of a Cleric, all Animate Consecrations have incredibly restricted usability, defined below, and after their use has been expended, they shall recharge fully after 3 IRL hours outside of combat, absorbing light into the consecrated inscriptions to do so. If the enchanted item is forced from the grasp of its wielder, or it is dropped, the enchantment ends prematurely. A maximum of three total enchantments may be carried by an individual at once. Consecration Red Lines: Purity Grafting The practice of restoring lost limbs is one that has long been lost to the Clerics of Tahariae for decades, if not centuries; the ability to restore flesh and bone from nothing relegated to the annals of history in perpetuity. However, even still, the Stag’s profound and unparalleled vision divined the necessities and tribulations that His Chosen would face, in their trials of healing both themselves, and the mortal races. As a blacksmith would labor over their heated forge and powerful bellows, so too, then, did the Vehement Lord bend the Light to his will, forcing it into shape and allowing new possibilities and long-forgotten dreams to become reality. Thus, with the advent of His Chosen returning to the world, he has deigned fit to allow them a simple kindness; to return to Pure form that which has been rendered Impure. Once they have reached T4, a Cleric may begin to indulge in the practice of what is known as ‘Purity Grafting,’ the process of crafting, carving, and blessing vessels of marble and gilded steel to serve as prosthetic limbs for those who lose them in their duties, or the unfortunate innocents who find themselves crippled simply living their lives. This process is extraordinarily strenuous and difficult to enact, and even more so to learn, as the skill of stonemasonry and forging is vital in achieving this complex and intricate craft. As an end result, however, all limbs and prosthetics made through Purity Grafting will tend to look akin to works of art, nigh-unrivaled in their beauty and splendour. These replacements are rather durable, owing to their hardy construction, and even possess a muted sense of touch. However, these replacements carry a cost; that those who play host to them find a small sliver of their soul to be hallowed in a manner similar to a Cleric’s, binding them to follow and uphold one of Tahariae’s revered and fabled Woes, listed below. If an individual were to forsake or break the Woe they are bound to, their limb would experience decreased function. The Woes Any individual who possesses a Purity Grafted replacement limb is beholden to one of the following decrees by Tahariae, chosen by the Cleric replacing the limb at the time of enchantment, though OOC consent is required before a Purity Graft may be bound to an individual, necessitating a level of communication between the Cleric and the crippled individual to reach an outcome satisfactory to both parties. This aspect of Clerical prosthetics is intended to encourage roleplay and add a price to this aspect of healing, as opposed to a simple ‘get out of being a cripple’ free card. Grafted Limbs Limbs crafted through Purity Grafting are statue-esque creations of beauty and art, embodying the Clerical values of Purity wholesale. To create such a limb, a Cleric must craft a hollow frame of gilded steel and bring it to an Altar, etching minute prayers and flexian script along the metal via a Lightstone to begin blessing it with Tahariae’s essence, causing them to glow the faint color of the Cleric’s Light. Once this has been done, polished sections of marble would fill the empty space upon the frame, acting as the ‘flesh’ of the new limb. This marble would likewise be blessed and consecrated by whatever means a Cleric might fancy, and upon a prominently visible section of such, the Lightstone would be utilized to carve a particular Woe in both Flexio and Common, and the Cleric must pray over the limb while channeling their light. Should this succeed and they not have failed in the construction, the words would swiftly take on a cobalt hue, glowing faintly as the rest of the limb shone with Light, now completed. These limbs must match the missing limb of the host in most regards, unable to host additional features such as claws, increased strength, hidden gadgets or compartments, etc. Their durability is that of steel and marble, though the glyphs and runes allowing their function may be destroyed to render the limb inactive, given enough time and effort. Should an individual manage to violate their prescribed Woe, the limb would experience incredibly jerky motion, loss of all sense of touch, difficulty moving, and perhaps Phantom Limb Syndrome, over the course of the next IRL week. After this time, the limb’s functions will return to normal, acting as a “punishment” for those who violate Tahariae’s decrees. Grafting Red Lines: Artefacts To utilize a vast many ritualistic and priestly ability, a certain symbol of devotion and piety is required; known simply as an Artefact. Devised by the likeness of Tahariae, these implements may, when utilized, change the very nature of how a Cleric’s magic functions, granting His Chosen an unparalleled level of versatility and individuality amongst their contemporaries. Artefacts may be made up of staves, great tomes, or even consecrated rosaries, with the listed effects and caveats when explicitly used as a casting focus, which must be specified in the first emote of a cast. (E.G: Nameless Cleric mutters a small prayer beneath their breath, coils of light beginning to surround the end of the ornate crook they bore.) Artefacts are items of great power and personal value to a Cleric, due to the investment and toil that goes into their creation, and upon creation are automatically Lightbound to an individual Cleric’s well. Due to this tie to their Light, a Cleric may only ever possess a singular Artefact at once, and may not create another unless they wish for their previous Artefact to lose all of its holy properties and blessings. It is for this reason, as well, that Clerics may not utilize each other’s Artefacts, due to the intrinsic tie between a Cleric and their Artefact. Artefacts may only be made from the following examples. Creation To make one of the specified examples into a Clerical Artefact, the Cleric must first construct and craft the prospective Artefact near-entirely on their lonesome, preferably done within a Temple. Once this object has been completed, whether it be an exquisitely carved shepherd’s crook, or a golden-clad holy grimoire, the Cleric must take it to an Altar and allow Purified incense to waft about the area. A total of two Lightstones shall then be used to trace patterns, prayers, and runes about the item, the Cleric’s hand guided by the holy magics within the Incense. During the process, a number of flavorful phenomena and aesthetics may occur, due to the defining nature of this particular blessing. What happens thereafter is relatively freeform, but should consist of a small ritual of at least 3-4 high quality emotes, and the process would conclude with the entirety of the Cleric’s Light flooding into the object; a symbolic gesture of sacrifice and devotion to Tahariae. Should a Cleric wish to create a custom Artefact with its own unique blessings, they may do so by submitting an MArt detailing the process used in the creation of it, why it is different and imbued with special properties, etc. Likewise, should a dark mage, or coven thereof, wish to corrupt an Artefact to turn its powers to their own, they may do so via MArt submission. This requires them to actually possess the Artefact in question. Artefact Red Lines: Tier 1 At this tier, the Cleric has only just received a small fragment of the Light, their soul becoming minutely hallowed as they are connected to their patron Aengul. At this stage in their development, they only have access to two total spells; that being the conjuring of Light, and the ability to use their Light to diagnose medical issues. It is at this tier that they are further inducted into the Clerical hierarchy from their status as an acolyte, and taught the basis of manipulating the Light to form spells and sorceries. At this stage, their soul only harbors a small amount of Light, given their nascent connection. Spells Available: Pure Light Motes of Light: [4] Tier 2 After a total two IRL weeks of harboring the Light, the Cleric’s connection has grown more stable, their soul ever so slightly more sanctified than before, and the mental ramifications of Clericalism would begin to set in by this point. They gain the ability to learn their first two ‘real’ spells, and the well of Light within their soul would expand a slight amount. Spells are likely still difficult to enact, and the pervading feeling of Purity within themselves still strange and somewhat foreign at this point. Spells Available: Radiant Armaments Motes of Light: [8] Tier 3 After IRL 1 month of growth and tutelage, the Cleric would experience a great surge of power and ability, their internal well of Tahariae’s Light now having grown to a substantial size. At this stage in their development, they may now undertake one of Tahariae’s two chosen mantles; The Path of Justice & Adjudication, or the Priestly Ways of Purity & Remediation. In addition, they may now participate and lead rituals if taught properly, or even enchant their own personal effects with Clerical sorceries. As well, they begin to exude an aura of Light around themselves, bathing all within Purity incarnate. Spells Available: Healing Hands, Aura of Light, Lux, Holy Ceremony, Hallowed Waters Access gained to Consecration & Sanctification subtypes Motes of Light: [12] Tier 4 After IRL 2 months of combined learning and practice, the Cleric has begun to master their holy craft, their soul harboring an increasingly large amount of Light, and their fervor in regards to Tahariae’s ideals only increasing as time goes on. At this stage, a Cleric gains access to some of their most iconic spells and powers, rituals of prophecy and imprisonment, and even the ability to replace the lost limbs of others. Spells Available: Sacralize, Exorcism, Purity Grafting, Foresight, Sealing Motes of Light: [16] Tier 5 At this point, the Cleric has practiced their craft for 4 IRL months, becoming true masters and paragons of the Clerical way, nigh-unmatched in their skill of healing or scourging the Impure. Their Aura of Light would begin to manifest a number of heavenly phenomena should it not be restrained, the incredible amount of Light within their soul spilling out with reckless abandon. The Elder Cleric would gain access to powerful sorceries and rituals, such as the fabled ‘Clarion Call,’ or gain the ability to sacrifice themselves to save another through the Final Oblation. It is at this tier that, should a Cleric possess all abilities save disconnection, they may apply for a TA. Spells Available: Hindsight, Sacral Flame, Hallow the Tainted, Final Oblation, Connection, Disconnection Motes of Light: [24] Credits New Gen Cleric Team (Early 2021 onwards): Sorcerio - Feedback, Consultation, Balancing, Co-Writing & Review Johann - Feedback, Consultation & Review Vic - Feedback & Consultation Covey - Feedback Witchlore - Moral Support Luciloo/Nivndil - Feedback, Consultation, Grammar Checking, Balancing & Review Cypher_nicus - Grammar Checking, Consultation Altiar1011 - Writing. All of the writing. I totally don’t want to kill myself. Old Gen Cleric Team (From 2020 to early 2021): Faewilds - Feedback, assistance w/ Necessary Definitions & History. Farryn - Allowing the use of IC resources for “History,” Consultation as Tah lore writer. Vic - Feedback & Consultation Myself - Writing. Purpose Clericalism, in this iteration, serves largely to fill the niche of a priestly holy magic on the server, with more to the lore itself than strictly combative mechanics. Having been shelved for over a year now, I feel that this rewrite is a step in the right direction regarding many of the issues that have been levied at Clerics, as well as their history and the innumerable complaints I’ve heard about such. In this, since I joined the Cleric project, and eventually took it over entirely, I can only hope to offer a new path forwards in regard to the Clerical niche and lore itself. For the lore as a whole, I’ve done my best to implement and build a sense of community and good will into the magic itself, seen in numerous mechanics such as Penance, Rituals, etc. in an effort to incentivize a united, communal mindset, even after I’m gone. I’ve done my best to remove a lot of the chaff and introduce new, exciting, and easy-to-understand mechanics for interaction with the dark mage/creature community, such as the ability to corrupt pools of holy water, or even Clerical Temples, providing another layer of unique, dynamic roleplay should both parties wish for it. Largely, the lore has shifted towards a pursuit of Tahariae’s mantles, rather than merely war or crusades against dark magi. This is, in large part, seen in “Vile Impurities,” as well as many abilities affecting regular individuals as well as dark mages. It is my hope that this will incentivize conflict with more than just select groups, and provide fulfilling rp for both the Clerical community, and the rest of the playerbase at large. Healing, as well, has been given some fairly hefty penalties, and a long timeframe, to follow in the footsteps of Witch Doctor “Cursed Healing” and similar abilities seen in other lore pieces. I have also done my best to remove a lot of the religion from the magic itself, and those who have been following me would see that it has instead been shifted to a near-purely IRP angle, allowing for a larger variety of Clerical orders and niches to form; in all technicality, under this lore, there could even be an order of secular Clerics, should the player base so wish. This tonal shift has been accompanied by a large restructuring of the precedents seen in former rewrites. Compared to before, any singular TA holder now holds the ability to revive the magic as a whole, and with the ability for a Cleric to switch their active subtype between the newly introduced ‘Remediation’ and ‘Adjudication’ subtypes, a level of commitment has been introduced while still allowing a given Cleric to walk the other path, after some temporary consequences. The old dynamic of Priest Healing and War Clericalism has largely been abandoned due to the separation it inspired, as well as requiring separate TAs for each, with Priest Healing largely relegated to… well, healing exclusively. Now, both subtypes stand on their own as facets of the magic, and equally possess the ability to provide compelling and enjoyable roleplay to those who interact with them. Rituals and artificery likewise make up a large portion of the magic, allowing for deeper roleplay and interaction beyond the capabilities of a singular Cleric. Wards, as they were in previous iterations, have been removed entirely, as I found them unconducive to roleplay as a whole. Throughout this lore piece, I have caked in a lot of potential for extraordinary possibilities for events to allow Clerics to help craft truly cinematic moments with the help of others, while still keeping such in check and balanced for event usage. With avenues for deeper cultural and religious roleplay, I like to think of Clerics as flawed individuals; mortals, seeking after an impossible standard set by Tahariae that they can never truly achieve, yet will try to do so anyway. Not out of moral good or concern for others, but the sheer necessity of what they define as ‘Purity.’ Clerics are not meant to be good people, not in the traditional sense; they’re meant to be what their Aengul wants them to be… which is Pure, and to eradicate all that is Impure in the world, be it through peaceful or violent means. The ends justify the means. Myself, as well as the Cleric team, are pushing for a complete MA and TA wipe for this submission, as the shift in the Clerical aesthetic and doctrine is rather monumental, and with the history of the magic and its users, we feel it is best that Clericalism receives a blank slate from which it can rebuild itself into a positive addition to the LoTC universe and narrative, rather than a detraction from it. Thank you for taking the time to read this submission. Cited Lore https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157049-%E2%9C%93-tahariae-aengul-of-purity-updated/?do=findComment&comment=1485647 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163951-%E2%9C%97-tahariaen-clericalism-the-clerics-of-tahariae/?do=findComment&comment=1550620 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/131260-shelvedthe-clerics-of-tahariae/?do=findComment&comment=1255407 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/190249-%E2%9C%93-world-lore-light-stones/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/189643-%E2%9C%93-world-lore-the-blighted-steels-ch-1/ Changelog:
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