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Status Replies posted by Pancho

  1. without naming names, what are some aspects of nation/settlement communities that either draw you in or push you away? what kind of things do you like to see and engage with, or what makes them undesirable to play in?

    1. Pancho


      When the RP is only tea talk. I like to RP with substance. Yet when nothing interesting ever happens outside forum posts or shit is OOCly driven, then I start to distance myself. 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  2. People dont dare admit it, but Failor was peak lotc

  3. me when da aenguls arent necessarily the good guys 

  4. once again, admins fail to ban a creep off the server

  5. The ST post lurkers on Drdobetters app should stop treating these forums like twitter.
    I'm not friends with the guy and even clashed plenty with him

    Instead of being corny, trying to dunk on people & contributing to the mob mentality on this community, you could do an event for once

    1. Pancho


      Nah brother, he isn't the right pick overall. I'm with the ST Lurkers on this one

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  6. Tried to play tonight and found out I got a two-month ban back in March for making fun of degenerates (wheelers) on the forums with an edited version of the "kill, behead, roundhouse kick" copypasta. Moderation in this server is a joke, and actively protects these predators. I'm done with this cesspool.

  7. What symbols are typically used in LOTC to represent medicine? I don't mean just a red cross, I mean moreso for representing medicine as a science such as the Caduceus or staff of Hermes.

    1. Pancho


      We can’t use red crosses sadly, though what I see most often are blue ones or green ones

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. do any NL kings or queens on the server have court jesters, have you guys considered getting court jesters, I realized I've never seen one ever

  9. Every nation allied with every nation, this shit getting boring now

  10. If you’re social media accounts cater or host nsfw and they’re the same username or identification features as you/your branding you’re a bad person. If all i need to do is search your ign to view your accounts it’s not doxxing it’s you being stupid and making shit accessible when most websites have a privacy filter, have an nsfw filter. If all i need to do is click im 18+ to view ur imgur album and i see an elf in a bikini/skimpy outfit with her tongue out (actual art btw) and i got there because i found the link on your /persona view seek immediate help. Freak. If you truly cared, you would’ve avoided putting lewd and suggestive pieces. You know exactly who you are. 

    1. Pancho


      mine redirects to a bunch of plastic surgeons and bollywood actors

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. I would love for everyone's dirty laundry to air out. Lots of people acting like saints out here

    1. Pancho


      no I want pics of your left pinky toe

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. While my departure from mod was nothing short of a surprise to everyone including me, I want to thank everyone who reached out to me and said kind words. I won't lie when I say yesterday felt like a punch to the gut, I felt like a failure and like I let the community down despite only being around for two months. I hope to return to the mod team soon if not someday so I can continue helping others as I promised I would. I am let down by a team I entrusted and was vulnerable with despite my past on lotc involving doxxing, attempts to rat me as well as users using photos of me in graphic ways. While I will not give my best wishes to all, I will say them to the small demographic of remaining gms that did not let me down. I entrust the community during these turbulent times to remain calm, cool and to not act a fool. Don't catch a ban because you wanna be a smartass. I will be withdrawn from the community as well as the server for a bit as I re-adjust. It was a pleasure helping those that I could in my short time, I will continue to help as I had been doing before I was even gm. Sincerely, ever faithful a moderator who doesn't need pex to help others. <3

    1. Pancho


      Rip Smmer as Mod, she actually did her job. Sucks that it ended like this. Some of us will miss you.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. I think three warnings in one day is my all time forum record. Especially for totally innocuous banter posting.

    1. Pancho


      Absolutely wild. My record was three warnings, though I only got one point.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. I've been endorsed by Aesopian to become the next ST Admin. 🏴 

    1. Pancho


      We are so back

  15. Constructs/NPC fighting tools (i.e. NPC homunculi/necromancer constructs) should count towards raid count when raiding :3c 

    1. Pancho


      As someone who has constructs, I agree. It's kinda busted that theoretically 4 necros can go around "banditting" with two constructs each.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. reject nations, embrace scholarly organizations

    1. Pancho


      Citadel of Maesters roleplay when?

  17. I do concur that all roleplayers are in fact r*******

    1. Pancho


      I don't see how that is relevant but pop off ig. Tip for next time, be original

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. Seeing the few people who upvoted an ERPers ban appeal. . .


    1. Pancho


      I upvote every ban appeal, you cannot stop me

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  19. >Be Paladins: Slowly rebuild playerbase.

    >Server: who ever darkspawn tested me. Your momma a h@#


  20. we about to be 20 realms? :eyes:

    1. Pancho


      Hey Pierre, you tryna come out here?

  21. Whispers of an upcoming merger and acquisition involving $HNSE. May be interesting to consider long positions. . .

    1. Pancho


      I wonder how this will affect $AAUN and $VLTZ at the end of the quarter...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Gonna make a new dark elf nation, catch me four tiles south of amathine

  23. Can I join Norasath leadership? I think there's a few positions open :3

  24. I think there are something like 22+ unique realms now as per NL chat

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