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Everything posted by Sykogenic

  1. @Telanir When is this new staff application format effective? Will current apps that are pending or unreviewed need to be remade?

    1. Telanir


      Hi Tuarz! It is effective immediately, but I would hate for existing work to be lost. For this reason I have not archived the existing apps I just moved them to the denied section where you can find them all organized. It's completely fine if you copy paste things from your old app or reference it during your interview, I'm sure everyone would prefer that option to a full rewrite.

  2. Am I blind and missed the thread, or is the LT pre-7.0 contest not announced yet?

    1. Bluee
    2. GodEmperorFlam


      It got postponed since I didn’t want to release it shortly after that one (linked above) was released. Since some time has passed I’ll be releasing it sometime this week.

  3. Hey so like, I played here like 4 years ago and have since changed my MC account name. Do I gotta reapply or....?

  4. Spent the last 4-5 hours working on my Purge VA... My head hurts

  5. "If it's not broke, don't fix it" ~ People with logic

  6. Can I play with madness?

  7. I swear to g0d m8, I see 1 mur post about stealthninjaAP lockign a thread I might blow up the world.

    1. Bethykinss


      No, no blowing up the world. We won't be able to see 3.0 if you do! Now do you want that?

  8. Quite shocking how spot on Rhise's good bye post was. It really is a clusterfuck and OOC Game of Thrones...

    1. argonian


      Yeah, everyone is trying to become the most popular, or an Admin and stuff like that.

  9. So. Many. People. Misinformed. About. Pot. Dont gotta smoke it but atleast know your facts before you rant about Drug lords and overdosing.

  10. #MimeOverlords2568

  11. Server down? Blame White Roses

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Geo


      I'm a mime. One day I will mime. Mime.

    3. rukio


      My little monologue by Zill > Geo's comments about mimes. Just sayin'

    4. Sykogenic


      You are geo. One day you will geo. Geo.

  12. (( forget it. Stupid copy/paste of the questions ruined the whole thing.))
  13. Im done trying to explain to people how Nobles should get their ass handed to them by assassins.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      On the other hand, many assassins refuse to consider that nobles are constantly surrounded by guards and tasters, but cannot do so due to real life scheduling.

    3. Skippy


      Today I fought a blacksmith. He survived all of my axe hits to the face!

    4. Cyndikate


      This is why assassins shouldn't waste their time in Oren. Majority of them suck, and usually the ones that meta.

  14. (( I will bring up your app at tonights meeting Fera.))
  15. ((Alright. Sorry for double post. I know. Wanted to get this into its own post. Ok so what I liked about it: - Your character is unlike the others in the guild. Could bring some fresh RP. - Good ideas on how to steal things. - Seem like a nice guy. What I didn't like: - Seemed rushed and lacks effort. - Added unnecesary things like The whole guard chasing a man you accused of stealing even though it was a clean theft and all.. -As far as I can tell, you don't have a VA yet. My gut says yes but I think you should re apply and put a little more effort into it. That goes a long way. So re-apply. Put in effort. Organize it. Make it crisp and clean. Good luck.))
  16. Is it me or does Monster do nothing to you but make you need to use the bathroom?

  17. *Logan pulls out a dagger and pins a note to the board* You forgot my name on the list of important people. I'll have your bloody heads. *It is signed with a red square X through it*
  18. 1. Stop -1'ing posts that you disagree with. So bloody immature. Its like saying "You suck and are wrong and don't deserve to post because we disagree." 2. This would have been an amazing event. I think that I might have a boat I could lend you if we work something out >.>
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