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Everything posted by herculean_wud

  1. A GENEALOGY OF CLAN RAGUK’S SIGNIFICANT LINEAGES || Spluttertongue: OTOGAIMAG AKH RAGUK || LINE OF MALGUNUZ [ x ] No known recognised offspring LINE OF NAGG [ ♂ ] Glottgut’Raguk - Deceased [ ♂ ] Klatus’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Groggnar’Raguk - Deceased [ ♂ ] Brainboila’Raguk - Deceased [ ♂ ] Skalpboila’Raguk - Deceased [ ♀ ] Nakita’Lur - Alive, Non-biological [ ♂ ] Eyeboila’Raguk - Deceased Alongside much other unrecognised offspring. LINE OF KHARAK [ ♂ ] Gijaak’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Gahnaak’Raguk - Alive [ x ] No known other offspring LINE OF TURKURZ [ ♂ ] Paniik’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Hazurk’Raguk - Deceased [ ♂ ] Brazurk’Raguk - Alive LINE OF LEYDLUK [ ♂ ] Megaflat’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Krukleyd’Raguk - Deceased [ ♂ ] Morgoth’Raguk - Deceased [ ♂ ] Goldgrabba’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Kwikfinga’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Kuntkrimpa’Raguk - Alive [ ♂ ] Zkrew-luz’Raguk – Alive Alongside much other unrecognised offspring.
  2. lotc has been an interesting experience – lots of good memories, lots of friends, (lots of enemies) and i can basically owe my ability to write well to minecraft roleplay lmfao. never posted a leaving post in the past for my other departures but i intend on making this departure permanent so here we are. server is stale and boring and the staff just seem deadset on continuing to implement rules that stifle creativity, freedom and enjoyment for the sake of preserving the fee fees of a few minecrafters? like have we forgotten this is a game... who cares if yo city gets gassed; its happened to orks a thousand times and i wouldnt change a thing bc genuinely even though we lost (or were wrongfully jewed – literally and figuratively ;^) – out of opportunities) its been fun. plus im banned and i have more self respect than to please minecraft bureaucrat egos for the umpteenth time. Best memory of the server was during 1bows rexdom, orks versus snow elf siege and being set upon by 50 or so mounted dwarves / snelves – for a noob it was just awe inspiring. Anyway, its been good guys. See you hopefully never again – it’ll just speak measures of my fortitude if you do see me again lol.
  3. Minecraft Obudsman Service The Minecraft Obudsman Service is an Obudsman for Lord of The Craft (TythusLTD). It was established in 2020, and given statutory powers by Directive 0231 of the Most August and Venerated Chairman Max Telanir of Silicone Valley (pbuh). It is designed to help settle disputes between players without the need of a ban report. The Obudsman makes decisions on the basis of what it believes is fair and reasonable in the particular circumstances of each case. In making decisions on individual complaints, the rules requires the ombudsman to take into account: relevant rules and regulations; regulator's rules, guidance and standards; codes of practice; and (where appropriate) what he/she considers to have been good minecraft practice at the relevant time. By making use of the Obudsman Service to levy complaints against offending minecrafters you agree not to revisit matters upon which the Obudsman has made a verdict on through a ban report or similar such mediums. Complaints Form: Plaintiff: Offending Minecrafter’s Name: Infractions of the Rules:
  4. hey guys. lets pass the time of lotc being down by posting pictures of our warn points courtesy of chairperson telanir of tythusLTD. this one really struck a cord with me. something about that “idiot” at the end that really made me want to rethink my behaviour on d forums!
  5. THE BOOTLESS WAR ||||| Bûrzgraz - 5th of Snow’s Maiden, 1732 “TODAY!” Cried he, Targoth of Mokh-Uruk, “WE MARCH...” ...and so, without a moment further to spare, the uruks of Mokh-Uruk doffed their boots in solidarity with the Targoth and marched upon the half-built city of Vintas. Word of the Pax Orenia’s plans had drifted back to the Targoth with haste via his vast network of spies - the urchin boy told the farmer, who told the smith, who told the strumpet, who told the elf, who told the bastard, who told the goblin, who told the Wargoth who told Leydluk. It was imperative that his border was quickly secured before the war council could convene. _____________ Attackers The Federation of Mokh-Uruk Defenders The Toelickers of Vintas Wargoals: Flash Warclaim (Geographically nearly kissing Krugmar - No Allies)* Pillage Humiliation. Location & Proposed Time Add me on Discord to discuss this further grubgoth_wud#8956 _____________ *Charter_vintas as of Weds, 4 Sept, 19:00 BST *Charter_orcs as of Weds, 4 Sept, 19:02 BST
  6. add me on discord dog we can negotiate pepperoni_nip#8956
  7. SKINS Hey gamers, I’ve got some epic skins to sell. Three pre-made, each for 750, and the opportunity for 1 epic gamer (thats 1 gamer) to order a custom skin for 3000 minas. Sidenote: I don’t do things mega fantasy. Speciality is medievalesque humans and orks obviously, but I’m open to everything provided it fits the criteria of not being high-high fantasy. Troubadour: Dwarf Merc: Peasant: Keep an eye on this page. I may release some more epic offers for skins if I’m feeling up to it / this is received well.
  8. i’ll sell my services for two weeks at fixed rate of 1000 minas per hour
  9. doom . when will u have my babies ?
  10. Leydluk prepares to do business with his good friend dragonayr generic villain no. 3245
  11. bro what the ****? No shade.......
  12. THE HISTORY ⚙-⚙-⚙ (The Raguk Tome of Barzuga) “Dem Raguks. Dey'z is tuff gitz,” - Unknown Ork Decades ago, when the Raguk name was as fresh upon the lips as morning dew upon the grass, they were feared for their sheer numbers alone. Their encampment stretched over the horizon in a broad swathe of red: an artists filbert stroke across a canvas of sand-yellow. Many thousands of them here dwelled, within the desert of Vailor, their skin red like the blood that smears their hands. Back then, they were referred to as The Vanguard, staunch supporters of worthy Rexes, protective of Krugmar and their Kin. They were the driving cogs of the War Uzg, leading by storm It’s industries and boasting an inconceivably large army. The cogs of the machine known as Raguk never faltered or ground to a halt - they were self-sufficient and well-oiled, forged from the mettle of two clans: that of Glogol and that of Garr. But whilst they were once a force to be reckoned with, overarching incompetence kicked it into the ground to be devoured by the ever-consuming sands of time. (The Planes of the Vailorian Desert) From the Deadlands of the Uzg came a new ork, a grunt by the name of Kharak. Rising the ranks, he shoved aside competition until he himself was Wargoth with now a great warband at his back. With his newfound army, he waged warfare against the High Elf colony of Fi’Ceru and gained himself a name that was respected amongst the orks. With his aptitude towards warfare, he was named Targoth under Kahn and reigned over the Krughai absolutely until the return of Ubba’Ugluk, which saw Kahn abdicate. Ubba then himself abdicated, the mantle of Rexdom passing over to Snoop’Azog with Eath’Lur as his Dominus. During Snoop’s absence, Kharak challenged Eath’Lur to a duel for his position and proved successful, ascending hence to Dominus. Here, he only took his aspiration further and challenged Snoop for the title of Rex. He bested the Azog in combat and took the throne of the Warnation. It was during this time that the Raguks were most powerful. Kharak’s ambitions only drove him further and he came to learn the shrouded practice of shamanism. In time he became a great witch doctor, and employed his power to only sate his ambitiousness further: this time he wanted the world. By convening with Orgon - Spirit of Pestilence - he spawned a great plague that swept and ravaged the land, rending it useless; defunct of life and of purpose. Vailor had ended, and the descendants needed a new home. It was this great blunder that moulded the Raguk’s disdain towards the overtly shamanic. (Rex Kharak’Raguk) With the world in tatters, the Descendants were forced to commit a great Exodus. They trawled the seas in search of a suitable home- the world powers at least for now working in unison for the betterment of their kind -and came upon Axios a lush new land. Here began the scramble for land, but the orks did not worry, for the worst region always fell upon them - and that was how they liked it. This time they took the humid jungles of Asul and they thrived. The Raguks themselves fared well, but the iron of this land was poor in quality and heavily stunted their industry. This was until the death of their liege at the hand of a malevolent spirit. Rexdom switched hands many times before falling into the hands of yet another Raguk: the unifier of Garr and Glogol himself, Malganuz’Raguk. Under Malgunuz’ reign as Rex, he ceded Wargothdom to a Raguk youngling who showed promise, Turkurz. But soon hereafter the orks saw the bloody rearing head of Oren decimate their lands and their people. Like outcasts they were thrown to each an every corner of the land until they were once more reunited in the desert of Tahn on a plot gifted to them by the Dwarven King, Torvin Grandaxe. Here a young Leydluk - then known as Kuntklobbera - challenged Turkurz in a klomp that lasted all night until he proved the victor. Kuntklobbera retained the position for a short duration before an odd infection refined him to a stooping husk and he was no longer capable of leadership. Turkurz once more attained Wargothdom. The orks were to make one more migration under Drokon’Ugluk before settling in the mesa. Drokon, corrupted by the Dark Shaman Kulgarok - who in his naivety he trusted - began culling Wargoths who disagreed with him. First Turkurz was killed, then Aukha’Raguk. After a short but bloody rule - Rexdom was passed onto Orgoth’Braduk who was expected to live up to the standards of his bygone kinsman, Kahn. Unfortunately such expectations weren’t lived up to and Orgoth abdicated to Gurak’Yar. Kuntklobbera soon after returned to the land of the living, bringing a new age of vitality to Raguk, reviving the Krugtel in the process. His reign was very successful and profits from the booming cartel brought him to ascension. Rex Gurak noticed Kuntklobera’s skill at money-making and promoted him to the position of Yazgurtan to ensure that Krugmar’s coffers were filled. Whilst in his position, Kuntklobbera noticed indiscrepancies within the Rexes policies, decisions and even his own personal living. Disdainful at the leaders lack of competence and honour, the Rex rallied a force of Raguk and like-minded orks and confronted the corrupted Rex at the table of his feast. A fight of course ensued. The Raguk, despite their name of the Vanguard, were cut down eventually by the greater force of outsiders who stood beside the false Rex. Seeing the disdain from the orks he ruled, Gurak stepped down from the mantle of Rexdom and Kulgarok took it. His tenure was short lived, however, for through the cracks of his sugar coating it was noticed that he only wished to buckle the spirits. Eath’Lur defended the orkish tradition and dueled him to death. In victory, he took Rexdom and served shortly, before Kuntklobbera himself challenged Eath and ascended to Rexdom. Whilst Rex, Leyd noticed Kuntklobbera’s advancement from afar: is rekindled clan of devout followers and their victories through dominance. In hopes of spurring more ambition from the ruler, to in turn bolster his own power in his own realm, he visits Kuntklobbera in a dream and named him his favoured son: Leydluk. After a mostly prosperous Rexdom, yet one that did not encompass his vision of conquer, he abdicated his claim and handed it to his Yazgurtan, U’la’Yar. Called to pilgrimage he leaves Krugmar and the mantle of Wargoth to Hazurk’Raguk: son of the slain Turkurz’Raguk. (Rex Leydluk’Raguk) After a successful stint of rule from Hazurk, which saw much in the likes of reform and development, he himself abdicated, called by pilgrimage. Ka’nur a prominent smith and tinkerer takes the reigns hence, but his rule doesn’t last long. Hazurk broke his own spiritual calling to meet with his old liege Leydluk and bring him to the new lands. Hereafter they separated, but Hazurk returned to the Uzg, once more taking Wargothdom. After hearing of U’la’s death at the hands of the wood elves, Leydluk returns Krugmar to take the position of Rexdom. Hazurk steps down from Wargothdom and servers a brief tenure as Rex Leydluk’s diplomat. Leydluk assumes the title of Wargoth once more and bolsters the clan to a respectable state and a public asset, to equip the armies of Krugmar with valued Bloodsteel. Angered by the Wood Elven misdeeds, Leydluk musters his army and the armies of his allies and form a war front at Fort Stronk to wage warfare upon the wood elves, confident after extensive prior victories that ground would be gained. Alas, the Dominion proved successful in this endeavour and pushed the orks back- his right hand Hazurk dying in the process -and Leydluk once more abdicates for a fresher mind to take Rexdom: Morlak’Lak. To end the conflict between elf and ork, an audience between the two nations was organized with Renatus as the mediator. Negotiations were at a stalemate and Leydluk suggested that the two leaders solve the conflict with a klomp, with repercussions not only in death. Morlak dueled the elven King in an event watched by many. . .but ultimately lost. The Capital, San’Kala, was stormed by the elven forces and the orks were once more displaced. Just as if history had repeated itself they found refuge with their dwarven allies. But the Raguks didn’t stay. By the Wargoth they were ushered away from Krugmar. Half of the clan stayed with Wargoth Nagg - an Elder of the Clan who assumed the position from Leydluk following his abdication - whilst the other half followed Leydluk to accompany him on his pilgrimage. Once more Leydluk returns, this time with hopes to cement his Clan as a significant force, much like they had been years ago. . .
  13. RAGUK NAMES AND NAMESAKES ⚙-⚙-⚙ Warriors of Clan Raguk surging forth in a bloodlust fueled frenzy. “Evr’y git gotz ta’ ‘ave dere own name, ya peep? If a brudda does real good at smashin’ twiggy nogginz den he’s ta’ be called Headsmasha, lat gruk? If a bruddaz rite ‘hosh at kickin’ teef den he’s ta be called Teefkicka. Ya get da picture?” - Imp’Raguk Some names are allotted at birth, some from work or feats or because of character traits. Though amongst the most unique of Krug’s kin comes from those of Redskinned stock. They are particularly primitive in nature, simple too, yet descriptive enough and relatively utilitarian - as per the unspoken creeds of Clan Raguk. ORK NAMES: Usually takes a body part and then a violent action. Sometimes a name is earned, though more often than not its allotted at birth. In other instances, they are named based on a peculiar trait, feature or mannerism. Some Raguks do boast names that do not fit the above criteria, but this is less common. They are particularly crude in comparison to other ork names, using more K’s and less ‘soft’ vowels. EG: Megaflat, Skullchoppa, Headsmasha, Teefkicka, Bigtuzk, Longnose, Ash-Eye, Morkar, Nagg, Zult-Arm, Gutpuncha etc. GOBLIN NAMES: Goblins take on names that somehow relate to their craft, a tool directly related therein, some kind of mechanism or a work process. EG: Spanna’Raguk, Kog’Raguk, Skrew’Raguk, Pikk’Raguk, Hamma’Raguk, Smiff’Raguk, Nut’Raguk, Bolt’Raguk, Mill’Raguk etc. OLOG NAMES: Olog names remain relatively unchanged. Three-letter names with simple sounds or the first thing that the olog in question eats is still the norm. EG: Pohtaytoh, Tomaytoh, Wud, Bud, Mud, Oob, B’oob, M’oob, Huk, Guhrub, Fik, Gut, Zlop etc. NAMESAKES: Namesakes are titular names granted to an uruk by the Wargoth for a great deed, feat of combat or test of mettle. They usually are written in the form of Old Blah and take a greater meaning than the regular names of Clan Raguk. It is an honour to receive a namesake, much like it is an honour to receive the title of ‘Ser’ amongst human holds. EG: Leydluk [Leyds-Son], Turkurz [Valuable], Dhurburz [Strong] etc.
  14. thats like asking "whats the meaning of life" the answer is so subjective and differs from person to person, from group to group
  15. THE PANTHEON OF THREE THE CULT OF NAAKH-ZA-BARASH The Machine of Eternal Drudgery: an icon of the Naakh-za-Barash. The large cog represents Leyd, whereas the smaller cogs represent Gentharuz and Gazigash respectively. LEYD “Expand my reaches and for you, my son, the world will bow.” The Lord of Chains: Spirit of Physical Strength and Dominance. GAZIGASH “Fill my chalice, redskins, fill it with the wine of life.” Mistress of the Dar ob Griish: Spirit of Blood and Bone. GENTHARUZ “You have yet to be shaped, mortal; yet to be beaten, hardened and quenched.” The Forgemaster: Spirit of Industry, Smithing and Forging. Naakh-za-Barash, the illusive religion of the Raguk; one wrought in steel, blood and in chains. Three tenants that the Raguk believe vital for the continuation of life. In their minds, these factors - and the spirits that represent them - fit together like well-trimmed cogs into what is known as the Machine of Eternal Drudgery. Just as the Raguk proverb states: __________________________ “Wars are not won without Steel. We are not one without blood. And forever are we bound in chains, whether mortal or immortal.” ____________________________ It is this belief that has kept the Raguk from ever truly failing. Never have they sunk so low as to be kicked into the wind like the husks of the clans of yore. Held together by kinship and this dharma, they shall drudge on for eternity like the machine dictates; like the Yellers dictate. . . THE YELLERS Those of the Faith (Yellers making way for a battle-ready Muyakelg.) The Yellers, those who trade sight and mundane speech for greater intuition on matters of the spiritual. They are illusive, by design, who stay below ground away from prying sounds and sights that may wish to disturb their eternal prayer. In some regard, they are considered living sacrifices, for unto their respective spirits do they give their minds, their bodies, and their soul until Kor’s grip separates them from the mortal plain. ______________________ KHLAAR-LEYD He who hears Leyd: a seasoned yet silent warrior. Khlaar-Leyd leads the redskins in sacrifice and prayer for The Lord of Chains. KHLAAR-GENTHARUZ He who hears Gentharuz: a skilled yet silent craftsman. Khlaar-Gentharuz leads the redskins in sacrifice and prayer for The Forgemaster. KHLAAR-GAZIGASH He who hears Gazigash: an intuitive yet silent bloodletter. Khlaar-Gazigash leads the redskins in sacrifice and prayer for The Mistress of the Dar ob Griish. ______________________ Whilst not necessarily shaman- for the Redskins possess a deep disdain for shamanism within their Ranks, save spirit smithing -they know enough of the Old Tongue - passed on from one to the next in the form of chants and incantations - to lead the Raguks in prayer. At the end of every year - in rotations - a great spiritual juncture shall be held, to remind the Raguk of their immortal greaters and to drive their iron will. THE MACHINE OF ETERNAL DRUDGERY “I shall give you a chance, fickle beings, a chance to redeem yourself from this great blunder. . .” (Totem of Leyd - Dominion Forest: Axios) The Yellers find many ways to cement the faith: through chants, incantations, great hunts and sacrifices; and through great stories of old that boast orkish or spiritual heroes, bloody battles and acts of honour. One story that resonates most amongst the Raguk is the story of Leyd’s bloody warpath, from which he defeated Gazigash and Gentharuz in unforgiving warfare. It teaches not only the aspiration of WAAAGH!, or the conception of The Machine, but it finds room to teach of mercy and efficacy. At its core, it perpetuates the Unspoken Creeds of Clan Raguk: “A century ago, when the Clans of Glogol and Garr had yet to come together, the slaving clan Glogol embraced Leyd in his entirety. They built great shrines in their territory and sacrificed unwanted cargo to the mighty spirit in hopes of gaining a mere shred of his attention. Although he did not make it known, Leyd watched the Glogol from afar- gleeful at his absolute worship and his growing power. But when Garr joined with Glogol, they brought with them their way of life and culture: including the worship of the Spirits Gazigash and Gentharuz. Observing this, Leyd grew angry; but he did not enact yet, for those remaining of Glogol stock stayed loyal and true. Though even this did last long, for the tide of many fought wars, time and eventual intermingling washed away the Glogol’s loyalty to Leyd - and Leyd alone - with blood. With this sight before him, Leyd grew enraged. His power was meant to be absolute, but even now his most loyal followers had disregarded him for other spirits. He needed to grapple power once more- but in a war within the Spirit Realm, for immortal power was invaluable in comparison to any magnitude of mortal power. From his throne he rose, calling for his most powerful Lessers to amass their armies; and upon the realm of Gazigash he marched with his great host at his back. In a battle that lasted five decades, Gazigash’s armies were rended and she - and her most powerful Lessers - were bound with the firmest of chains. (One of Gazigash’s Lessers of Bone, lying slain) Next he was to march upon Gentharuz. The Forgemaster proved a worthy foe against Leyd, which lead to half of his army being wiped out in a bloody war that lasted near double the last. Gentharuz and his Lessers were also bound in chains, and with Gazigash and her Lessers, were offered Leyd’s merciful audience. It is said that his intention was to execute both Gentharuz and Gazigash, and take their realms for himself. However, with most of his forces depleted and his power considerably weakened, he needed to rebuild. Ever merciful, he gave this final offer to the Spirit of Blood and Bone; and the Spirit of Industry and Forging: “I shall give you a final chance, fickle beings, a chance to redeem yourself of this great blunder. Join me in a pact that will shake the spirit Realm, and together we shall grow our influence upon the realm of Mortals.” “Izg golm tiil bûth, darûkûrz fulam, bûth u skaatkrum kraat urrhak. Largbashkaum za riink frum gokut, sha largdurbûrz ikhîzub ir uzg ob matûrz.” Having been bested, Gazigash and Gentharuz obliged and formed a great pact with Leyd that stays unbroken to this day; though a pact where Leyd’s power remains absolute. . .” And with that The Machine was created, the pantheon that dictates most of Raguk life rising from the ashes of war, spreading their influence over the mortal realm as a collective, with the Yellers as their middle men:
  16. THE RANKS ⚙-⚙-⚙ [ROSTER] "Ragukses is neva defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we flat we flat klompin’ so it nub count!" - T. Common Raguk Saying THE WARGOTH: LEYDLUK'RAGUK The biggest, meanest and reddest ork of Clan Raguk; Leader and Law of the Clan. THE ELDERS Experienced advisors and aged members of the clan. THE BOSSES Budding Raguks who take the various mantles of infrastructure within the Clan. They may oversee training, building, work or logistics. THE SHOKKTROOPAS Hardened veterans of the Clan, sporting suits of enamelled steel. The more flash amongst them may even sport full suits of Bloodsteel. THE GRUNTS The brunt of the Raguk force: armed to the teeth and sent out into the battlefield in droves. They boast Bloodsteel gauntlets and the Orkhelms of renown. CHROMED Deceased members of Clan Raguk, made chrome in death. RUSTED Dishonorable members of the Clan. Defective and thus rendered useless. SPECIALIZED RANKS DOK Orks well-versed in the art of Raguk medicine. REVHEAD The bard of Raguk - tasked with inspiring morale in war with a variety of battle-worthy tunes. GRUBGOTH Cook of the Clan - tasked with preparing MREs to sustain the battle-ready Raguk boyz. PRESTIGE POINTS In order to rise from Grunt to Shokktroopa- and to even have a chance at being chosen for Boss - an ork must prove himself through deeds deemed strong willed and worthy. Whether through collecting snagas, participating in raids and in drills, winning klomps, collecting materials or slaying beasts- these are all legible methods in attaining prestige points. When a sufficient number have been collected, an ork may ascend. _____________________________________________ WINNING A KLOMP - 2 PRESTIGE POINTS PARTICIPATING IN A RAID - 5 PRESTIGE POINTS CAPTURING A SNAGA - 5 PRESTIGE POINTS ATTENDING A DRILL - 5 PRESTIGE POINTS COMPLETING A TASK - 15 PRESTIGE POINTS [MORE TO COME] _____________________________________________ SHOKKTROOPA - 50 PRESTIGE POINTS BOSS - 100 PRESTIGE POINTS ELDER - 200 PRESTIGE POINTS “ANG GUND GRIISH.”
  17. FEHTUR, SPIRIT OF RANCIDITY AND SPOILING Spirit Type: Lesser of Kinul Spirit Name: Fehtur Spirit Totem: Very few praise Fehtur; no one has ever created a totem in his name. In fact, according to the skepticism of scholarly shamans who know of his existence, it is for the reason of being unknown that he makes things spoil- out of frustration that he is not praised. Spirit Appearance: A wilting plant, bent over and mottled; and beset with rot. Alignment: [Alignment: Dark] Discovery: N/A for now. CROAGALEG, SPIRIT OF BONE Spirit Type: Lesser of Gazigash Spirit Name: Croagaleg Spirit Totem: A pyre of bones with a skull taking the helm. Spirit Appearance: He appears as a skeletal humanoid, with a cloak of withered bone that resembles much the feathers of a raven.* Alignment: [Alignment: Neutral] Discovery: Already known. *
  18. i can write whatever, just hmu
  19. very epic bro, me likey these
  20. tbh as an old olog player i am NOT opposed to ologs being a CA race at its base simply because of their inherent strengths and the apparent difficulty at which their hinderances are rp'd
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