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Status Replies posted by Sean_VEVO

  1. what's the funniest interaction you've ever had on LOTC?

    1. Sean_VEVO


      Gash kidnapping me first week of playing and sparing my life because I was larping as Paulie from the Sopranos


      ”you’re too based to kill”

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. We have armor on server that only existed after guns. We have cannons that effectively are 16th or 17th century cannon, not early cannon. We have robots. We have trains. We have bombs.


    But guns? No that would ruin the aesthetic that no longer exists!


    No one is asking for revolvers. No one is asking for modern rifles. Arquebus will do, small firearms would do. Also for reference that would solve your issue with plate armor without negating the use of longbows. (Guns existed alongside bows and crossbows for centuries.) You are goofy if you think a gun would ruin your nonexistent server aesthetic.

  3. lets spread some positivity- name your least favorite lotc character and @ them :)

    1. Sean_VEVO


      veluc is also my least favorite character! 😁

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. The ST post lurkers on Drdobetters app should stop treating these forums like twitter.
    I'm not friends with the guy and even clashed plenty with him

    Instead of being corny, trying to dunk on people & contributing to the mob mentality on this community, you could do an event for once

  5. i think a lot of people in this damn server are negative nancies and need to start to be more positive. for real.

  6. 128+ people really ******* voted on my berry bush poll and only 13 of these chums upvoted the ******* post 


    **** YOU 

    1. Sean_VEVO


      bad poll berry bush dominance scoreboard

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. what are your lotc hot takes

    1. Sean_VEVO


      resurrection by the monks is goofy and pk should be enforced for narrative

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. Which player-run group of antagonists have been the most successful? 

  9. Here's the question, batman. Did spoon-feeding turn the heroes incompetent? Did pandering create a dark age?

    1. Sean_VEVO


      The heroes have always been incompetent, you just didn't have the eyes to see it

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)


    1. Sean_VEVO


      The Return.

  11. whats the judaism/jewish inspired religion/culture on lotc bc i know for a fact there is one or two

  12. Who is the most notorious player-created villain in LOTC history and why? 

    1. Sean_VEVO


      I would say Gashadakuro but thats forgetting Gaspard van Aert and the 9 billion trillion innocent Haensers he killed with his bare hands :(

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  13. happy Easter guys


  14. what the hell happened here?

    1. Sean_VEVO


      Instigators bait each other and cry instead of respecting each other and minding their own business

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hey guys... happy March 31st make sure to celebrate your respective holidays by baiting each other online and acting like a victim when your respective side responds to your hate.


    And remember! Updating your status to reflect your views is more important than doing actual work!

    1. Sean_VEVO


      Please go outside, for once.

  16. 'It is forbidden to force-d20; therefore all force-d20ers are punished unless they force-d20 in large numbers and to the sounds of trumpets' -Voltaire

    1. Sean_VEVO


      Not Holy, Not Orenian, and Not an Empire.



  17. Kind of hate how long magics take to learn - it kind of de-incentivises mages being any race that don't have ridiculously long lifespans, or forcing them to find some way to extend their lifespan (Tawkin, Machine Spirits etc). Also I am very impatient sooo. . . take this how you will.

    1. Sean_VEVO


      I don't think it disincentivizes it, but I do think its crazy it takes multiple months to learn simple voidal magic.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. When we all had our weekends back. One man decided to change that. Smh.. the disappointment is real.

  19. the ferryman ultranationalist movement isn't real

  20. Urguan has completed focus, "Why we fight!" 

  21. I don’t blame Jerry being traded to the enemy team, I want to see my boy getting the leprechaun’s lucky pot. 2k Minas a week? I’d side swap for that too compared to the measly 1.5k Mick gives me every two weeks. I’m so happy that Jerry could find a better contract. 

    1. Sean_VEVO


      Brother didn't swap sides, he got traded to the Valdev Haensers in the NBA Draft

  22. no du loc who wants a pocket ET?

    1. Sean_VEVO


      It's okay we will simply make it better than before.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. I wish there was a way to opt out of having to rp with child characters.

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