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Status Replies posted by sam33497

  1. I have had a moment of enlightened cognizance, akin to a four year old suddenly gaining consciousness as his father perishes in an excessively large bowl of mixed-fruit salad containing raisins and orange slices

    1. sam33497


      ? dont mess with me. i'll kill you in roleplay

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. I have had a moment of enlightened cognizance, akin to a four year old suddenly gaining consciousness as his father perishes in an excessively large bowl of mixed-fruit salad containing raisins and orange slices

  3. To the people that think you can't have good faith conflict and CRP without ET I refer you to the 6v25 against the legion last night. 


    If you're having OOC issues with CRP perhaps it's just you, and you shouldn't partake. 



    THAT WAS A BLAST Y'ALL. I look forward to more battles. 

    1. sam33497


      it was bad faith and i was powergaming the whole time

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. (I am not the person who excepts you in btw)

    Hello sorry if this out of nowhere, recently saw your application while scrolling through the forms with friends. And I don’t normally do this but I feel your application is out of this world and your character-building is incredible. Like its been awhile since I heard such a detailed character sheet and emote. Honestly just reading that snitbit of dialogue from you had me coming back from more. Incredible work honestly. Love to see what comes next from her, honestly so excited lol. Wish too see you in LOTC!

  5. without naming names, what are some aspects of nation/settlement communities that either draw you in or push you away? what kind of things do you like to see and engage with, or what makes them undesirable to play in?

    1. sam33497


      ben said it perfectly its basically just giving people who come to the place something to rp about no matter what it is, it could literally be meaningless stupid rp and it would still surpass a place with closed off rp

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  6. There is a disconnect between nation players and general magic players which I find hilarious.


    There could be an insane cataclysmic event occurring and none of the nation players wont care at all or participate. On the flipside the magic players will continue to get 10 or less upvotes on their posts and no one will know who the hell they are.

  7. character design can be an integral factor to storytelling. what are some factors of your character's appearance that relate to symbolism, themes, motifs, or an underlying message?

    1. sam33497


      I make them twinks so it stings more to lose to them in crp

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  8. Recently Ben asked what a true hero is. I decided to modify his question to ask two new questions. What is a true antihero? And why don't I (and maybe others will agree with me) see more antihero type personas in lotc? Why is it always super good moral heroes or super evil darkspawn villains with little middleground? Would love to hear some thoughts on this topic from the community at large. 

  9. guys help how do I stop looking at my lore app every day desperately waiting for it to be accepted

    1. sam33497


      it was accepted like 15 minutes after you posted it

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. What does a “heroic character” look like to you?

    1. sam33497


      pk on death + fight enemies with fervor

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. i got sol invicta's number btw

    1. sam33497


      i want her

  12. What is the most balanced MA on the server? What is the least balanced MA on the server?

    1. sam33497


      most balanced is templarism

      least balanced is naz lol or maybe air evocation

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. Who is the most notorious player-created villain in LOTC history and why? 

  14. naztherak amendment got denied, must ftb tonight to celebrate 

    1. sam33497


      ur welcome bud by my grace i allow you to ftb

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. MArt reviewers - what the **** is the holdup?

  16. Is there a limit on how many TAs one may hold?

  17. Don’t free Clocky 

    (balancing out)

    1. sam33497


      Shur up!!!!

  18. theres an infinite number of ways to do good villainy beyond walking into a town and immediately attacking someone 1 block away from u with a killing emote

  19. Hope you changed your passwords lol

  20. thoughts on people who log on only to crp anyone they encounter to kill as many players?

  21. If anyone is familiar with Mandarin to a fluent degree (or at least acceptable), I would be grateful if they could lend me aid with Hou-Zi modernization!

    1. sam33497


      生命值4700、防御329、甚至201的冠军👤势不可挡🚫,有盾牌🛡,还能翻墙  。有空降🌪,冷却时间只有1️⃣秒,法力🧙‍♂️需要1️⃣5️⃣,甚至变形时会重置冷却时间💫,被动造成固定伤害🗡,然后你提高🥋房间🥋,你提高的越多📈 📈,你的技能加速📈越多。这种情况就会发生! Q有技能加速,技能速度🚀变快📈,然后还有攻击🗡系数,W就是福利了~呃😱😱

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. if ppl under 18 are allowed on the server any mention of sex should be banned and stork lore should be put in place ! 

    1. sam33497


      you dont understand that the silent majority of people who aren't circlejerking on forums are actually playing lotc for romance rp, like im talking good 60% of playerbase. the server will die with no sex, the fleeperpocalypse

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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