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  1. If you’re social media accounts cater or host nsfw and they’re the same username or identification features as you/your branding you’re a bad person. If all i need to do is search your ign to view your accounts it’s not doxxing it’s you being stupid and making shit accessible when most websites have a privacy filter, have an nsfw filter. If all i need to do is click im 18+ to view ur imgur album and i see an elf in a bikini/skimpy outfit with her tongue out (actual art btw) and i got there because i found the link on your /persona view seek immediate help. Freak. If you truly cared, you would’ve avoided putting lewd and suggestive pieces. You know exactly who you are. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Well why don't you go make a report instead of having this only argument against me, I was not the one trying to get my snapchat, constantly messaging me on discord and all and I kept refusing your little jail bait that got other people banned. The comments I said before I knew your age anyway and I am so deeply sorry it affected you like this because anyway, everybody would see it was a terrible joke with your username.


      Don't go out of your way to go on these kinds of crusades when you support a ToS banned player named DPM, you just make no sense at all and try to attack other players. You are a joke and you should have never been in the GM team, it's cool to see how long it took you to write a reply hahaha, poor you. You are lucky you are not banned with rukio with all the drama you have caused. The only way you got in is because @the_60th recruited every e-girl to his team.


      Edited by Charles The Bald
    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      I would report you for public and private blackmailing with all the screenshots I have of you  but I will just allow you to survive and make your own mistakes with the drama you always created.

    4. Smmer


      @Charles The Bald hes not tos'd they removed it and apologized. I haven't caused any drama not intentional at least in contrast to what I used to be like, im 22 years old now and ive grown from my past or well I can say for a fact I am content with where I am now but I am certainly far from done growing up. Don't try to insinuate I blackmailed you, I didn't threaten anything I just showed who you were. I didnt intend for it to come across as a reflection of who you are now given that was 5-6+ years ago and you're grown up same as I am. But Intentional or not we need to ensure behavior like that isn't encouraged or repeated, we will regress back to atlas era lotc where nazi edge posting discords were common and you could say anything you wanted to a minor. Before you comment in malice, I don't hate you. I think calling out my past and my old igns hurtful n weird especially with what I have endured and been put through but I don't hate you because that would also make me a hypocrite. We have all done bad and we are all working on becoming better. I have done nothing but try to enjoy myself with what few years I have on mcrp, It took me 4 years after I left lotc to part with an abuser still glorified within this community and mentioned of. I only came back not because I was I was ready but because lionbileti buttered me up with "you're my ancient ally" and wanted me to help in savoy. I have still a past to reflect on and work up from, I am not proud of anything I did when I was younger, I have admitted to it many times. However, as much as I was a jailbait the adults failed me, they arent bad people certainly aren't pedos but they still entertained my 'jailbait' despite knowing I was 16. So truthfully, both parties are at fault and its what I strongly believe in situations like my own. I shouldve been banned, and I live with the guilt of hurt I have caused quite often. It's a reflection of lotcs past, a past I don't want to repeat and is something I have tried to steer communties away from but I have been ostracized and been made to feel like a freak for lashing out at people who think its okay to talk about edging and gooning in public/lotc affilated discords. I will reiterate my earlier sentence, I don't hate you charles, I don't hate anyone except tos'd pests n minecraft internet villains.  

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