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Everything posted by Sykogenic

  1. I agree with all of you. The idea of cooperation is cute, but not realistic. The only thing that I think I disagree with is what Harold said about “No CBs.” I think CBs are fine as long as they are clearly defined and not granted by random rulings every time. Teams, and more importantly Admins, change. I was on the team back then and it was a god damn nightmare. I want your feedback because I want to create something that you all actually enjoy and feel a part of.
  2. I think you miss the point my guy. I’m not a dev, that’s not what I’m asking. We are all fully aware that the server performance issues hinder us no matter the system. But onto your actual points... War Team =/= Less Bias. The propensity for bias will exist in the exact same amount no matter what you label the team. I’m cool w/ a War Team, just not for this reason. Ratio system will be looked into. “Next bring an actual warclaim system...” Yes, what do you think that should include? What makes a warclaim system an “actual” warclaim system? Could you expand on that? Maybe provide some examples? Discord DMs are open if you don’t wanna stir up drama by name dropping on the forums. Sykotic#1867
  3. Your View: Conflict & War Good afternoon ladies & germs, and happy Valentine’s Day to all. It is that time of the year/map/whatever where we get to talk about a very divisive issue within our community - Conflict, and more specifically, War. Over the years there have been many different rulesets and guidelines that various teams and admins have all tried to implement to fix the conflict cycle. However most, if not all, have fallen short. The current guidelines are no exception. We as a team do recognize the issues with the current system in place and want to help fix that. I’m not going to sit here and claim that I’m going to lead the Moderation team to the promised land and create a conflict system that is perfect. By no means do I expect to achieve such a feat. To do so would really be unachievable in the scope and limitations that we operate, both mechanically as a minecraft server and with our server ideals. What we do hope to achieve is to create some sort of base system that can be easily modified and tweaked as time goes on that will not require a full rewrite or overhaul every few months. We want to create stability amidst the chaos with tangible and fair rules and ideals. I’ll spare you further rambling from me though, this thread is really about you guys. Ultimately we would like any feedback you have about Conflict + War, but here are a quick few questions to stimulate responses. All I ask is that you keep your responses and hate directed toward the system you are critiquing, not the person who wrote it. What do you want to see from a Conflict/War system? Where have previous systems failed? What glaring issues do you see in the conflict cycle? How do you make War fair?
  4. instead, link me some music you like or is inspirational or sum ****
  5. Menthol or non-menthol? beer or liquor? Do you abide by all driving laws? favorite handgun caliber? Do you feel the bern? favorite year in American history?
  6. Shame to see you go bud. But also good for you, too many people get caught up in this ****. While I only really got to know you during this final tenure as Story Manager, I’ll miss ya. You were a plethora of knowledge and could always be relied on for some witty input or banter. Safe travels, and you better come back to share your book with us.
  7. I unironically miss Fireheart at this current point in time. Might have fostered and enabled Pun, but at least he remembered to use Discord once a week. Also, I do not accept your apology you snake.
  8. Just an FYI. The Story Team is not currently recruiting. Very few apps will be left up and put into the que for when recruitment does reopen. 

  9. The only Karen is @Kaelan, don’t steal memes.
  10. Give appeals back to mods, and leave report overhaul to same. ty.
  11. will these donations go to getting a better server host? :^)
  12. make welf join tresery ty

    1. Child Neglecter
    2. TheNanMan2000


      Why are you copying KBR’s character name dude wtf

    3. FlemishSupremacy



      more like...

      trashery hahaha xd gottem

  13. I helped write a 50 page report to get Pun removed, and you expect me to read your 4 paragraphs that you wrote about free speech on a private platform?
  14. Looking for more people interested in playing a Wood elf to join the Tresery Seed. forum PM or discord DM sykotic#1867

  15. free the boys mickael and elite :’(

  16. If you’re looking for the best Wood Elf RP out there come join Irrinor. We accept Wood Elfs of all walks of life, and have tons of opportunities for new players!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      Not all walks of life

    3. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      2 hours ago, TheAlphaMoist said:

      Not all walks of life


      who said you’re even a wood elf any more............

    4. Ixli


      Don’t get ur hopes up lads

      irrinor 2 burn 

  17. just keep digging

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