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Everything posted by Songwitch

  1. PREMISE, This ‘folklore’ is a very fantasy-like depiction of the Void and arcane magic, stemming from my character’s own perspective of these two concepts. It might sound selfish, but this ‘culture’ was not made to somehow reinstate a mainline source of roleplay for all of the voidal mage community (because it is simply not possible and highly unlikely). This is a project that I decided to commit to as a way to kill time, and as a means for my character and those other characters in her inner circle to further expand our ongoing storylines and personal arcs. Please learn the contents of this post through in-game roleplay. My group is more than willing to welcome new members, be they existing or new characters, although one thing is certain- you are not entitled to any MA, FA, CA, or ‘special’ item for simply being part of the group. Nevertheless, while this project is mainly aimed to progress the story of my character and those surrounding her, I hope that this is a nice read and incites people to join the group and take part in the sort of roleplay that I am trying to conduct. You may notice certain sections in the post being ‘scratched’ or ‘torn’ and thus cannot be read. This quite literally means that you cannot read them and instead you must learn their contents through explicit in-game roleplay. A summarized list would be the following: Black Ajah Convergence Ouroboros Ten Knots Wheel of Time WEAVERS OF FATE 🕈︎♏︎♋︎❖︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎ □︎♐︎ ☞︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎ Sing to the seam; sing it your dream… Lodge in each stitch; part of its gleam… See the stitches- curve and crawl; patterns thin, sweet and small… Chaos unravels like gowns; needle, needle, dip and dart… Thrusting up and down; invoke the weaving art… Weave in faith and Chaos will find the thread… Knit and swirled, the spell will be sealed and the knot shall end. WHAT IS A WEAVER? 🕈︎♏︎♋︎❖︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎ □︎♐︎ ☞︎♋︎⧫︎♏︎ - This pseudonym translates in Common Tongue to ‘Weavers of Fate’ and this article compiles the knowledge woven by followers of the cult regarding their lived experiences in the guild’s inner circle. Most practicants have unlimited access to the contents of this volume, though one could say that despite such freedom, it is tucked away somewhere significant- typically at the deepest point of a weaver’s coven, designating a place of worship and mentoring. In modern times, this prized compendium can be found at the heart of Endor, currently-reigning nation of the spellweavers. INDEX Weaver: user of chaos, descendant of the source and the pattern. Chaos: otherworldly force of foreign power, leaked from the source and the pattern. Source: primitive entity, mother of chaos and reservoir of power. Pattern: plane of existence in which the source exists, imprisoning the influence of chaos from the mortal world. Warder: protector of a weaver, oftentimes users of chaos themself. Endorian: weaver or warder from Endor. Endor: birthplace of spellweaving. HISTORIC FOLKLORE THE FIRST WHEEL Unwoven in a cataclysm, the anomaly of Ando Alur’s weavers became a crucial matter for every lord in the world. Volatile forces manifest in yellow-clad knights tried to prevent the destruction of their safekept treasure; an interplanar scar beneath the mystical citadel of that very town. Not unlike past history, courageous defenders came to the rescue of the realm- discovering the chamber in which the very wheel that spun between one plane and the other, and ultimately sacrificing many lives for the destruction of its fragile frame. The energies contained within- the magical potential hoarded inside- no one could withstand it, and so this great outpouring of foreign power cast its influence upon Almaris, creating the Blight. HIGHLIGHTS Ando Alur was home to any race, welcoming the sight of chaos-driven constructs such as Wardens. Prior to its destruction, Ando Alur shot itself into the sky and became a worldly fantasy. Infestations of fish-men were common occurrences in the citadel, though most -if not all- were consumed and eradicated by a sentient and greater creature from beyond. It is estimated that about a hundred warriors lost their lives to the destruction of the wheel spinning beneath Ando Alur. Further lives were lost after the destruction of the wheel, as such unraveled a great shockwave that destroyed everything in its range. THE BLIGHT OF THE EAST With power comes a great cost, and in that we have barely scratched the surface- many deaths were traded in the success of terminating the wheel that grew and pestered the earth beneath the East’s shore. To what use were they? None. This act of courage merely anticipated what was coming- energies unknown and foreign to man. From an honorary will sprouted this cataclysm- from good willed intentions, the Blight came to be. Its influence spanned over the entire half of the East, altering the terrain and its inhabitants- warping their realities with corruption. Wondrous creatures, theorized to be the Source’s own incarnations, leaked onto our world as invasive beasts, gaining the name of Vodniks. HIGHLIGHTS Following the outpouring of the destruction of Ando Alur’s secret wheel, chaos energy ran loose across the lands of the East- corrupting whatever and whoever in its path. Half of the East’s domain was affected by uncontrolled chaos magick, altering the reality inside those spaces and thus becoming a very dangerous zone. Strange creatures have been recorded to appear within the Blight, despite the assumptions of every organic life having died to the initial cataclysm. It appears as though organic life hasn’t just survived, but mutated horrifyingly into powerful and dreadful beasts. While more susceptible to ordinary doses of chaos sorcery, they still proved to be formidable enemies. Countless efforts from the Mages Guild and the Ferrymen proved futile, most resulting in massacres or heavily wounded, and scarred, survivors. The Blight was slowly healed by the continuous efforts of the Father Circle, but it was not until they sacrificed their entire reservoir of order, that their attempts became fruitful. THE LEX ARCANA Following the destruction of the Horenian Empire, the monarchy of King Frederick reinstated an organization of experienced weavers to handle affairs related to magick- more specifically referring to the state of the Blight and researching various methods to cease its advance. This conjunction of magi was led at the hands of Baroness Hera de Rosius and Lady Zhione Dagre’sae, both highborn in the mortal realm. Spellweaving was born amidst these gifted women, and it was taught to few talented individuals from the organization- powerful works of magick that would later be used against the dwarven warriors in the wars to come. It was ultimately disbanded with the death of King Frederick, given that the successors would prohibit anything supernatural from taking place in their territory. HIGHLIGHTS The Lex Arcana was created following the disbandment of the Arcane Council, previously led by Lady Valyris Wynasul and Hera of Endor. Hera, given her old age, served as a beacon of wisdom, while Zhione, in her prime, acted as the sword and javelin of the group. Many attempts were brought forth by the Lex Arcana in order to cleanse the Blight, though none were successful. Ultimately, the Blight was completely eradicated by one last tug from the druidic tribes’ part- which, regardless, the weavers of Horenia took as an achievement of their own. The Lex Arcana came to its end following the death of Hera, and the disappearance of Zhione- who was rumored to have fled to elven nations. THE CONJUNCTION OF THE WHEELS Half a century went by, and silence was all that there was. The art of spellweaving was believed to now be forgotten, since its mothers had disappeared- one slain by her own madness, and the other hiding behind an elven crown. Every other weaver, or prospective aspirant, was eliminated in the resurgences between King Frederick’s reign and the Harvest Confederacy. It was not until Florentine’s edifices arose, that a promising figure emerged from the shadows- bearing the knowledge and same expertise of those eld weavers that waned in the transaction of war after the other. Ysabeau, she was- an auvergnian descending from Hera’s direct lineage. Her magic was strong, and the arcane rearranged itself according to her knots. She is the mother of Endor- she is the one who spun the first wheel, and the one who spawned the next weavers to unravel the second and third, provoking the conjunction and thus the creation of a hidden nation; of Endor. HIGHLIGHTS Spellweaving, despite being in its backbones fifty years prior, was somehow procured with such intricacy that it no longer responded to faith, and rather ambition and control. Ysabeau is the first weaver to have surged ever since the disbandment of the Lex Arcana. Endor, as a nation and material space, has been founded by Ysabeau. She is the one who spun the first wheel that sustains and feeds Endor with the nutrients to merely exist. The second and third wheels are rumored to be located in different locations across the East, and each has been spun by a direct descendant of Ysabeau. IN MODERNITY, the founding mothers of Endor have risen numerous covens throughout the underworld of the East, West, and South. All of them seem to be bound together with communicating devices - similar to the Gateways - which thusly allows for every weaver to be in upkeep with one another. The location to these bastions of secret knowledge can only be learnt from the mouth of a living weaver and/or warder. THE PATTERN OF CHAOS THE SOURCE Weaving Beyond the veils of Creation, there lays endless shadow. Oblivion rests quietly in this empty, outer space. Undefined by the laws of nature, reality, or even time. This paradox comes to be known as the Source, an interplanar ‘realm’ severed and unwoven from the mortal world. While it is not sentient, for it is and isn’t all at once, it wields desperate yearning for the consumption of everything sourced by the virtue of the Creator- spreading its influence by ‘dipping and darting’ into little holes torn into the Pattern’s integrity, thus leaking forces of chaos amidst the descendant races for them to embody and unknowingly further disintegrate the prison of the Source. Despite being unable to host any organic life within it, the Source is seemingly inhabited by amorphous entities, borne of the purest waves of chaos magick. Elder sages of the guild have been widely known to establish seances with weaker and lesser variants of these beings, though most have resulted in madness on the weaver’s part. One must think of the Source as a spinning wheel, ready to sew cloth and wool into cozy trinkets. Chaos acts as the cloth and wool, and the weaver becomes the artisan herself, knitting and weaving this force into something more. The act of casting spells is lessened in the very act of weaving, for one is conducting and redirecting chaos into taking different shapes and forms. Weavers that tap into the Source and unlock this ravenous force begin to spin a dangerous wheel, behind which there lays unimaginable potential that may either destroy the weaver herself, or bestow her with greatness. For this reason, only women of a pure soul are permitted to wield chaos, given that it tends to corrupt the user and bend their will. This energy is viewed by weavers as an indomitable “River of Power” that must be surrendered to or ‘embraced’ to withstand and channel without greater risk. Following this perception, the act of weaving cannot be learnt by a man from a woman, and vice versa. Magick, given that it is the incarnation of chaos, is the undoing of Creation- it is the voice, and song, of the Source, that spins and weaves new threads of fate depending on how much of its influence is spread. If chaos is what mortals refer to as magick, then the Source is its motherland- a paradox in which boundless potential resides. Weavers would thus be the very extension of these two elements, channeling darkening energies from one realm to the other. It is confirmed that the frequent usage of chaos decelerates aging, keeping competent weavers alive for half a century more than their racial average. Pregnant weavers, while immune to sickness, feel as though their weaves dissolve at their mere forming, acting oily and slippery. Yet, while it does make one prone to longevity, spellweaving does not come without its own toll. After years of practicing the art, weavers may feel as though their bodies wane in physical strength, eventually losing the capacity to regenerate on their own and instead require the intervention of a fellow weaver and/or artifice of chaos magick. This implies the usage of the Convergence ritual. The act of weaving is referred to as the channeling of pure chaos, manifest in arcane threads of a white light. Weavers tend to catalyze this foreign power through distinct hand and arm movements. More rudimentary weavers resort to their legs or rest of their body in order to channel chaos, though the common ways are the first mentioned. Through these very gestures, a weaver is capable of manifesting raw arcane potential in the form of strings that flow at their wake, slinging spells of any kind with extreme ease- it’s practically an art. WEAVERS & WARDERS Endor’s vestiges While both men and women are capable of tapping into the Source and wielding chaos, the way in which each does so is quite different- as mentioned, the latter think of it as an indomitable river which must be surrendered to, while the former view this foreign power as a torrent that must be seized and forced. Despite these differences, both weavers (women) and warders (men) must adhere to the following rules in order for Endor to exist in harmony: THE THREE OATHS * Never to use chaos or the Source as a weapon except against Darklings and Darkspawn, or in the last extreme defense of her or his life, the life of her Warder or his Weaver, or another weaver or warder. * To speak no word about the Weavers of Fate that is not true. * To never teach the art of weaving to men as women, or women as men, or non-endorians. Breaking any of these oaths is grounds for severance- the act of being unwoven from the Source, and completely disconnected from the Pattern as a whole. This punishment is a very heavy toll, as feeling that chaos is at one’s fingertips overcomes a weaver’s will, pushing them to suicide in most cases. WEAVERS Female individuals of the blood are initiated to become aspirant weavers in the night of their sixteen name-day, under the moon at a location deemed sacred by Endor. In this ceremony, they are subject to the “Rite of Passage”, through which the prospective weaver is forced into their mind-plane, where they face chaos in its purest form. WARDERS Male individuals of the blood are not initiated in the same way as females, and instead they are bound to their closest family member (such as sisters, mothers, or grandmothers) through the “Pact of Roses”, consisting in binding one’s arm with the other’s via a thorny, prickly rose. Individuals who have not been born into the family are instead initiated through the “Rite of Transference”, through which an elder weaver taps into the true Source and accesses forbidden spells, infusing the prospective weaver with the blood of a true endorian. THE WEAVING DIVISIONS The Five Ajah Endor prides itself on the hierarchy, or rather structure, of its organization. Weavers are categorized in five different broods, each representing their respective talents and skills. These divisions are equally as powerful and elevated in position, though some civil rivalry exists amongst them in the forms of reputation, appreciation, etc. Green Ajah Domains and/or purposes: serving Endor as the frontline warriors, rampaging battles with raw chaos, vague though still guided, and safekeep the protection and preservation of Endor’s legacy. Attire: Black-hued dress, varying with shades of gray and white. Respective ‘Ajah Pin’ is adjusted around their wrapped hair (such as a bun). Articles of arcanium like bands on their wrists and/or knees, chest-plates, and helmets. Jewelry such as charged focus crystal and/or titan’s eye (green-colored), kuila crystals, emerald, etc. Worship: Hera of Endor Sorceries: Fire, Earth, and Water Conjuring. On rare occasions Air Conjuring. Tend to become what is universally known as an ‘Arcane Scion’. “Light reborn, Warriors clad in blood- they shall weave, and end the dark.” The preservation and protection of Endor’s realm is in constant upkeep via this specific Ajah’s virtue, for each woman of this valiant clan devotes themself to ensure the safety and peace amidst weavers and warders- risking their lives in the battlefield. Greens are known due to their brute and ravenous power, since they are prone to act in unpredictable patterns and tilt the scales of the battle with pure strength. While their control over the threads of fate is rather slippery, this weakness is highly compensated by a Green’s capacity to overpower an enemy with mere physical force. In terms of battle formations, weavers of this Ajah never tend to act with one another and much on the contrary, they rely on the utility of their sworn warders to aid them in a fight. Common strategies are positioning up to warders beside the weaver, just a few feet away from the latter, allowing the weaver to focus on weaving and bolstering their team’s probabilities of succeeding in battle as her bound swordsmen shield her from diverse flanks and/or potential openings. Greens are forbidden to converge their weaves, for the magics that they use are mostly offensive and highly volatile when used in large quantities. Blue Ajah Domains and/or purposes: serving Endor as the hidden ‘lurkers’ of the nation, infiltrating any and every society to compile knowledge, difficulting the battlefield with their illusionary tricks, and maintaining the secrecy of the most powerful spells known to Endor’s population. Attire: Can be found in any clothing given that they must adapt and act as ‘social chameleons’ to infiltrate societies. Respective ‘Ajah Pin’ is painted over somewhere in their bodies- which is also universally and otherwise known as the Voidal Eminent’s ‘Affection’. Jewelry such as charged focus crystal and/or titan’s eye (blue-colored), fjarriagua ice, sapphire, etc. Worship: The Great Owl Sorceries: Concilium and Translocation. On rare occasions Life Conjuration. Tend to become what is universally known as a ‘Voidal Eminent’. In the shadows, these weavers find comfort- collecting pieces and songs of history one by one. For whatever reason, if Endor wields vast collections of knowledge, it is due to these women. By their virtue, any and every society is infiltrated and lurked upon from deep within- its patterns and stories interwoven from their homeland to the endorian reservoir. Blues tend to exert elevated positions as to deflect any suspicion cast on them, and thus it is common for weavers of this Ajah to ingeniously thread mental ‘webs’ for their targets to lose their senses. While it is not common for these weavers to engage in battle, they can be seen in solitary duos with their sworn warder, carrying out their duties in silence and far from any other concentration of endorians. On rare occasions Blues band together to converge their weaves into a massive ‘web’ of illusions and mental alterations, conditioning entire battlefields in their favor. Common strategies are advancing together, both weaver and warder, allowing the latter to charge into battle as an agile frontline whereas the former ensures that their bound swordsman maintains a relatively constant upkeep in the fight. Blues resort to illusory tricks for i.e; reducing the pain that is felt by their warder and somewhat allowing them to fight for longer, or elaborating a complex ‘web’ to disorient every nearby foe. Red Ajah Domains and/or purposes: serving Endor as enforcers of balance and control by neutralizing magical anomalies or dangerous threats, restoring the scales between life and death by any means necessary, and ensuring that every weaver is properly trained to unravel threads of chaos. Attire: Black-hued cloaks, varying with shades of gray and white. Respective ‘Ajah Pin’ is worn as an earpiece. Jewelry such as charged focus crystals and/or titan’s eye (red-colored), draconic remains, ruby, etc. Worship: Saint Emma of Worldzmir Sorceries: Air Conjuring and Transmutation. On rare occasions Life Conjuration. Tend to become what is universally known as a ‘Voidal Artificer’. While chaos is rampant and ravenous, the Red Ajah views it as an energy that can be guided in an orderly manner- and thus, they do so by relying on their faith in the balance of life and death, chaos and order, and space and time. These weavers act as Endor’s forces of stability, hunting down anomalies and magical threats while forging legendary relics to augment the nation’s capacity for preserving balance. Reds often occupy the roles of defenders against unknown and foreign dangers hailing from either the true Source or another place of existence, primarily recurring to weaves of air for deflecting any attack or magick, binding a chosen foe, or neutralizing a dangerous threat. While lacking bound swordsmen, the women of the Red Ajah pride on their coordinated power- they are one and the same, and thus convergence is but bread and butter for these highly skilled weavers. Yellow Ajah Domains and/or purposes: serving Endor as practical witch-doctors that rely on the channeling of chaos for mending wounds, obtaining secrets from beyond by holding unique seances with higher consciences, and keeping up with the constant shifts in the Pattern’s integrity- as seers of sort. Attire: Can be found in warm toned clothing, such as herbalist uniforms and/or doctor-like cloaks. Respective ‘Ajah Pin’ is adjusted to the weaver’s most favored item, be it a staff, grimoire, or ragdoll. Jewelry such as charged focus crystals and/or titan’s eye (yellow-colored), lightstones, amber or topaz, etc. Worship: Ouroboros Sorceries: Life Conjuration and Concilium. On rare occasions Fire Conjuring. Tend to become what is universally known as a ‘Voidstalker’ or ‘Veil Watcher’. Healing is a practice that is highly underrated amidst mortal civilizations, though weavers explicitly rely on it as a means for survival. Once a woman, or man, has tapped far too deep into the true Source, their soul and bodies are warped, corrupted with energy from beyond. This means that no longer are they capable of regenerating wounds, be they small cuts and scrapes or anything greater. For this reason, the weavers of the Yellow Ajah recycle their immense magical potential into new ways of threading fate- sealing wounds, physical, mental or of the soul, with pure chaos. Yellows obviously take on the roles of medicines and witch-doctors, combining the art of potion-crafting and weaving the forces of chaos together as to produce new and highly effective treatments. At the time of a battle, weavers of the Yellow Ajah tend to stay in the vanguard of any formation- procuring to stay safe and unharmed to constantly revitalize the rest of their group. Warders often accompany them, mostly as assassins to pick off targets that solely aim for such weaver’s life. Yellows are prohibited to use any other magic beyond the art of Life Conjuring, as they are beacons of immense chaos and thus they are incredibly dangerous- casting the wrong spell may kill them as well as an entire village. [!] This section of the chapter has been scratched and lost to the affines of time. It cannot be read and will forever remain a mystery. Black Ajah Domains and/or purposes: serving Endor as practitioners of the forbidden arts, thusly equipping the nation and its population with tools beyond an ordinary mortal’s reach. Attire: Crimson robes, varying with hues of black and gold. Respective ‘Ajah Pin’ is worn to keep the robes over the weaver’s shoulders. Jewelry such as charged focus crystals and/or titan’s eye (black-colored), skeletal remains, manite, obsidian and/or black tourmaline, etc. Worship: Ouroboros Sorceries: Heartrending, Necromancy, Songcraft, etc. Tend to become what is universally known as a ‘Darkling’ or ‘Darkspawn’. Although endorians find comfort in order and guidance, few tend to stray far from the priming light and delve into dark, forbidden arts. For this reason, these weavers are forbidden to speak- vowed to silence forevermore as to be unable from preaching the corruption that they see through the beyond. Most of these women, and men, employ forgotten arts such as heartrending- bending and shaping blood under one’s will. Typically, they have no defined role or purpose and rather focus on augmenting Endor’s arsenal via their incredible magical prowess. Battle-wise, these weavers are deadly- lacking any hesitancy when it comes to landing a killing blow, or mustering a death-ly spell. Converging is common for this clan of witches and warlocks. THE KNIGHTS OF THE WHEEL The Three Swords Whilst the manpower in Endor is mostly constituted by the magical prowess of its weavers, the warders bound to these very women exert crucial roles in the tasks of preserving and expanding the influence of this nation. While little is known of this ‘order’, these valiant individuals are distinguished in three different tribes, each fitting best to their respective bound ajah: Heartlander Tribe Domains and/or purposes: Same as the Green Ajah. Attire: Knightley robes, wearing their respective and bound Ajah’s ‘Pin’ on the hilt of their signature weapon. Jewelry such as fine arcanium, foes’ bodily remains, jades, etc. Weaponry: Ordinary eastern armaments such as claymores, greatswords, maces, etc. Sorceries: Same as the Green Ajah. 👎︎✌︎🕈︎🕆︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎👎︎☞︎✌︎💧︎☞︎💧︎☜︎👎︎☟︎✌︎🕈︎💧︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎☺︎👎︎☞︎✌︎💧︎☠︎☞︎✌︎💧︎👎︎✌︎📄︎🗐︎🗏︎🗐︎✈︎✌︎💧︎👎︎📪︎ ✌︎👎︎🕈︎ ✌︎👎︎✌︎🗐︎✈︎📄︎ ✌︎👎︎ ✌︎👎︎🕈︎👎︎🗐︎ ✌︎🕈︎☜︎📄︎✈︎🗏︎🕈︎📄︎🗏︎📄︎🗏︎ 📄︎🗏︎✈︎📄︎🗐︎📬︎ ✌︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎💧︎✌︎🕈︎☜︎🕈︎ 📄︎🗐︎🗏︎🗐︎📄︎🗐︎ ☼︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎ ☞︎☞︎☝︎☝︎☟︎ 🕈︎✌︎🕈︎🗏︎📄︎ 💧︎👎︎❄︎🗏︎🗄︎ 🖮︎🖮︎🖮︎🕈︎🗏︎🗐︎🕈︎👎︎💧︎👎︎✌︎💧︎📄︎☜︎ 🗄︎🗄︎☝︎📫︎ 👎︎💧︎👎︎💧︎☼︎☼︎☼︎☼︎❄︎🕈︎💧︎✌︎👎︎💧︎📬︎ ✌︎🕈︎✋︎☜︎🕈︎✌︎✋︎☜︎⚐︎📂︎📄︎📂︎✌︎👎︎☹︎✌︎💧︎👎︎☟︎💧︎☜︎🕆︎☺︎🕈︎☺︎🖳︎ 📄︎🕈︎🗏︎✈︎📄︎☠︎🗏︎💧︎😐︎👎︎✌︎💧︎☹︎✌︎☹︎📄︎😐︎🗏︎🗐︎📬︎. Ghostborn Tribe Domains and/or purposes: Same as the Blue Ajah. Attire: Matching outfits with their bound weaver, simulating whatever she is disguising herself as. Respective ‘Ajah Pin’ is also painted over the body in a similar fashion to their sworn weavers. Jewelry such as star-steel, trinkets coated in northern salts, lapis lazuli, etc. Weaponry: Oriental armaments such as katanas, canes, whips, etc. Sorceries: Same as the Blue Ajah. 👎︎✌︎🕈︎🕆︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎👎︎☞︎✌︎💧︎☞︎💧︎☜︎👎︎☟︎✌︎🕈︎💧︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎☺︎👎︎☞︎✌︎💧︎☠︎☞︎✌︎💧︎👎︎✌︎📄︎🗐︎🗏︎🗐︎✈︎✌︎💧︎👎︎📪︎ ✌︎👎︎🕈︎ ✌︎👎︎✌︎🗐︎✈︎📄︎ ✌︎👎︎ ✌︎👎︎🕈︎👎︎🗐︎ ✌︎🕈︎☜︎📄︎✈︎🗏︎🕈︎📄︎🗏︎📄︎🗏︎ 📄︎🗏︎✈︎📄︎🗐︎📬︎ ✌︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎💧︎✌︎🕈︎☜︎🕈︎ 📄︎🗐︎🗏︎🗐︎📄︎🗐︎ ☼︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎ ☞︎☞︎☝︎☝︎☟︎ 🕈︎✌︎🕈︎🗏︎📄︎ 💧︎👎︎❄︎🗏︎🗄︎ 🖮︎🖮︎🖮︎🕈︎🗏︎🗐︎🕈︎👎︎💧︎👎︎✌︎💧︎📄︎☜︎ 🗄︎🗄︎☝︎📫︎ 👎︎💧︎👎︎💧︎☼︎☼︎☼︎☼︎❄︎🕈︎💧︎✌︎👎︎💧︎📬︎ ✌︎🕈︎✋︎☜︎🕈︎✌︎✋︎☜︎⚐︎📂︎📄︎📂︎✌︎👎︎☹︎✌︎💧︎👎︎☟︎💧︎☜︎🕆︎☺︎🕈︎☺︎🖳︎ 📄︎🕈︎🗏︎✈︎📄︎☠︎🗏︎💧︎😐︎👎︎✌︎💧︎☹︎✌︎☹︎📄︎😐︎🗏︎🗐︎📬︎. Beastsmith Tribe Domains and/or purposes: Same as the Yellow Ajah. Attire: Similarly colored robes, wearing their respective and bound Ajah’s ‘Pin’ on the hilt of their signature weapon. Jewelry such as minute pieces of bomb-steel, druidic tree frozen sap, citrine, etc. Weaponry: Diverse armaments such as shashka blades, javelins, alchemical concoctions, etc. Sorceries: Same as the Yellow Ajah. 👎︎✌︎🕈︎🕆︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎👎︎☞︎✌︎💧︎☞︎💧︎☜︎👎︎☟︎✌︎🕈︎💧︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎☺︎👎︎☞︎✌︎💧︎☠︎☞︎✌︎💧︎👎︎✌︎📄︎🗐︎🗏︎🗐︎✈︎✌︎💧︎👎︎📪︎ ✌︎👎︎🕈︎ ✌︎👎︎✌︎🗐︎✈︎📄︎ ✌︎👎︎ ✌︎👎︎🕈︎👎︎🗐︎ ✌︎🕈︎☜︎📄︎✈︎🗏︎🕈︎📄︎🗏︎📄︎🗏︎ 📄︎🗏︎✈︎📄︎🗐︎📬︎ ✌︎👎︎✌︎🕈︎💧︎✌︎🕈︎☜︎🕈︎ 📄︎🗐︎🗏︎🗐︎📄︎🗐︎ ☼︎✌︎✌︎✌︎✌︎ ☞︎☞︎☝︎☝︎☟︎ 🕈︎✌︎🕈︎🗏︎📄︎ 💧︎👎︎❄︎🗏︎🗄︎ 🖮︎🖮︎🖮︎🕈︎🗏︎🗐︎🕈︎👎︎💧︎👎︎✌︎💧︎📄︎☜︎ 🗄︎🗄︎☝︎📫︎ 👎︎💧︎👎︎💧︎☼︎☼︎☼︎☼︎❄︎🕈︎💧︎✌︎👎︎💧︎📬︎ ✌︎🕈︎✋︎☜︎🕈︎✌︎✋︎☜︎⚐︎📂︎📄︎📂︎✌︎👎︎☹︎✌︎💧︎👎︎☟︎💧︎☜︎🕆︎☺︎🕈︎☺︎🖳︎ 📄︎🕈︎🗏︎✈︎📄︎☠︎🗏︎💧︎😐︎👎︎✌︎💧︎☹︎✌︎☹︎📄︎😐︎🗏︎🗐︎📬︎. CEREMONIES AND FESTIVITIES Rite of Passage Women of the blood are initiated in the art of spellweaving on the day of their sixteenth name-day, taking place at midnight in a location deemed sacred by Endor and its elders (such as the now ruins of Ando Alur). In this ceremony, the aspirant weaver is dressed in a black velvet gown, donned solely with one rose. The ritual Athame is utilized to extract fresh blood from a boar, which is then smeared over the young woman as strange sigils and runes. It is then that she is sent to the bounds of her soul, where chaos awaits the prospective weaver for a confrontation in which she must surrender in order to establish a connection with the true Source. Failing to do usually leaves the young woman unlike before, devoid of emotion and will- as if her soul had been devoured and scourged by chaos itself. Pact of Roses Men of the blood, instead of initially delving into the art of spellweaving, are obligated to bind themselves to an existing or prospective weaver- resorting to the ritual Athame for the extraction of a rose’s thorns, which are then used as a way to weave one’s arm with the other’s. In this transaction, the weaver channels pure chaos to imbue the prickly thorn, ensnaring both souls and mending them as one. Rite of Transference Men and women who are not direct descendants of Endor are typically initiated into the guild through the darkest of rites, which can only be accessed by most experienced weavers. Due to this, it is rather rare for outsiders to learn the art of weaving- yet it is not completely improbable. By once again utilizing the ritual Athame, the prospective endorian’s chest is sliced and cut deeply, right over where their hearts would be. Then, an existing weaver and/or warder subjects themself to the same procedure, after which the experienced weaver transfuses the former with the latter’s blood- converting them into endorians of their own. [!] The following chapter has also been scratched and forever lost to time. It cannot be read at all. Convergence In times of eld, weavers used to be capable of combining their chaos- redirecting vast amounts of energy with the slight risk of drawing too much and inevitably succumbing to desiccation (overexertion of channeling). Due to this potential danger, large-scale spells have been forbidden from being ‘converged’ and weavers immensely hoard the knowledge to a plethora of sorceries and incantations unknown and never seen before by the world of man. Mere requirements happen to be materials such as focus crystal dust, arcanium chain-rope, and at least two weavers. This ritual may also be utilized to mend the wounds sustained by the physical husk of a weaver and/or warder. Black Solstice During the times when the moon is least bright, weavers rejoice and embark in nightly journeys into somber ruins where, recurring to the usage of Convergence, they exert their weaving talents in celebration. This is typically hosted at the time of a prospective weaver or warder’s initiation, but it can be applied to any sort of ceremony that involves a significant achievement or accomplishment. THE FOUR RODS Patrons of Endor “Light casts its guidance, while chaos presents its rampant force. Only the patrons of the four rods may fuse these two, for weavers to prosper in faithfulness.” Hera of Endor Domains: Courage, Pride, Greed, Discord Worship: Devoting oneself to this patron is done by fulfilling the tasks of a weaver from the Green Ajah, never fleeing from a battle that may be won, or putting a Darkling or Darkspawn to death when the moon is least bright. Alignment: Green Ajah Witch of Embers, Blackened Rose, Crimson Hag, were but worldly titles that possessed Hera of Endor- she was as mighty as she was imprudent, and in time, her lack of coordination brought forth an illness that would drive the maiden to inevitable madness. Until then, Hera exerted her role as a patriot of Creation, recurring to an arsenal that did not particularly align with the principles in which she held faith. These ‘sacrifices’ cast unfortunate obstacles in her path, though sole ambition allowed the maiden to drive her way through. Her chaos was unruly, not unlike that of a man’s. Each spell that she mustered sowed desolation amidst the battlefield, rising from razor-sharp sandstorms to great storms of bright fire. Saint Emma of Worldzmir Domains: Balance, Control, Faith, Peace Worship: Devoting oneself to this patron is done by fulfilling the tasks of a weaver from the Red Ajah, apprehending any threat without failure if absolutely possible, or sacrificing an apprehended foe to the Wheel of Time and thus sentencing their soul to the Scales of Worldzmir. Alignment: Red Ajah Dating centuries-old documents of Canonist history, Saint Emma is depicted as a benevolent figure with relentless judgment- it is in her grace whether the soul of a mortal is of a certain worth to either ascend or descend. In endorian folklore, the patron of Worldzmir is portrayed as an omnipotent beacon of stability, balancing the ravenous force of chaos via the employment of weavers- who channel this energy in measured and balanced quantities to preserve the integrity of the Pattern. It is said that weavers who do not stray far from Saint Emma’s guidance are led to a paradisiacal after-life, while those who defy her and her principles end up in the lowest of hells. The Great Owl Domains: Wisdom, Prophecies, Illusions, Mind Worship: Devoting oneself to this patron is done by fulfilling the tasks of a weaver from the Blue Ajah, learning and preaching different visions of the world, or causing mischief through chaos magick. Alignment: Blue Ajah Old folklore tales speak of a demi-god in the form of a winged beast, carrying whispers of ancient times whereas chaos did not yet exist amidst the mortal races, and whereas the prime energy of such era was order, the very essence of Creation and that which spawned the Great Owl in the first place. He is a lord of dark, corrupted and driven by the tainting influence of the true Source, and in his songs of new and old, boundless wisdom is found. There is no plane existence that holds this patron hostage, and much on the contrary, he is more often than not found unexpectedly- as if fate threaded such encounter together. Aside from his divine gifts, the Great Owl is known to be a highly skillful weaver, and no other woman - or man- of the blood has been able to match his chaotic prowess. [!] The following chapter has too been scratched, and its contents shall forever remain a mystery. Ouroboros Domains: Healing, Altruism, Past & Future, Chaos Worship: Devoting oneself to this patron is done by fulfilling the tasks of a weaver from the Yellow Ajah, dissecting creatures and/or herbs to create new medicines, or establish seances with powerful consciences from beyond. Alignment: Yellow Ajah Otherwise and more commonly known as the ‘King in Yellow’, this patron of the endorian pantheon serves as a significant figure of worship for both the Yellow and Black Ajah, given that despite priding its gifts of chaos magick on the mending of wounds and sickness, it also spreads delusions and ‘ascensions’ of the mind- taunting powerful though wilder weavers, rarely warders, into giving up their mortal forms to become something greater; from beyond. The devotion to this patron has been looked upon for and prior to the official formation of Endor, since it is due to him - the Yellow King - that mortals fell victim under the charm of the true Source and bore into its prison, freeing the chaos bottled up within into our own world. ENDORIAN MYTHOLOGY Tales of legendary history Prior to the formation of Endor and its formidable weavers, tales as old as wind itself were carried by voice- translated from mother to daughter, and mother to son. Horrifying beasts once believed to be forgotten and banished from this realm, legendary relics with the haunting gifts, and sacred places hidden to the world of man. THE OATH-BINDER “Borne of light and dark, the first weaver spun the first wheel and thus rearranged the first principle.” Whilst it is not a piece of mythology on its own, given that its usage is frequent, the oath-binder of Endor comes across as a powerful relic forged by a long ago grandmother- containing the forces of chaos in its purest state. This artifact is typically utilized in ceremonies such as the Rite of Passage of a prospective weaver, or the Pact of Roses of a prospective warder, where both the aspirant and an elder of the guild recite the Three Oaths, swearing fealty to them. The materials from which the rod is wrought of are unknown, but any weaver can feel a powerful concentration of chaos within. VODNIK Chaos is rampant, and when it is not guided, it runs loose- lacking control or supervision. This outpouring of ravenous energy typically supposes no threat to the mortal world, given that it takes place within the Pattern. Only when a gateway has been opened, or a powerful wheel spun, does this erratic magick become dangerous- for it leaks into our realm, spilling over and taking various forms based on the husks of that which they consume: Vodniks. These otherworldly beasts have been dated centuries ago, mentioned and described as mental “horrors” in Arcas-based documents, and more recently fifty years ago in the East, as witnessed by the entire realm of Almaris. Little is known of these creatures- other than that weaker variants are commonly and simply referred to as ‘vodnik’, while the stronger ones typically receive names based on that which they consume; an example of this would be An-lur, a sea-like tentacled being from beyond the Pattern that single handedly conquered an entire species of ocean creatures haunting the denizens of Ando Alur. It is widely known that every type of vodnik responds differently to chaos, but most are either highly resilient or completely immune to ordinary doses. Vodnik sorcery, while sourced from the same origin, is unlike a weaver’s craft- it is far more corrupted, unstable and raw, volatile and dreadful. THE GATEWAYS Before the ambition of our ancestors bore into the prison of the true Source and allowed chaos to invade the mortal world, Creation was orderly- untarnished by the darkening influence of the Pattern. In this golden age, humans and dwarves, elves and orcs, lived in harmony, and many were the attempts to better the conditions in which all races lived- thus, the Gateways were forged. Horenia and Her people granted the land for these monuments to arise, while the lords of the Underworld presented their finest work- from the sturdiest rock to the tiniest piece of mica. The elven tribes, rich in magical potential, fueled these formations of stone with vast amounts of order- the energy that primed in that era. Ultimately, the Orks and their clans were chosen to traverse the ways through these gates, for they were the only ones with a strong enough soul to withstand the strain of wandering through space and time. After the great outpouring of foreign power from Ando Alur’s wheel, these Gateways were forever changed- corrupted from what they once were. Travel has been forbidden ever since, thus weavers tend to make use of these ancient artifacts for matters of transporting materials, or erecting bastions of knowledge- not unlike the one from fifty years ago. While most have been destroyed or imprisoned by followers of order, there are multiple records preserving the location of various monuments yet standing- inactive and ready to be opened. TOME OF ENDOR Mother of Endor, Ysabeau of the Blue Ajah, was the one to personally create this powerful relic. Legends speak of how multiple creatures were sacrificed for the making of this evil tome, dating from lesser and greater vampyres to the fangs and fur of man-wolves. On top of these elements, it is said that the book has been enchanted with the purest state of chaos- darkening its frame and pages at the time of its usage. This artifact can only be used by the highest ranks of weavers, and even then, its usage is restricted except against extremely dangerous foes. One who chants from the tome loses their mind to corruption forevermore. THE ENDORIAN HOURGLASS Once the scientists of Endor researched the ‘rejuvenating’ effects of prolonged usage of chaos magick, both weavers and warders began to work. The finest gold and granulated sand were fetched by the most appropriate warriors- traveling far beyond known borders and risking their very lives for this simple task. Upon receiving these materials, the most skilled weavers rearranged both into one, crafting a twelve-foot tall artifact; an hourglass which they later enchanted with raw chaos and forbidden magick in the form of sigils and runes, so that it could prolong the lives of those who are the purest of souls. “Drizzle, drizzle, above so below The sand goes down, the light gone A second becomes two, time is loose.” The mere usage of this relic is an extremely important gamble on its own- if one were to use it, and deemed impure, their souls would be stolen, and their bodily husks rotten to ash and dust. For this reason, only the most benevolent weavers are granted access to an ‘audition’ with the relic, and despite that, failed attempts are very- very- prone to occur. [!] The following chapter is partially missing as well, only revealing the title. THE TEN KNOTS Prior to the formation of Endor as a nation, Ysabeau and Roxana of the Blue Ajah created a minute compendium of powerful though extremely taxing spells in an old, ragged scroll. While this particular paper withheld the knowledge to three different spells woven in a series of three, seven, and ten knots, with unimaginable power, its creators were wiser than to reveal their wisdom for common eyes. Every word in this relic is written in old auvergnian, an ancient language derived from Flexio and Common Tongue. Most importantly, whoever understands and/or deciphers the writings in this scroll, they must comprehend the great tolls that they are willing to burden themself with by mustering any of the spells written in here. HELM OF SACROSANCTUM In times of eld, chaos was at disarray- lacking worship or guidance. Our Green maiden, Hera of Endor, cast the first thread of fate known to man- recurring to faith in Creation itself. During this era where spellweaving happened to be in its earliest stages, Hera was a member of the Saint Owyn’s Order, and her talent for magick became crucial in the battlefield. This winged helmet is a small piece of that legacy. Originally worn by the Baroness at the time of a battle, this relic now sits hidden and kept a secret from Endor’s ordinary weavers or warders- as rumors tell of the very object being haunted, inhabited by an entity from beyond. The reasoning as to why this important piece of history has been ‘forbidden’ is simple: the entity residing within bestows upon the wearer deluded visions of the past, present, and future, and incredible agility- as if one’s bodies were controlled by someone, or something. No weaver or warder has been known to overcome the addictive effects of wearing this helm. ATHAME Forged via the brightest flames possibly cast by an extremely powerful weaver, this tool was made with the purpose to act in ritualistic ceremonies. While it has been made from welded silver and bronze, anyone connected to the true Source is capable of discerning a high concentration of chaos within the knife, implying that it is enchanted and more than what it seems. GREAT SERPENT RING Long before the times of weaving or Endor itself, the figures of worship that our ancestors devoted themselves to, aside from Creation, were the great flying serpents of the realm. In honor to the contribution of legendary creatures such as the Arch-draakar or his loyal spawn, the weavers of old crafted a distinguishable trinket through which their chaos magic would be multiplied tenfold. “Weave and un-weave, Fate is a loose string, Tug and pull, and it is yours.” Even in modern times, the design of this particular trinket is kept and held sacred, as every single weaver possesses one as to discern them from the rest of the population. BLIGHT-BORN Incarnations of uncontrolled chaos magick such as the average vodnik supposes no threat, or at least no comparison in contrast with these gut-wrenching creatures. Despite the horrors that a greater vodnik can bring forth over the mortal world, Blight-born are the foes that one must pay the most attention to- these beings are no ordinary mutation, or extension of the true Source, but an amalgamation of worldly victims and endless, ravenous energy. While more susceptible to diverse sorceries and weaponry, these foes are not to be underestimated- what they lack in ‘defense’, they compensate with unimaginable strength, speed, and brutality. Weavers are advised to never face these foes on their own, or with their bound Warder alone, for they never stand a chance. In very rare occasions, formations of weavers and warders will band together to hunt down and eliminate a considerably powerful Blight-Born, though oftentimes what is opted for is to ignore their existence until it threatens the integrity of Endor. [!] The next chapter is completely missing, its page torn from the book. WHEEL OF TIME Endor’s greatest relic and most significant piece of direct legacy is the Wheel of Time, an anomaly torn into the very inner fabric of the Pattern and that allowed the first weavers to create the first endorian settlement, thusly founding a bastion of knowledge and interwoven with chaos magick in its rawest state. In this very artifact there lays vast quantities of energy, fluctuating and threading into one and two, even three, different paths of fate and for this reason, it is believed that one may attempt to travel between time in a line, either back or forth, with the spinning of this mother wheel. Aside from these elements, Endor is visibly and obviously powered by the chaos bottled up within the Wheel of Time, given that it weaves and un-weaves itself time and time again without end. Weavers draw from the infinite potential churning within the wheel, recurring to such reservoir for the protection of Endor as a nation, and the creation of new spellcraft and ways to guide threads of chaos magick. Whether it is actively spinning or not, the Wheel of Time is a powerful relic that has transcended worldly laws- bound and woven together with a greater creature from beyond. It is rumored that this same being aided Ysabeau, Mother of Endor, in establishing the first settlement of weavers and warders in the mortal realm. Writer: VictoriaMinaj Format by: VictoriaMinaj, @Werew0lf (them dividers) References: ‘Wheel of Time’, Witcher lore, ‘Shadow and bone’, ‘A discovery of witches’ concepts, common traditions that I wrote for this family in its earliest stages about two years ago, existing folklore and culture such as the Hayawan Pantheon (The Great Owl), and others Art by: Google, Pinterest, @marslol, @TreeSmoothie, Wheel of Time comics and live action, etc
  2. tu kieres ser yo y no puede' 😘

  3. Songwitch

    Split The Sky

    A Wisdom of old had sighted the death of this drake firsthand, at the very tyranny of a mongrel-like beast wrought of flesh and demonic flame. She pondered, drafting and therein drinking a tincture of crimson red with the occasional petal of a white lily flower, and sprinkled over with powder of proto-salium chunks.
  4. ♫ ♪ ♬ Ice Witch: Chapter I As observed by G. B. Prudence “Dark and ice-wrought, she lurks in the shadows. Amok, the witch runs in secrecy and bewilderment.” This book is an introduction to the little information that is known by mortal kin regarding the ice witch, their many broods and classes of the Fjarriagua race. It is worth mentioning that, the knowledge classified in these pages comes about from long investigations, thus sourced from information that may be either slightly inaccurate or lacking few details. What is known of the Ice Witch? Stories talk of many legendary creatures, some more substantiated and realistic than others, mostly in the form of feminine figures and enticing allure. Fjarriagua are the same, though what we have not been able to discern in the past centuries is that, most of these mythical beings are but different manifestations of the ice witch in various cultures. Fjarriagua are ravenous creatures, often shifting in their way of doing and thinking depending on the will of one’s respective coven, who use their voices to compose magical songs with several purposes; such as manipulating ice or snow, or weaving dark curses. These complex beings can be differentiated in the following categories, or internally known as broods: SIREN Most Fjarriagua wind up in this brood given that it is the most common and universally known as the warrior archetype of the coven. Witches belonging to the Siren brood are configured by their respective crones to fulfill the simplest of tasks - hunting down the sons of men. Siren witches are taught mortal etiquette amongst other mortal knowledge, preparing them for socializing and divulging in public communities. For this reason, these ice witches utilize their illusory songs to heighten their alluring nature; one of an enthralling and notably luring maiden. Often, Sirens resort to love ballads and sweet canticles for prey, attracting them with the sound as if their minds were compelled to obey. Beneath this youthful and beautiful maiden, however, lies a true monstrosity. Whilst Sirens are known to be seductive and attractive, their true forms resemble absolute terror; a true eye sore. FROSTRENDER It is not a rare occurrence for a witch to be impractical in battle or hunting, thus their duty is to assist the coven in a different way. Whilst Frostrending witches do not involve themself with fighting, they often accompany hives of Sirens to solely harvest the leftovers of their hunting targets. Through the application of these harvested materials, mostly in the form of eyes, tongues, hair, severed fingers, and other bodily components. As further applications of tints, mixtures and even concoctions, Frostrenders are capable of mending the wounds of another ice witch. By activating the same ‘medicine’ they have applied with a humming and melancholic song. During trips into mortal civilizations, Fjarriagua of this brood have been known to shape themselves as any other botanist, alchemist, medic, or doctor; and while rare, these witches rejoice in the distribution of cursed foods. BANSHEE Rather exclusive when compared to the aforementioned broods, the Banshee is a type of witch that is rarely seen amidst mortal kin. This is due to the fact that witches of this brood are masterfully experienced in their craft, and they have unlocked the ability to resurrect fallen sisters by using vocal and throat techniques. For this reason, it is crucial that Banshees are kept away in the safe confines of their coven, so that their kin may live on forever. Fjarriagua of this brood rarely take on disguised forms, but when they do, some may perceive them as somber women, mostly widows. It is in their true frozen form that the symbolism of their name manifests; Banshees are characterized by the fact that their bodies are mostly monocolored with a face shielded by a mantle of frozen white hair, and mouth uncovered with elongated jaws. Legends say that when an ice witch dies in the battlefield, their assassin is visited by an envoy of the Banshee brood, at which they are taken away and utilized for the revival of the fallen witch. WISDOM This brood is practically extinct, given that witches from this line are not made and rather innately born with the gift of sight. Wisdoms are vastly cunning women and of great knowledge and great wisdom as their own name indicates, that glimpse into the past or future of the mortal plane by defiling and consuming slain men. By utilizing a tool dubbed as the Seiðr, witches of this brood may cut into the fallen bodies of prey hunted by Sirens, at which they extract multiple organs and prepare them in a ritual, later devouring them to gain visions in their mind. Whilst extremely rare, these Fjarriagua do venture into the mortal world more often than not, predicating their wisdom and deranged visions amidst civilizations as warnings. In these journeys, they often take the shape and form of fortune tellers, tarot readers, or otherwise mystical and wise women. CRONE Witches of this brood are far and between, given that one of these constitutes about a coven’s worth of ice witches. Crones are the matriarchs and maternal figures of any and every coven, forming and unifying the principles on which each respective coven is based upon (i.e; if a crone was a frostrender prior to her ascension, then she will be prone to condition her own daughters into becoming fellow frostrending witches). These Fjarriagua do not leave the confines of their beloved coven under any circumstances, to the obvious exemption of retrieving a lost daughter, saving another of their race, or apprehending a dangerous and significant threat. But when they do, crones take on the form of old hags, mostly hunched on the back and silent in their wake – a juxtaposition to their true self, which is considerably grotesque and ominous. Where did the Ice Witch come from? The Ice Witch’s Origins: Kriemhild, the First. Tales brew over the years, some more veridic than others, and thus the story of the ice witch lies far and between, buried deep underneath centuries’ worth of misinformation, lost to time and held unsung for generations. Witches themself, however, have known the truth to this very tale for as long as their covens and broods have perdured in the mortal plane. It is taught from elder to witchlet, told as a forgotten story of a long ago grandmother and revered the same way a noble character from canonist theology is, through faith and redemption of one’s self. This is to say, put in simple words, that ice witches refer to this mythical lecture of old as a primary source of devotion, and the very foundation to their inner culture. The story goes as follows… “Kriemhild, a peasant girl of an icy realm, of Skjoldier, was lamentably fated with one of the many men that heeded to her father’s public airing of her blossoming into a fledged woman. She was in disarray. It was inconceivable for the girl to accept the terms enforced by her father, daring to challenge the latter’s authority at the potential cost of losing her life and home. Yet, the father’s determination overpowered that of the girl’s own. Kriemhild’s future was sealed through an arranged union between her and the son of an old, renowned pirate from Skjoldier. Or so it was thought, given the assumption that the ceremony was to be held but mere days away from this announcement of marriage. Kriemhild spent day and night overworking her brain, her thinking, to somehow come up with a way to evade this predetermined, man-made fate. It did not take the girl long before she thought of a possible solution to this damned problem. On the eve of the day before her wedding, Kriemhild escaped. She evaded the watchful guard of men at the command of her own father, running to hide away at the banks of ice and snow from her native land. Whilst, on-the-spot, it was a rather genius idea, the girl soon began to realize the actual severity of her doings. Without shelter, food, or warmth, the girl wandered the vastless white. Her flesh was bitten by the cold, which formed crystals across the skin and numbed her senses. At this point, Kriemhild’s urges to flee a future that she did not consider her own were far too strong for logic to be applied to her actions. Cry after cry, the nigh frozen girl emanated pain and grief, mostly in retribution against her father and the future that he had tried to tyrannically cast upon her. Her noisy laments drew the attention of a pure being, a celestial entity of the divine, who took pity on the woman and her approaching death. Father Winter, it was, and Kriemhild’s angst only served as a corrupting influence for the god. In the act of salvaging the girl, Father Winter’s essence was tainted, becoming dark and frozen just the same; and in this mutation, the first witch was born.” In Modern Times: Witches of Almaris. Fjarriagua, without a doubt, continue to plague the mortal plane, hidden away inbetween peasants and nobility alike. These witches cast ill wish on the world and its sons from underneath the shadows, recurring to secrecy for self preservation and the plotting of primal queens in hopes of exerting absolute reign over the realm. The ice witch, whilst deranged and hateful, ensures the balance between life and death, protecting the existence of their livestock and toys of enslavement from the influence of Widukind. How is an Ice Witch confronted? Folklore of the Ice Witch: Superstitions and Charms. Whilst one’s fate is surely sealed in woe and agony in the presence of an ice witch, it is possible to prevent encounters with these ravenous creatures in the first place, using the following information. - IT IS WORTH NOTING THAT CRONES ARE BUT ASCENDED WITCHES OF THESE BROODS, HENCEFORTH THEY ARE NOT MENTIONED IN THIS SECTION. SIREN These luring witches can be driven away from one’s household by splashing the blood of a child across every door, window, songbox, and mirror of the home in question. In addition to this, one must store their clipped nails and hair, or bones, in jars, and extracted saliva or tears, or blood, in vials, outside of their home by the feet of every door and window. For this to have any effect, one must do it every year at least once on the Snow’s Maiden and the Deep Cold. FROSTRENDER The only way to overcome the effects of a Frostrender’s cursed foods is by procuring a specific tincture out of three herbs: saffvil, for the transformation of physical energy into soul protection, which leaves the consumer generally lethargic; blissfoil, to battle the same cold that is being inserted into the body and soul through the cursed food; and desert berry bush, so that the taste may be sweetened and tolerable. One must ingest this tincture once per year to maintain a constant immunity. BANSHEE Whilst Banshees do not normally hunt, it is often that they manifest in the homes of those mortals who dare send their fellow sisters to death. In this transaction, the Banshee offers the mortal two options: harvest of his body and soul, or a favor between the two. This favor consists in the poor mortal having to give up their firstborn children once the age of eight and ten is reached as a sacrifice for the witch. Wisdoms Given that these witches are practically extinct, there is little to no information regarding their weaknesses and/or any efficient methods to drive them away. However, it is rumored that their sight is obscured by the presence of places of worship, such as churches and otherwise canonist-based structures and/or utensils, which may lead them to avoid these locations. Author’s Note In tribute to A. B. Prudence and their fine work, this article has been styled similarly to Prudence’s own published book about Fjarriagua Culture, such being the main source of veridic and authenticated information about the ice witch. The contents found in this scripture have been researched for a few decades’ worth, serving as a compendium of knowledge gathered over the years. Whilst it is not confirmed whether this information is completely accurate, or true at all, every reader must bear in mind that ice witches do exist, whether in the forms and ways described here or not. Newer chapters will be coming so long as this initial piece of work has guaranteed itself enough of an audience or community. Following chapters will potentially cover further and detailed knowledge regarding the ice witch’s coven system, their lairs, etc.
  5. Forth is brought a call, ingrained within the back of the mind. A whisper, a song. It tugs closer to an alternate reality – a glimpse, not of what once was, but into the unknown. Sorrow and woe cut through the vision, both in sight and sound. “She is forged, borne of a wicked curse.” Boundless potential, unchained magick. Ice weeping bitterly and cold just the same. Yathnz undere yatl daz'zhask al'Rron. Thur'daz’mordu. “Salt and frost perforate the North. It shrieks.” Sturdy, it looms. An ancient cairn of stone. Eldritch, arctic chills leaking from within. Bhrun-cul-ka undere verthkul-fo. “Four witches and divine ambition.” The mirror reflects and portrays the tale. Her rebirth is here. Du'bhaktal gathan-kumrn, zu'emregn ozkuhr. “An antique of unimaginable power, borne of greed.” Blessed as She was, the witch grants a wish. Frost and snow rearrange themselves under Her will. Cries of angst resound loudly within the prophetic mind of the recipient, hailing from a newborn. It surrenders – the North. A silhouette rises from the snow as if magically called upon through the intervention of a cacophonous song. What was it? An unholy canticle. Eve is made. Her grief was deafening, tormenting as though she was forged. Daz’emregn, nal’narg re’sna. “Reborn, she has been.” Numbingly, the cold engulfs conscience and mind alike. It is bitter and one lucidly brought themselves from this nightmare with little struggle.
  6. it feels like ur saying a slur right now say her name loud n clear !
  7. participating in a self teach altar event for earth evocation 2 weeks into the server so that my friend could learn magic. we entered and i had already started with a bad foot by straight up jumping into the void and then my friend decided to go my little pony friendship is the strongest magic on the event npcs, who ended up bashing a rock into my friend's character and pking them for falling off to the void. then i lost my character's hand and a shaman did some weird shit to fix it. good times!
  8. See, I cannot agree with this either. What I'd like to point out first is that this seems a personal opinion regarding their own experience and how they think that the roleplay that has been adjacent to the group -that they lead- should be roleplayed. It is going to be 'biased' to a certain degree. Anywho, please do not use Diogen or Serheim as examples for successful or thematically adequate cultural settings for the Frost Witches. I mean no offense, no harm, and nothing more than the truth: his and your group never received direct involvement or any sort of teacher guidance from his or your respective mentor. There wasn't ever a chance or opportunity to be taught about the ideals of Frost Witch roleplay. You simply can't claim that by going to his group and his group alone, that "we will understand what the Fjarriagua are all about". Like I said, I don't mean any offense, but are you hearing yourself? What would either of you know when you didn't have a competent teacher, and you willingly refused to indoctrinate yourselves under the rest? The problem here is not activity. It is the people. I think y'all are missing the point of the whole post, as well.
  9. In my personal experience, I have not been roleplaying for as long or for as much as you may have been, but the little that I have been able to experience upon joining LoTC and subsequently the Frost Witch community allows me to say the following with complete security: players often deliver interpretations of the lore that they are using mindlessly and what this leads to is the conflictive issue that you have pointed out. Whereas each one of them may live up to the expectations of roleplaying the piece's mechanics as adequately as they possibly could, this does not accentuate that they are also abiding by the foundational and primary aspects that their lore has settled thematically. It is exactly as you described. Frost Witches, Undead, whatever they are, they are oftentimes (if not most of the time) executed without an ulterior reasoning or an ultimate goal behind their storyline, and that is why their lore and their group sinks into inactivity. On a practical note, I understand one must stimulate roleplay and playing with the same few people can get boring. To this I say:it’s what you signed up for. Part of playing this creature is to form a coalition with others like you. If the lore indicates they find comfort in each other, if they’re pack oriented, what have you; it’s what they are. Going against this and having a character act on their own most of the time without any repercussions only serves to prove the point that lore doesn’t matter to players. However, I wholeheartedly disagree with this. There are many factors that you haven't taken into account whilst elaborating on this specific paragraph and these are vital towards the creation of a storyline or group. If I decide to join an alternative cult or rather coven in this case, it is because I want to add to my roleplay instead of substracting interactivity and potential opportunities to progress one's character growth and development. Locking and restricting players behind groups that, Frost Witches as an example, are incredibly unreliant and inactive at times is not only unfair but extremely harmful towards the environment of the group. There is something that every single player should have when it comes to lore, and it is the freedom to orient their character towards whichever direction they feel most attracted to: in the explicit case of Frost Witches, regardless of their narrative-imposed concept of coven-work, there needs to be a balance between the story and the practicality that it has. From what I have been to experience first-hand, it is simply impossible to be fully expectant of a group shutting themselves off the rest of the world and players due to the mere justification that "it is intended to be this way because the lore says so". Does inactivity on the group's part not play a part in this case? Because I, myself, have suffered from stagnancy on the community's part and I have been led to dismotivation and lack of interest for the piece and its adjacent roleplay due to the fact that there were simply no active players (either at the time or in general). Anywho, what I am trying to get across is that you cannot deprive a member of your community from detaching from your nest to undertake their own journey. Freedom is necessary, at least to a certain degree. The rest of the points I very much agree with. lol shut up esoteric cosmology rp larper (this is said with love)
  10. They will be removed, except Cursed Ice since the only variation from the new iteration is the optional effects (a & b). Yes, it is under Tier Progression.
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